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Controlling Weight as You Grow Older

Controlling Weight as You Grow Older
By Sally Grey

Good eating habits and a nutritious diet are the core habits
that ensure healthy aging. Unhealthy eating habits will lead to
problems of overweight or malnourishment and affect your quality
of life. Controlling your weight is of utmost importance, as you
grow older, so that you can stay away from the many health
problems associated with being overweight. Besides, staying in
shape makes you feel confident and good about yourself.

People have a tendency to put on weight as they age. This is
due to a change in the body’s metabolism wherein fewer calories
get burned off and fat deposits get stored faster. Being
overweight or obese is unhealthy regardless of age. Besides your
extra weight puts pressure on your bone joints and weakens them.
Problems like arthritis are hard to deal with if you are

Regular workouts and physical activities such as jogging,
swimming and walking can help in effective weight management.
Avoid a sedentary lifestyle to prevent conditions such as
diabetes. Plan out an exercise regime and stick to it.
Exercising regularly has a positive effect on both the body and
mind. Yoga is particularly very effective when it comes to
staying both mentally and physically fit. The exercises in Yoga
concentrate on breathing, which relaxes the body and mind and
make you feel refreshed.

With advancement in age, your body undergoes a lot of changes
and it is advisable to pay attention to your eating habits.
Controlling the amount you eat is the most effective way to keep
your weight under check. Instead of having three square meals a
day, eat healthy mini meals or smaller meals throughout the day.
Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet and prefer lean
meat. Minimize fat heavy food intake and include more fiber rich

Make sure you eat nutritious food and avoid fattening and
unhealthy junk food. It is also important to increase your fluid
intake as the aging body takes up more water and dehydrates at a
faster rate. The daily diet should include not just fruits and
vegetables but also a portion of eggs, lean meat, chicken, and
fish. These are rich in protein and oily fish are rich in
essential fats and Vitamin E. A meat-based entrée or a side dish
and pulses or grains as the main course make up a balanced,
well-rounded meal.

Aging weakens muscle strength, because of which the calorie
needs will also come down. However, the body will need the same
amount of minerals and vitamins. For overall good health, fresh
fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet. Fruits
that are high in Vitamin C such as strawberries, peaches, mango,
and oranges, are especially healthy, as are green leafy
vegetables that are high in Vitamin A. You can even consult a
good nutritionist on helping you organize your diet to best suit
your changed food intake needs. After planning out a diet, stick
to it religiously to achieve the desired results. Nothing works
better than discipline when you are trying to regulate your

About the Author: For more information about health, diet,
longevity and Brenda
Rusnak, Check her out on LinkedIn.


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