Nutri Testo May Boost Your Strength And Vitality ADVERTISEMENT
This article is sponsored by Nutri Lifescience. The actual content and opinions in the article, including any and all scientific research references, are the sole view of Joseph who is the publisher and administrator of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). I maintain full editorial independence even when hosting sponsored content. The information presented below is not endorsed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or any other government agency. The content in this sponsored article and elsewhere on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.
If we are blessed by God to live a long life, we are very likely to encounter some of its downsides - decreased energy and vitality. Much of this is caused by gradually declining levels of testosterone, a hormone which promotes strength, muscle growth, fat loss, alertness and sexual drive.
But the aging body doesn't necessarily have to undergo such hormonal changes. Scientific research points to a natural supplement that may help the body lower cortisol levels and stimulate testosterone production, promote healthy sleep and thereby restore the strength and energy that many folks gradually lose over the course of their lives. That groundbreaking research is the focus of this article.
Cortisol - What Is It?
Cortisol, commonly known as the "stress hormone", is produced by the adrenal gland; it functions primarily to:
- metabolize fat
- metabolize protein
- metabolize carbohydrates
- increase blood sugar
- suppress the immune system
- decrease bone formation
Although there are times when the body needs cortisol e.g. in response to stressful situations such as imminent danger, the everyday stresses of modern life cause many people to produce excess cortisol. Over the course of many years this can lead to problems such as obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus type 2 and metabolic syndrome. Stress can also lead to difficulty concentrating, getting a good night's sleep and poor mood. Later, I'll discuss how cortisol levels may be lowered safely.
Testosterone - What Is It?
Testosterone is a steroid hormone secreted by the male testes, female ovaries and adrenal glands of both sexes. Testosterone acts primarily as a sex hormone in human males; it is secreted at puberty and continues throughout adult life. The hormone functions to:
- increase muscle tone
- increase bone mass
- distribute fat
- deepen the voice
- increases growth of body hair
- promote mental alertness
- develop the testes
- develop the prostate
In human females testosterone is secreted by the ovaries and acts to:
- increase muscle tone
- increase bone mass
- distribute fat
- promote mental alertness
Testosterone is so essential to the normal functioning of the human body that decreased levels of the hormone can have adverse effects on quality of life. Therefore, I'm going to devote the next section to discussing some of the problems associated with low testosterone.
Decreased Testosterone - What Happens To The Human Body?
Testosterone acts to promote strength, alertness and sex drive; thus declining levels of the hormone will lead to lower sex drive, loss of muscle mass and weight gain.
Studies show a relationship between low testosterone and dementia1,2,3. The evidence points to a link between low free testosterone and increased risk of Alzheimer's Disease in elderly men1,2,3.
Science also points to low testosterone as the culprit in decreased sex drive, weight gain and depression in elderly adults4,5.
As you can see, low testosterone is unhealthy. How the body reaches such a state is what I'm going to talk about in the next section.
Why Does Testosterone Decrease As We Get Older?
Testosterone levels gradually decrease with age5. This happens because free testosterone binds to a molecule called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). This rather large protein molecule is secreted by the liver where it circulates in the bloodstream. When SHBG comes into contact with testosterone and estrogen (a female sex steroid hormone), it binds to the steroids thereby rendering them unavailable for use.
Because SHBG is a naturally occurring biomolecule, it would stand to reason that circulating levels would be affected by other biochemicals.
Indeed it is. SHBG is sensitive to insulin, Tumor Necrosis Factor - alpha (TNF-alpha), growth hormone and various cytokines. All of the above can decrease circulating SHBG.
But is SHBG only affected by the aforementioned biomolecules - or more to the point - is there any way for the human body to boost its production of natural testosterone?
The answer is yes, and I'm going to discuss it in the next section.
LJ100® May Promote Physical and Mental Fitness - Clinical Trial Results
Okay. I've spent much time discussing some of the effects that stress and aging can have on the human body.
Now it's time to look at some natural ways to lower cortisol levels, boost the level of free testosterone, and promotion of the anabolic state which can help the body burn fat more efficiently.
It should come as no surprise that athletes and other people whom are in good physical shape tend to be physically stronger than people who do not exercise regularly. The reason for this is testosterone.
