Are You At Risk For Heart Disease and Diabetes? Research Shows Bergamot May Improve Metabolic Syndrome ADVERTISEMENT
This article is sponsored by Nutri Lifescience. The actual content and opinions in the article, including any and all scientific research references, are the sole view of Joseph who is the publisher and administrator of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). I maintain full editorial independence even when hosting sponsored content. The information presented below is not endorsed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or any other government agency. The content in this sponsored article and elsewhere on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.
Millions of Americans are either overweight or obese. Whether the cause is attributed to genetics, medicinal side effects or inactive lifestyle, the health risks are very clear. Obesity increases the likelihood of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
At risk individuals often suffer from a condition classified as metabolic syndrome (MS) which is in essence an umbrella term for a physical affliction with the following characteristics:
- high blood pressure
- central obesity
- elevated blood sugar
- high cholesterol
- inflammation
Medical science is aware of the problem, much research is currently underway seeking means to reverse the effects of metabolic syndrome and thereby improve overall health.
In this article I'm going to discuss how bergamot polyphenolic fraction - a plant sterol from citrus fruit - which has been demonstrated to reduce bad cholesterol and increase glucose uptake in metabolic syndrome patients, may be useful in reducing diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk.
We know that bad cholesterol is a culprit in heart disease. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) have a tendency to clog the arteries which will eventually lead to arterial bursting and heart attacks.
But bad cholesterol is also harmful to the liver. Fat accumulation in this organ can lead to a very serious condition known as non-alcoholic steato hepatitis (NASH). NASH is characterized by fatty tissue buildup and inflammation which in and of themselves are quite bad, but over time can cause irreversible scarring and malfunction (cirrhosis).
The liver is responsible for detoxification, hormone production, glycogen storage and many other functions, loss of the organ will result in death.
A team of Italian researchers have been examining the effect plant sterols could have on NASH and metabolic syndrome.
They selected patients with MS and NASH whom were then treated with bergamot polyphenolic fraction. The team noted that the lipid profile of these patients improved after 120 days of BPF treatment. The patients previously had dangerously high concentrations of bad cholesterol which was gradually replaced by high density lipoproteins (HDL) otherwise known as "good cholesterol".
The MS/NASH patients also exhibited improved liver cell function. Lead researcher Micaela Gliozzi reasoned that decreased inflammation and reduction in fat accumulation improved hepatocyte functionality.
The aforementioned improvements work together to reduce cardiometabolic disease risk in patients suffering from metabolic syndrome. Diabetes is intricately tied to metabolic syndrome; therefore, reversing effects of metabolic syndrome may also reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.
I've written extensively about BPF. In previous articles I discussed ways that bergamot polyphenolic fraction could help healthy aging and help healthy cholesterol. Now I've presented yet another scientific study demonstrating the usefulness of this natural product for possible reversal of cardiovascular disease risk.
Bergamonte vegetarian capsules which are distributed by NutriLifescience,LLC are made from bergamot citrus fruit and contain the bergamot polyphenolic fraction that I talked about in this article.
Right now Nutri Lifescience is running a special promotion. When you buy 2 bottles of Nutri Testo, or 2 bottles of Bergamonte on Amazon, you can get 1 free bottle of Nutri Maqui! If you buy 3 bottles of Nutri Maqui, the third one is free. Hurry! The offer expires on July 31, 2016!!
You can purchase Bergamonte and the other amazing health supplements on their website.
For more information about the benefits BPF may provide for overall health, have a look at the article references below.
***Disclaimer: This article is not endorsed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). People should consult their physician before making changes to their diet. The content in this sponsored article and elsewhere on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM) is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. People should consult their physician before making changes to their diet.
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Article References
Gliozzi, M., Maiuolo, J., Oppedisano, F., & Mollace, V. (2015). The effect of bergamot polyphenolic fraction in patients with non alcoholic liver steato-hepatitis and metabolic syndrome PharmaNutrition DOI: 10.1016/j.phanu.2015.11.003
Got Bad Cholesterol? Try Bergamonte from Nutri Lifescience ADVERTISEMENT
Diet Or Exercise? Which Is More Effective In Treating Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome?
"Are You At Risk For Heart Disease and Diabetes? Research Shows Bergamot May Improve Metabolic Syndrome ADVERTISEMENT" copyright © 2016 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.