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A Prayer To God for His Saints



We give thanks to God for the mighty winds that blow, for the blooming flowers, blossoms on trees, for the green grass and daffodils, yes for all of these things.

We give thanks to God for the creation of the sun and the warmth it brings, for the moon's light and the rains that fall to replenish, nourish and cleanse, yes for all of these things.

We give thanks to God for the birds that fly, the insects that creep, the fish that swim, the other animals that move about the land and in the waters, yes for all of these things.

We give thanks to God for His compassion and wisdom and patience with the world, yes for all of these things.

Hear us, Oh Lord! Oh You God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob! Oh You God of Moses, David, Elijah! Oh You God of Joseph and Mary and Elizabeth and Martha! Hear us, Oh You God of Peter and James and John and Stephen! Hear us, Oh You God of the Church!

May my words be acceptable to You and my deeds be acceptable in Your sight!

Protect the downtrodden! Defend the helpless! Remember the poor and the sick! Do not let the ways of the wicked prevail!

Bestow upon the hateful their due measure! Bestow upon those who make themselves fat off the suffering of others, who sit in lofty places with a disdain for righteousness, make them to know no peace.

May their very arrows of hatred which are their attacks against You be turned back by your mighty wind to become poisonous arrows that strike them! For You can never be defeated!

May the food and drink which they eat and drink become rot within their bellies. May they eat and drink and not be filled. May their bodies become emaciated and thin, their selves to waste to rot.

May those who follow the accuser of the brethren be brought low! May those who follow the ways of the serpent also be destroyed, for You have already smote the serpent on his head!

May they yet turn from their evil and come to You, Oh Lord, so as to not befall Your wrath! And forgive us also of our sins so that we do not offend You!

For You are the Mighty Sword and with the utterance of one word, You shall upon Your return slay the armies of evil that have gathered against You!

Protect us Your servants, Oh Lord! Sustain and strengthen us as we do Your will! For You are our portion! You are everything we need!

You God, are King everlasting! You are God of all creation and Your reign has no end! For You have always been! You were here before the formation of anything and everything in creation! You are the Creator and Master of all forever and ever.

I ask for this in Jesus name.



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