Weight training promotes testosterone production which leads to increased muscle growth and muscle tone. So a person who consistently maintains an intense strength training regimen throughout life will be more likely to stave off declining levels of testosterone.
But intense weight training is not suitable for everyone. How are those folks ever to become stronger and burn body fat?
Numerous scientific disciplines have devoted much time to the study of longevity and vitality. In recent years, some investigators learned that a naturally occurring plant may also help the body to produce testosterone. That plant is Erycoma longifolia, which the native people of Malaysia locally refer to as "Tongkat Ali" 6. For many years the natives of that Asian country used E. longifolia to promote sexual virility. Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Malaysia have learned that Tongkat Ali has many interesting properties which were subsequently extracted for the promotion of good health. This extract is known as LJ100® and has many remarkable uses including:
- Help with maintenance of the anabolic state.
- Stimulation of physical and mental energy.
- Boosting of sports performance.
- Enhancement of sports performance through improvement of energy levels, increasing muscular force, strength, and arm circumferences, raising free testosterone while keeping cortisol levels low, increasing free fat mass, and increasing didehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).
- Assists in sustaining health weight.
- Improvement of sleep quality.
- Helps the body feel less with fatigued.
- Encouragement of healthy cortisol levels and healthy hormone balance.
- Promotion of androgen (sex steroid hormone) synthesis.
- Encouragement of hormonal health and over-all well being.
- Improvement of post-partum women's state of mind.
- Acting as a restorative to facilitate to adapt to and counter the changes in mood and reduction of energy that often accompanies aging.
- Boosting of healthy alpha pheromones, the biochemicals that are necessary for sexual communication, psychological health and behavior.
- Enhancement of libido and sexual function.
- Help with the maintenance of normal free testosterone levels in men.
As I discussed in the first section, stress often accompanies aging. With it, we tend to become crankier, less energetic, and overweight. The process often begins in our early twenties and progressively worsens over time.
LJ100® has been clinically shown to lower cortisol levels in men and women. In a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition7, scientists assigned 32 men and 31 women with moderate stress to a LJ100® group or a placebo group for four weeks; the LJ100® group took 200 mg of the health supplement on a daily basis, others took placebo.
At the end of four weeks, scientists noted the LJ100® group had reduced tension (-11 %), confusion (-15 %) and anger (-12 %) compared to participants in the placebo group. The LJ100® group also demonstrated Stress Hormone Profile (salivary cortisol and testosterone) improvements, with reduced cortisol (−16%) and increased testosterone (+37%).
The research team concluded :"These results indicate LJ100® has potential for restoring hormone balance (cortisol/testosterone) and enhancing psychological mood state in people exposed to aging, dieting, exercise strain and other stressors."
LJ100® can also promote sexual health. As men and women age, it is not uncommon for them to experience some difficulties pleasing their spouses. Even married couples may feel some frustration when husband and wife can't satisfy one another as they had in the early years of their marriage.
In a study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 26 men with mild erectile dysfunction were given 200mg of LJ100® or a placebo for 12 weeks8. The LJ100® group demonstrated statistically higher scores than the placebo group in these endpoints: Erection Hardness Scale score improved by 39%, Aging Males’ Symptoms (AMS) scores improved by 24%, and Sexual Health Inventory for Men improved by 26%. These results suggest LJ100®, as a daily supplement, can improve sexual performance and satisfaction. The latter, when achieved, can also elevate quality of life.
That would be good news to husbands who wish to maintain the sexual spark they enjoyed with their wives during the earlier years of their marriages.
At this point some people maybe wondering if LJ100® is safe. I'm going to discuss that in the next section.
LJ100 - Is It Safe For Me To Use?
The United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) has classified Tongkat Ali root extract as Category 5 (extremely safe)6.
LJ100® is the patented extract for Tongkat Ali. The patent (dated November 7, 2006, number 7,132,117 [US] and WO 02/17946 A1 [worldwide]) is for the “Bioactive Eurypeptides isolated in Tongkat Ali that is proven to be the active compounds effective for treatment of sexual dysfunction, male infertility, and increase testosterone. This patent describes 16 claims that range from composition to how such aqueous extracts of Tongkat Ali positively increase androgen biosynthesis and influences reproductive capabilities in men6.
