Deadlifting Challenge - Week 4 Progress Report
It was unusually hot so I reduced the intensity of my workouts to avoid heat related injury, which gave me a good and safe training week.
Monday 18 July 2011
I performed a minicircuit which consisted of barbell bent over rows (5 reps x 4 sets x 185 pounds), pull ups/chin ups (10 reps x sets x body weight) and walking (5 sets x 2 min). I turned the fan up to full power, but it had little effect on cooling the area because of the high humidity in the room.
To prevent dehydration, I drank lots of water. It's absolutely crucial to stay hydrated particularly in environments of elevated heat and humidity because exercise raises body temperature (this is a natural product of energy expenditure). When the air is saturated with water (humidity), the body has a harder time cooling off, which can become serious if body temperature gets too high.
I trained at a lighter pace, after a thirty minute workout called it a day. It was a good workout.
Wednesday 20 July 2011
I performed a whole body workout. I performed dumbbell squats (10 reps x 5 sets x 160 pounds), standing barbell one arm chest press (4 reps x 2 sets x 125 pounds, 7 reps x 2 sets x 95 pounds), pull ups (10 reps x 1 set x body weight), clean and press (1 rep x 135 pounds) and running in place (15 minutes total).
I stayed hydrated and limited myself to just 30 minutes of exercise. After two sets of standing one arm barbell chest press exercises, I decided to reduce the amount by thirty pounds; this is because my left pecs didn't have the energy to keep up with my right side. Even though I reduced the amount of weight lifted for the dumbbell squats it was still enough to give my lower body some needed exercise.
All in all I had a good workout.
Friday 22 July 2011 - Deadlift Day
I would have been unsafe and unwise to do heavy lifting during extremely hot and humid weather, so I performed deadlifts at 53 percent of my one rep max. The workout was set up this way: deadlifting (10 reps x 225 pounds) [60 seconds rest] hand clap push ups (10 reps x body weight) 10 minutes of walking.
I performed five deadlift sets and three sets of hand clap push ups, I did the push ups for upper body strength/conditioning/coordination exercise. The walking was done for light cardiovascular exercise and allowed me to take cool down after weight lifting.
I had a good workout in spite of the heat.
Deadlifting Plans For Week 5
During week 2 of my deadlifting challenge, I performed ten deadlifts at 345 pounds. If the weather improves, I plan to deadlift for twenty reps at 345 pounds. I'll reduce the squats to 190 pounds while keeping the number of reps and sets consistent with previous workouts in this exercise. The crossovers are good but I won't do any this week. My hope is this will give my hamstrings enough time to recover for deadlift day.
I'll keep you updated on my progress.
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"Deadlifting Challenge - Week 4 Progress Report" copyright 2011 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.