How Do You Change the Direction of Your Life?
This is the time of year when people are often just starting the process of their New Year's resolutions. Whether it be losing weight, getting the job promotion that you feel you so rightfully deserve, becoming a mega rock star, etc. you're so filled with energy and anticipation at the beginning but then after a while you've got no momentum left. And the next thing you know, you've slipped back into your old habits. What happened?
Why Do You Fail?
It's a simple question that doesn't necessarily have an easy answer. You're the only person who can truly know why you fail. But if you're like billions of other people, you're probably a bit resistant to or even somewhat fearful of change.
The unknown is often scary to people because they don't know what will happen to them. You could either become an overwhelming success and actually accomplish what you said you'd do, or you could fall flat on your face and be the laughing stock of everyone around you.
Most folks are absolutely terrified of losing face, so they'll do anything to avoid public humiliation. But some of you are afraid of success. Yes, you're afraid of succeeding. If you actually do succeed, it means that you may just have to make other changes in your life that you're totally unprepared for.
Since these changes are all part of the unknown (and what a scary unknown it is) you'd just as soon keep things as they are. Yes, it happens to billions of people. It's natural. Humans prefer the familiar because familiarity is associated with safety.
But is "safe" really doing it for you?
Do you remember how you felt when you first learned how to ride a bicycle without training wheels? Better yet, what it was like when you took your first steps? What happened? Well, if your experience was anything like mine, you fell down. Did it hurt? Yes, it sure did. But what did you do then? Maybe you cried, maybe you didn't.
But you got back up, didn't you? Why? Was it because you had the warm and loving support of your family whom you knew was awaiting you with open arms? Perhaps. But surely there was something else that got you off the floor and walking again. Or hopping back on that bicycle. What was that "something"? The need for change.
Yes, the very thing that many people learn to fear is what gave you, me and countless others the power to do something that we had never done before. And what happened after that? You became better at walking and before long you learned how to run. When you first learned to walk you did it because you had to. You couldn't continue crawling around forever. You had to stand up. You did it then. And you have the power to do it now.
This doesn't have to be in the literal sense, you take your first step the very moment you stand up within your heart. This takes on even greater significance if you give your power over to Jesus Christ and stand up in Him.
If You Set Your Mind To The Work Of God You Will Succeed
That might sound cliche but it's really the truth. Whatever you focus on, eventually that is what you'll get. And this can work both ways: for example, if you set your mind upon failing then you'll succeed at being a failure. If you focus on improving your life relationship with Christ then you'll experience positive results.
Maybe not overnight, but you'll get there. Unfortunately, all too often people look at how difficult it is to get from wherever it is they are right now, to where they want to be that they give up. It just becomes too hard to fit gym time into your regular schedule, to learn new skills that will help you at work, to read or write music that will help you become a musician. The same thing happens when you seek to live your life in a way that glorifies God. So you convince yourself that it's all too difficult. You stop working out, making music, trusting in God and just give up.
At the root of this is fear. Fear of change. What happens if people don't like the new you? What if everyone laughs at you? No. It's better to just go back to the way things were before. At least you know what to expect. Does this sound familiar to you?
How Do You Change the Direction of Your Life?
So now we're back to the headline question that opened this article. Last month I was watching a classic holiday cartoon. One of the characters was a mean and powerful wizard who trolled the forest picking on anyone who passed through his domain.
But the hero of the story would have none of it. He recognized the good within the mean wizard and encouraged him to change. And how could the wizard accomplish this? By putting one foot in front of the other.
By choosing to change. For the better. We don't have to settle for things as they are. Even if you've been doing the same thing year after year, if you're unsatisfied with it, then change paths. Start slowly, but keep going.
Ask God for help. Ask God to guide you to reach the goals that He wants you to accomplish. Set short term goals and trust in God to make them happen. This applies to all apsects of life whether it be fitness, school, work, relationships, etc. Make each small goal connect to another one. (If you're having trouble meeting your fitness goals read my article "9 Reasons Why People Don't Reach Their Fitness Goals" which will give you tips on how to get back on track.)
When you have doubts about what you're doing, think about what you want to do in the service of God and why you want it. Reflect on what you've accomplished thus far. And use that strength to continue improving your situation. And it doesn't matter what other people think.
You can't please everyone. You're bound to make some people uncomfortable when they see the changes that you're making in life. Especially if they've talked themselves out of making positive changes of their own. Don't worry about them. As long as you're happy in Christ and doing good, that's the important thing. And just as surely as some people will want you to fail, others will want you to succeed. If you inspire others to do better by following God that's a wonderful thing in itself.
So don't allow a fear of change to hold you back. The path might be long, and there's bound to be bumps along the way but you've just set out on the most important journey of your life. And it's a journey worth making.
Have you decided to make a change in your life? Do you have any doubts that you'll make it? How did you work through them? Tell us about it in the comments.
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