Guest Writer Article Submission Guidelines
****Guest Writer Article Submission Guidelines***
Are you a Christian? Do you enjoy writing? If you've answered yes to both of these questions then continue reading this article to learn how you may be eligible to submit guest posts to Living Fit, Healthy and Happy.
Living Fit, Healthy and Happy reserves the exclusive right to update the Guest Writer Submission Guidelines at anytime. We are no longer accepting guest post requests from webmasters of other websites.
As the administrator of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) I define "webmaster" as anyone who owns, operates, or is actively involved in the operation of a commercial website. This includes but is not limited to the following: website maintenance, SEO, SEM, promotion and publishing. Websites that display ads of any kind (or where the website receives payment for goods or services) are considered commercial websites.
Webmasters who wish to display links on this website must contact the administrator for information about our advertising rates. Webmasters who do NOT intend to advertise on this website should carefully and thoroughly read this article before submitting any guest posts to Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM).
Quality guest posts from Christians who fans and regular readers of "Living Fit, Healthy and Happy" are always welcome. To be considered for publication on "Living Fit, Healthy and Happy" articles must meet the following criteria:
1. clear, concise, and well composed presentation of factual information.
2. if the article uses source information, citation must be provided as an end note in the article.
3. no use of profanity, pornography, nudity, inflammatory or derogatory words, phrases or negative references to any persons, groups or places.
4. articles can not contain malware, phishing, spyware, embedded text or point to cloaked websites.
5. work must be original. Plagiarized content is not allowed. Articles must satisfy Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) criteria. If proof is provided to Living Fit, Healthy and Happy that an author has violated DMCA criteria such that content has been copied, or that the article in any way violates the DMCA, the article will be removed.
6. if the article contains an image, the author must provide proof that he/she has received permission from the model(s) for use of his/her likeness in the image appearing in the article prior to publication.
7. author must provide a clear byline which must appear at the end of the article.
8. author must provide a valid email address for contact with the administrator of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy (but this email address will not be posted in the article unless the author chooses to do so in the link section of his/her article).
9. article must contain a minimum of 450 words not including the author's by line. Articles containing excessive repetition of words/keyword stuffing will be rejected.
10. articles containing links pointing to commercial websites or Facebook business pages will be rejected.
11. articles that do not promote the word of God will be rejected. By word of God, I mean that articles should reflect on how God has helped the author in leading a healthy lifestyle. This must be done in a way that does not speak in contradiction to the Scriptures of the Christian Bible.
12. Due to the amount of fake requests sent via gmail, submissions sent via gmail will be rejected.
Writers retain full ownership rights of any articles appearing on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). If for any reason the author wishes to modify his/her article or wishes to have it removed from Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) he/she must notify the site administrator via email correspondence. As publisher and administrator of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) I reserve the right to remove any articles that are contrary to the mission of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). However, I will not MODIFY the re-published works of other authors.
Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) is not paying for articles at this time. However, due to requests from regular readers asking about how they can become more involved in Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM), we are offering the opportunity to guest post with us.
Any writer who has a personal Facebook page and wishes to tell his/her friends about their articles may provide a link to his/her personal Facebook page in the byline. This is beneficial because it increases the author's exposure and may provide opportunities in other venues when they have written guest posts for Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM).
Webmasters seeking links to other websites will not be accepted. Webmasters seeking links to their websites must contact the administrator about advertising rates on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM).
Do not send email attachments. Fans and regular readers of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) who wish to submit a guest post must submit TEXT articles and writing samples can message me on Twitter @blog4health for review. If I select your article(s) I will notify you via email upon date of publication.