What Is Living Fit, Healthy and Happy (SM) About?
Hi. I'm Joseph, the administrator and publisher of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). This website receives a lot of visitors and we're happy to serve all of you. But every so often someone will scratch their head at the diversity of topics presented here. One minute you're reading about heart disease, next you come across articles about dental care, then wakeboarding and just when you think you've got a handle on it all, there's a story about love that shows a photo of a polar bear family prominently featured at the top of the article. This causes some people to ask: "Is this a website about weight loss or sports or anti-aging or motivation? What on earth is Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) all about?" The answer to that question is that this website is about those things and so much more.
Why Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) Was Created
I was fortunate enough to attend and earn my degree at a Public Ivy. Biological systems have always fascinated me so I studied life sciences with an emphasis on physiology. I'm also devoted to physical fitness and I wanted to share these things with others.
This website was created on a very simple premise: help people to lead a healthy lifestyle by providing articles on nutrition and physical fitness. So I posted articles about nutrition and exercise, but soon realized that "healthy lifestyle" was too compartmentalized. Traditional views on health are often very limited: we look only at the effect our actions have on the body. If we're hungry, eat; if we're tired, sleep; if we're sick, take medication. In recent decades science has added a second approach to matters of health, one that looks at the whole organism: holism.
We can never be truly healthy until our mind, body and spirit are harmonious. In other words, a holistic approach to health is one which recognizes that when the body is unhealthy, it will eventually influence the mental and emotional states, too.
Holistic health is much more reasonable than a reductionist view of the body and its states. Holism is inclusive and allows for complexity (ergo the indivisibility of mind, body and spirit) whereas the reductionist (i.e. traditional) view does not. Thus I expanded the scope of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) to include topics on a variety of subjects to better reflect the name I had given to this website.
This involves a lot of research. Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) has been online since summer 2007 and during that time has posted over 1200 articles and counting. As a member of online media I am constantly improving the way that I present information, so that it best serves the public interest in promotion of a healthy lifestyle in ways that educate as well as entertain you.
That is why you read articles written by me under the pen name "healthy_blogging" and why the archive includes articles written by other authors, too. Each article that I post on this website is the result of that research; if it's useful to you, it will be found here.
We're always available via email to take your suggestions to improve the quality of the website and learn what you would like to read here. You're also welcome to spread the word about Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). I've installed many social media tools on the website to make it easy for you to connect with your family and friends about our website (for more on this read "How To Use Social Media Tools On This Website").
Devotion to quality content is paramount. I have turned down companies and organizations that have approached me to publish articles or host products that I felt were contrary to the mission of this website. Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) is FOR PROFIT, however, we're only interested in working with advertisers who provide useful products and services that are of benefit to you. You come to Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) because you're looking for information that will improve your life and those of your loved ones.
We'll never jeopardize our relationship with our readers. You matter to us.
When we're approached by the US Olympic Committee to help spread the word about the hard work of our athletes and to support team USA; spreading the word about events for the Fresh Air Fund, an organization which has (since its inception in 1877) helped thousands of young people to have better lives; and most recently answering the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's request to join them in the Million Hearts initiative to reduce the total number of American heart attacks and strokes by one million within the next five years, we know that we're doing meaningful work that touches the lives of others.
So please, come in and have a look around. Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) has a lot to offer and we're happy that you've made us your home on the internet.
Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) will always promote the word of the Living God.
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"What Is Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) About?" copyright 2011 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.