Couch Potatoes Get Up Or Risk Developing Cancer
Couch Potato
Andre Adams
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Couch potatoes take notice: lack of exercise puts your life at risk. According to findings presented at the November 2011 meeting of the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), breast cancer and colon cancer have been linked to physical inactivity. These findings are just the latest in a growing body of scientific evidence pointing to the dangers associated with sedentary lifestyle.
Physical Exercise Cuts Cancer Risk
Speaking to colleagues at the AICR meeting, Christine Friendenreich, PhD. from the Alberta Health Services Cancer Center in Canada presented evidence of the relationship between physical activity and specific cancers. Based on the results of the Alberta Physical Activity and Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (ALPHA), she found that post menopausal women who participated in moderate physical exercise reduced C-reactive protein levels. This protein is known to rise in response to inflammation which can be triggered by a variety of factors including microbial attack and obesity.
Friedenreich reported that moderate physical activity could reduce the risk of many forms of cancer. "In breast and colon cancers, for example, we're seeing overall risk reductions of about 25 to 30 percent associated with higher levels of physical activity. With prostate cancer the evidence isn't as strong but it's still there - about 10 to 20 percent lower risk. For endometrial cancer, we are finding about 30 to 35 percent risk reduction with more physical activity."
Dr. Friedenreich had recently published her findings in the October 2011 issue of the Cancer Prevention Research journal. For the ALPHA Trial, she studied healthy postmenopausal women, some of whom participated in one year of physical exercise while a control group remained sedentary. After one year they found that women who exercised were able to lower circulating C-reactive protein, thus making these subjects healthier than the inactive controls.
Friedenreich's work emphasizes the benefits of regular physical exercise as a cancer prevention tool. The lesson can be easily applied to anyone.
Study after study has shown that sedentary lifestyle is associated with obesity, cancer and heart disease - all of which are preventable.
If you don't want to fall prey to these ailments, then do something about it. Talk to your health care provider about setting up a fitness and nutrition program that is suited to your needs. You owe it to yourself to be healthy.
Now without faith it is impossible to please him, for the one who approaches God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him (Hebrews 11:6).
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Article Sources
American Institute for Cancer Research.
Friedenreich,C., Neilson, H.K., Woolcott, C.G. et al. Alberta Physical Activity and Breast Cancer Prevention Trial: Inflammatory Marker Changes in a Year-long Exercise Intervention among Postmenopausal Women. Cancer Prevention Research. doi:10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-11-0369
"Couch Potatoes Get Up Or Risk Developing Cancer" copyright 2011 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.