Lombardi Brothers Meats Is Recalling Steak and Ground Beef Products Due To Possible E. Coli O157:H7 Contamination
The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that Lombardi Brothers Meats, an establishment in Denver, Colorado is recalling approximately 26,975 pounds of tenderized steak and ground beef products that may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7.
The FSIS has designated this a Class I Recall of High Health Risk.
According to the press release, the tenderized ground beef and steak products with generic labeling were produced between June 12 and June 30, 2015.
The products are subject to recall are listed below:
- Various catch weights of “BEEF BALL TIP STK CAB”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF TOP SIRLOIN STK CAB”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF TOP SIRLOIN STK CAB BASEBALL”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF COUNTRY CLUB SIRLOIN CAB”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF TOP SIRLOIN CHATEAU CAB”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 85/15 2/1R”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF GROUND CAB 75/25”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF GROUND CAB”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF GROUND CAB 80/20”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF GROUND CAB 90/10”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF GROUND CAB 75/25”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 85/15 2/1R”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20 3-1 RND”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF GROUND 80/20 EMP”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 75/25”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20 2-1 RND”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20 2-1 THK”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20 8-1”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20 3-1 THK”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20 4-1 RND”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20 4-1 NO U BOARDS”
- Various catch weights of “BEEF PATTY CAB 80/20 2-1 NO UBOARDS”
The steak and ground beef products subject to recall bear the establishment number “EST. 772” inside the USDA mark of inspection.
The products were shipped to restaurant, hotel and institutional use in Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Utah.
According to the press release, the problem was discovered on June 30 when the firm received a positive test for E. coli as part of its in-house sampling program. "Some products from the same source material as the positive sample were shipped into commerce." the company said.
Neither the FSIS nor the company have received reports of illness due to eating the products. The FSIS advises that anyone who is concerned about an illness should contact a healthcare provider.
E. coli O157:H7 is a potentially deadly bacterium that can cause bloody diarrhea, dehydration and abdominal cramps within 2-8 days after exposure to the bacterium. Although most people tend to recover within a week some develop hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). HUS is a type of kidney failure that generally affects older adults and children under 5 years of age.
HUS is usually recognized by decreased urine output, pallor and easy bruising. The FSIS says that Persons who experience these symptoms should seek emergency medical care immediately.
The USDA recommends that all consumers safely prepare their raw meat products, including fresh and frozen, and only consume beef products that have been cooked to a temperature of 145° Fahrenheit for steaks and roasts and 160° Fahrenheit for ground product.
The USDA suggests that consumers use a food thermometer that measures internal temperature in order to be sure that the food has been cooked thoroughly enough to kill any harmful organisms. The agency also provides a safe minimum internal temperature chart that you can use as guide for cooking your food at safe temperatures.
Consumers with questions regarding the recall can contact Jeff Harvey, company general manager, at (303) 458-7441, ext. 231.
"Having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead" (Acts 17:30-31). God has set a date for His return and anyone who has not accepted Him will be destroyed. Turn from evil and accept the Lord Jesus Christ! Also, love others as you love yourself! Do these things and you will be saved from God's righteous wrath! In God's name, don't choose the devil over God because if you do you will die.
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"Lombardi Brothers Meats Is Recalling Steak and Ground Beef Products Due To Possible E. Coli O157:H7 Contamination" copyright © 2015 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.