American Teens Are At Risk For Cardiovascular Disease
The Workout At Home Weight Training Program

Top Stories Of The Week



Here's a list of the stories you might have missed this week:

Bias Contributes To Poor Grades For Obese Students - Research shows that public opinion can affect students' academic performance.

Diets High In Saturated Fat Make You Less Smart - Having trouble thinking? High fat diets may be to blame.

Weight Loss May Lower Breast Cancer Risk In Women - Read about the results of a new study that shows how weight loss can be a useful method of breast cancer prevention.

American Teens Are At Risk For Cardiovascular Disease - Read what researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have to say about the dangers that cardiovascular disease pose to our nation's youth.


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"Top Stories Of The Week" copyright 2012 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy. All Rights Reserved.



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