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Lose Weight and Prevent Diabetes By Eating A High Fiber Breakfast

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"More freshly squeezed orange juice, please. And I'll take some rye toast with that. Thank you." Eating a hearty breakfast that includes rye bread will reduce hunger and keep insulin levels in check, that's the conclusion reached by Swedish researchers in a report recently published in Nutrition Journal.

Scientists from the division of Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry at Lund University in Sweden performed an interesting experiment: they fed breakfasts to ten healthy men and women. Over the course of several months, each person was fed breakfasts which consisted of rye based products or white bread. The plasma of each person was then analyzed for concentrations of glucose, insulin, fatty acids and other  hormones involved in hunger, as well as a subjective assessment of their feeling of fullness.

Four and a half hours later, the subjects were offered lunch and instructed to eat until they felt full. Interestingly, those whom had eaten rye at breakfast felt less hungry and had lower insulin spikes than those whom had eaten white bread. Experiment designer Liza Rozen concluded that rye had a positive effect on appetite regulation and insulin response, thus making it useful for weight management. 


High Fiber Breakfasts Can Prevent Diabetes

Millions of Americans start their day with breakfast, but few actually realize the importance of this meal. A well balanced breakfast can make the difference between a day filled with energy and enthusiasm or one of listlessness and fatigue. One of the reasons why people often feel hungry during the day is because they're eating too much sugar but not enough fiber.

When you have a danish or a bowl of sweetened cereal, it causes blood sugar levels to rise. Your body compensates by releasing insulin to remove the sugar from your bloodstream and storing it in muscle and liver. The elevated insulin level following a meal is what is known as an insulin spike.

Normally a person's blood glucose levels return to normal just a few hours after they finish eating. But abnormally high blood sugar concentrations cause a person to feel hungry, prompting them to eat more food. Even worse, elevated blood sugar can lead to type II diabetes. Whole grains are a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is a complex sugar that is unable to be digested making it fantastic for weight loss.

This is because fiber takes up space in the stomach helping a person to feel full. When a person is full he/she is less likely to eat. And as Rosen's study demonstrates, fiber doesn't cause a drastic rise in insulin levels, thus it can be helpful in preventing diabetes. Now you can see why fiber is so important to health. But if you're still unconvinced, here are more reasons to include whole grain foods in your diet.  

Whole Grain Foods

  • are low in calories
  • help prevent constipation
  • lower bad cholesterol
  • bolster the immune system
  • fight cancer
  • reduce risk of stroke and heart attack
  • are a rich source of vitamins and minerals

So the next time you're deciding on what to have for breakfast, think about adding some whole grains to the menu. And a slice of rye bread would be a great place to start.

Now I'm going to turn it over to you. Do reports such as this one make you more conscious about what you eat for breakfast? What other sources of whole grain foods can you think of? Tell us about it in the comments.


“For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, he is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.” Hebrews 2:16

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Article Sources

Rosen et al: Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye products.  Nutrition Journal 2011 10:7.

Whole Grains and Fiber. American Heart Association. http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4574


"High Fiber Breakfasts Promore Weight Loss, Fight Diabetes" copyright 2011. Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.



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We have recently had a family member diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and eating a healthy breakfast high in fiber has gone a long way to controlling her blood sugar levels. She was advised to stay away from white bread all together.

Thanks for you comment. As you know, type I diabetes is the result of the body's inability to synthesize insulin so, they receive it from pumps or injections. High GI foods can send the blood glucose concentrations through the roof and can be fatal so a person's life depends on constantly keeping an eye on his/her blood sugar.

Personally, I prefer whole grain bread to white bread in large degree because of the taste. It's much more filling, too.

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