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Why Fresh Fruit is a Better Option Than Fruit Juice

Important Changes That You Will Enjoy




Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) wishes everyone a warm and prosperous New Year and we wish to open it with a very important announcement. As publisher and site administrator, I'm constantly thinking about ways to improve your experience while not sacrificing the quality of this website.

You come to this website for health and wellness information. And the ease with which you find that information is always important.

For example, there are times when you want to relax and leisurely peruse this website's article database from the comfort of your living room, but at other times you're on your mobile phone, in a rush and need information fast. Such it is with most of us in this fast paced world.

Thus, for your ease and convenience, I've installed DuckDuckGo's custom search box in the sidebar just above the Food Safety & Tips widget.

Now, when you're looking for a particular topic published on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM), just type your query into the search box. You'll then be presented with articles which are most relevant to you query.

The custom search box is a very useful addition to our website which has (as of this writing) a wealthy store of 1830 articles with a new article published everyday.

Additionally I have streamlined the site thus improving speed to further enhance your enjoyment of the website.

As always, Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) welcomes your feedback. If you have questions about these changes, or wish to offer suggestions, please feel free to contact me at my email address admin at livingfithealthyandhappy dot com.


***Spread the word!! Use Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon and the other social media tools located in the sidebar and bottom of this article to tell others about this website.***

I'm living fit, healthy and happy(SM). Are you?


"Important Changes That You Will Enjoy" copyright 2013 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.



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