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Why It Is Important To Understand The Fine Distinction Betweeen Health And Fitness

Why It Is Important To Understand The Fine Distinction Betweeen Health And Fitness

Submitted by: Ron Taggy

Stu Mittleman broke the world record for running 1000 miles in the shortest amount of time. In his case, he did it in 11 days and 19 hours. He averaged 84 miles a day, and ran 21 hours a day and only slept three. Just as amazing is that he did not experience any injuries on his body at all, and many people reported that he looked just as good finishing the race as he did when he started.

Stu said that his understanding of the distinction between health and fitness was the single most important factor for his success. In fact, many people who experience the frustration of working out religiously and yet still remain overweight don't understand this important point. Actually, many of these people are inviting disease and emotional distress into their lives.

To put it simply, fitness is the physical ability to perform an activity. Health, on the other hand, is the different systems in your body working in an optimal way. Surprisingly, fitness and health do not always go hand and hand. In fact, it is very possible to be extremely fit and still have bad health.

This means that you should never try to become fit at the expense of your health. In other words, you must maintain a balance of health and fitness. And guess what happens when this occurs? You reach an optimal metabolism.

Perhaps the best way to become healthy and fit at the same time is to establish an aerobic base. In this case, you go through a period of time where your whole fitness program revolves around aerobic activities. Generally, experts recommend you build your aerobic base for a period of two to eight months. Then, you can begin to infuse anaerobic workouts into your fitness program.

The reason why this works is that properly developing your aerobic system allows you to burn off extra fat, improve your immune system, give you more energy and cut back on the chance of injuring yourself. This means that you will become both fit and healthy simultaneously. That was the secret to Stu Mittleman's success for breaking the world record for the fastest time for running 1000 miles.

There is one last thing I want you to consider. As a society, we are generally anaerobic-excessive, and it seems to be affecting the quality of our health. In most industrial societies, people are becoming less and less physically active. In order to combat that, many people force themselves to exercise. When they do this, they often push themselves too hard, because they're trying to make huge gains in small amounts of time. This can have a negative effect on your health because of the improper balance you're creating within your body.

In conclusion, it's important to understand the difference between health and fitness, and how it can affect your exercise program. Remember that the key is never to neglect your health for your fitness. A disease free life can help you maintain and achieve your fitness goals.

About the Author: The author is part of an expert fitness team, that has launched a comprehensive guide on Bowflex fitness equipment. To read our independent reviews, user videos and low price alerts for the Bowflex models and how they can help you achieve your fitness goals, visit Bowflex Revolution Reviews

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