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Don't Let It Weigh On You- A Special Weight Loss Series

Deadlifting Challenge - Week 2 Progress Report


(copyright Living Fit, Healthy and Happy - "Joseph performing barbell dead lift")



I had a good week of strength training and deadlifting so I'm going to get right to the week 2 progress report.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

I focused on upper body strengthening and cardiovascular exercise employing a minicircuit of barbell bent over rows (4 sets x 200 pounds), dumbbell side bends (3 sets x 40 pounds in each hand), running in place (9 sets x 2 min), and pull ups (1 set x 12 reps at body weight). 

After coming off a three day weekend it was good to it the gym. The barbell bent over rows were my favorite exercise of the day, I performed twenty reps at 200 pounds. I could feel it in my upper back and shoulders. I gave my obliques a good workout with multiple sets of side bends.

The obliques are essential to good posture, core strength (which is key to dead lifting) and the V taper. To keep those muscles strong, I'll alternate between dumbbell side bends and hanging obliques throughout the deadlifting challenge. 

Workouts should consist of cardio, too; it's good for circulatory and respiratory systems. Running in place fit nicely into the routine.

I also did one set of pull ups. I had finished up everything else on my list, but I was feeling revved up and did one set just for fun. It was also good for my shoulders and back which is good for strength and muscular definition.

I had a good workout.

Wednesday 6 July 2011   

I hit all of the major muscle groups on Wednesday. I performed dumbbell squats (5 sets x 200 pounds), side step push ups (3 setx x 12 reps) and walking in place (10 minutes). The squats were good for my glutes, hamstrings, thighs, back, ankles, abs, and wrists. Core strength is where it's at.

If you've got a weak core, you can forget heavy lifting. Dumbbell squats help my grip strength, which has a carry over advantage to my dead lift so this exercise will remain part of my training regimen throughout the deadlift challenge. 

I performed multiple sets of side step push ups, this was to exercise the muscles in my chest, arms, and core. It was also good for coordination and speed (so this gave me an extra cardio workout). Side step push ups are non-conventional, making them one of the best push up exercises in existence (second only to hand clap push ups, in m opinion).   

I wanted to get in some aerobic exercise but my legs were sore after doing so many squats. So running was out and brisk walking was in. I maintained a steady gait and breathed normally, allowing myself a brief rest before resuming my next set of squats; alternating between the exercises in this manner improved the quality of the workout.

I had a good time and felt primed for dead lift day.

Friday 8 July 2011 - Deadlift Day

(copyright Living Fit, Healthy and Happy - "Joseph dead lifting 345 pounds")

The workout was unexpectedly short, but I had enough time to get in some deadlifting and finished up with six minutes of walking. Last week I challenged myself to perform twenty deadlifts at 345 pounds, but I had to settle for ten of them. The good thing was that I completed them quickly, which means that I can perform twenty reps in thirty minutes. 

My left hip was sore from Wednesday's squats, which surprised me but I worked through it to finish the workout. Minimal discomfort comes with the territory, I once watched a strongman contest where a guy finished in first place despite having to deal with a charlie horse. Athletics is as much about determination as it is about physical strength.

Dead lifting Plans For Week 3  

I had a good week. I deadlifted much faster than I had last week, and I'll keep the weight amount the same for week 3. The whole purpose of this challenge is to get beyond the 425 pound plateau. The only way to break through it is to lift heavy and lift often. I'm going to increase the number of rowing sets while keeping the weight at 200 pounds, the more that I do the stronger my core becomes.

Squats are good, but I want more. I'm going to add in one set of crossovers. This has advantages over the leg press because when I do this exercise, I'm using gravity, height and distance. This high impact exercise will accomplish several things:

  • enhance my leg strength
  • shock absorption will strengthen my bones, tendons, and ligaments
  • give me a cardio workout     

My dead lifting goal is to complete twenty reps at 345 pounds in thirty minutes. My body can take it, I just have to be in the right frame of mind. I'll give you a progress report next Tuesday, so please look forward to it. 


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"Deadlifting Challenge - Week 2 Progress Report" copyright 2011 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.



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