In fact, numerous studies have tested the safety of LJ100® which we'll take a look at now.
Oral toxicity studies - performed on Wistar rats - determined the LD50 of Tongkat Ali root extract (LJ100®) as 2,000 mg/kg body weight (acute) and the No Observed Adverse Effect Level as greater than 1,000 mg/kg body weight (28-day sub-acute feeding)6. In addition to the very high safety profile demonstrated in the rodent toxicity studies, there are no reported side effects in human studies of LJ100® supplementation6.
In a study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine9, 109 healthy men aged 30–55 were assigned to either 300 mg LJ100® or a placebo for 12 weeks. The safety evaluation showed no difference between the LJ100® and placebo groups in terms of physical exam, hematological, clinical blood chemistry, fasting blood sugar, liver function, full blood count, PSA or lipid profile.
LJ100® is self-affirmed generally recognized as safe (GRAS)6. In the self-affirmed GRAS document, HP Ingredients concludes:“Because the Malaysian government approves Eurycoma longifolia extracts as food and herbal products, having no adverse event history in 13 years of being sold in the U.S., being safer than many currently marketed herbs, and the idea of being able to take enough to cause harm precluding unintentional or intentional abuse, the results are so strongly in favor of the safety of Tongkat Ali, that HP Ingredient’s LJ100® is safe within the scope of normal intended use, and is generally recognized as safe for normal intended use as set by HP Ingredients".6
Now that we've learned so much about this remarkable product, I'm going to conclude by telling you how you can purchase it and perhaps improve your fitness and vitality.
Nutri Testo is made from LJ100®
Nutri Testo is the newest health supplement to be sold by Nutri Lifescience. Nutri Testo is gluten- free, suitable for vegetarians. The product has undergone heavy metal and microbial testing and meets California Proposition 65. It is tested by accredited third party testing laboratories specializing in trace level elemental and microbial analysis.
Consumers can purchase Nutri Testo at select stores located throughout Florida, Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas.
Nutri Lifescience also has a user-friendly way for people to purchase Nutri Testo online. US and Canadian customers can order directly from the company by visiting and clicking either on the Paypal button or Amazon button. Starting now through March 31, 2016 customers can get 20% off their order of Nutri Testo. Use Promo Code LIVING20. Please hurry! This is a limited time offer.
***Disclaimer: This article is not endorsed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). People should consult their physician before making changes to their diet. The content in this sponsored article and elsewhere on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. People should consult their physician before making changes to their diet.
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Article References
1. Hogervorst E, Bandelow S, Combrinck M, & Smith AD (2004). Low free testosterone is an independent risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Experimental gerontology, 39 (11-12), 1633-9 PMID: 15582279
2. Moffat SD, Zonderman AB, Metter EJ, Kawas C, Blackman MR, Harman SM, & Resnick SM (2004). Free testosterone and risk for Alzheimer disease in older men. Neurology, 62 (2), 188-93 PMID: 14745052
3. Pike CJ, Rosario ER, Nguyen TV (2006). Androgens, aging, and Alzheimer's disease. Endocrine, 29(2):233-41
4. Myers JB, Meacham RB (2003). Androgen replacement therapy in the aging male. Reviews in Urology, 5(4):216-26
5. Stanworth RD, & Jones TH (2008). Testosterone for the aging male; current evidence and recommended practice. Clinical interventions in aging, 3 (1), 25-44 PMID: 18488876
6. Whole Foods (ISSN 0193-1504) (2015)
7. Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 10 (1) DOI: 10.1186/1550-2783-10-28
8. Udani, J., George, A., Musthapa M., Pakdaman, M., Abas, A. (2014)Effects of a Proprietary Freeze-Dried Water Extract of Eurycoma longifolia (Physta) and Polygonum minus on Sexual Performance and Well-Being in Men: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2014, Article ID 179529, 10 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/179529
9. Ismail, S. Mohammad, W., George A., Hussain, N., Kamal, Z., Liske, E. (2012) Randomized Clinical Trial on the Use of PHYSTA Freeze-Dried Water Extract of Eurycoma longifolia for the Improvement of Quality of Life and Sexual Well-Being in Men. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine vol. 2012 Article ID 429268, 10 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/429268
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