How To Use Social Media Tools On This Website
I spend so much time telling you to let your family and friends know about Living Fit, Healthy and Happy, that it would be a good idea to write an article that will help you do that. So think of this article as a mini-tutorial for using the third party social media tools which I installed on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy.
Locating and Using the Social Media Tools on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy
The internet is becoming more social with each passing day. Blogs and forums are giving people a chance to share their ideas with others. Tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Buzz make this even more convenient.
I installed third party social media tools throughout this website because I want to make it easier for you to connect with others through our site. The most noticeable are the "Share This", Facebook like, Twitter and Connect buttons. I'll give a brief summary of each of them.
Social Media Tools on the Sidebars
1. ShareThis. I installed the "ShareThis" button in the upper corner of the right sidebar, just under the Facebook Like box. ShareThis gathers your favorite social media tools in one convenient place. Move your pointer over the button and you'll be presented with a short menu which includes email, Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Aim Share, and other social media options.
Click on the "View All" button and the menu expands to reveal Tumblr, MySpace, Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Allvoices, FriendFeed, Diigo, Amazon Wishlist,, etc. As a matter of fact, ShareThis has links to all of your most popular and frequently used social media outlets. When you want to share an article link with your friends, you can do it without having to leave the website (but you should be signed into these services in order to use them).
2. Facebook Like Box. This widget connects you to Living Fit, Healthy and Happy's personalized Facebook fan page. This is where you can socialize with other fans, ask questions and get updates specific to fan page members. The Facebook Like Box is located at the top of the sidebar.
3. Networked Blogs. When you sign up for Networked Blogs you get access to Living Fit, Healthy and Happy as well as other top blogs in health, fitness, humor and hundreds of other categories. You can find the Networked Blogs button in the sidebar just below the Twitter Search box.
4. DuckDuckGo Custom search box widget. This widget isn't a social media tool per se, but it's a tool that I installed on the right side bar. This search box allows you to search for articles published on Living Fit, Healthy and HappySM without the inconvenience of leaving the website.
Social Media Options at the Bottom of Each Article
I've also made it easy for you to share our content by installing social media buttons at the bottom of every article. These include Facebook, Twitter, Digg, and ShareThis. You can easily connect with your friends without having to leave our website.
One Last Word About Social Media
I enjoy sharing information with my readers. Social media is always expanding. I use a lot of these tools and I'm still amazeded by the rate at which new apps are developed. I learn about new tools by staying up with the latest developments and reading articles presented on Darren Rowse's blog which is named
Now that you know about the social media tools that I've installed on the website, I hope that you'll use them to make your visits all the more enjoyable.
***Spread the word! Use the social media and networking tools on this website to tell your friends about us.***
I'm living fit, healthy and happySM. Are you?
"How To Use Social Media Tools On This Website" copyright 2011 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.