Molar Pregnancy - What You Should Know
Molar Pregnancy - What You Should Know
Molar Pregnancy - What You Should Know
By Hannah Bajor
Molar pregnancy is a serious issue that one in every 1-2 thousand pregnant women faces. Read on and be informed to reduce your risk of developing uterine cancer.
Approximately one in every 1000 to 2000 pregnant woman end up having a molar pregnancy. This is where you are pregnant but it is growing into a mole within the womb and can result in uterine or ovarian cancer if not managed correctly. On ultrasound there is no baby's heartbeat, but there will be this grape-like mole growing inside your womb.
There are two types of molar pregnancy. Both are very serious and both are very abnormal pregnancy growths. A complete molar pregnancy there is no baby, no baby parts, no placenta and no amniotic fluid. There is just a big mole and it looks like a bunch of grapes growing inside your womb.
A partial molar pregnancy occurs when you have one egg but two sperms penetrated that egg. During the development and cell duplication process a severe abnormality of the developing embryo occurred. Therefore with you could have a uterine mole containing no heartbeat, but may have some baby parts such as hair, teeth, bone, amniotic fluid, placenta parts are all mixed up into a grape like structure.
With a molar pregnancy you produce an excess amount of pregnancy hormones which give you many exaggerated symptoms of pregnancy such as:
Excessive morning sickness.
Your breasts grow quickly and are very tender.
Your womb is bigger than the gestational age of your pregnancy.
You have a lot more pressure symptoms in your pelvic area.
Routine pregnancy hormonal testing shows
On blood work your pregnancy hormones are much higher than the expected range for your pregnancy age and they are rising faster than the normal pregnancy pattern.
An ultrasound shows no babies heart beat and a grape like structure growing instead.
Most molar pregnancies need to be scraped away from the uterus with a procedure called a D and C for dilatation and curettage. The problem with this abnormal pregnancy is that even with a dilatation and curettage, it may be impossible to clean out the route of the mole that have imbedded into the muscles of your womb.
As long as there are small branches of your molar pregnancy are embedded in the muscles of your womb you will produce pregnancy hormones. This may give you pregnancy symptoms for months after diagnosis or treatment.
The most important thing for you to do when managed for any abnormal pregnancy is to take self-responsibility and make sure you do not become pregnant for a least six months to one year because of your risk of developing uterine cancer. Your physician may insist on you taking birth control pills or injections to ensure no new pregnancy occurs until your molar pregnancy is totally resolved.
Having one abnormal pregnancy does not mean you will have another one. We never know the outcome of any pregnancy, as all pregnancies are completely different. Having a history of an abnormal pregnancy does mean you should see it as a warning sign for both yourself and your partner to eat healthier and supplement daily with high quality vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to prevent production of internal bodily toxins affecting egg's or sperms.
Many times providers fail to realize the emotional devastation a woman goes through in losing her pregnancy, especially when it was an abnormal pregnancy. To a woman a pregnancy means a baby. On top of this, molar pregnancy symptoms may last for months and be very hard to cope with. A woman may feel she has this alien growing inside of her and be emotionally traumatized by the frequent blood tests and ultrasounds needed in the year following diagnosis of a molar pregnancy.
You may even experience pregnancy loss grief and if so please seek professional support from someone that can help expedite your healing process.
Midwife Hannah Bajor C.N.M., M.S.N. is founder, CEO and Visionary behind the Lumalove brand of getting pregnant, pregnancy, infertility and miscarriage educational support products and services.
Hannah says "knowing my life's purpose gives one a hug advantage". Her 30 years midwifery experience along with her personal journey through ten years of infertility, having personally experienced a 16 week miscarriage and a near death experience delivering her second child has lit a fire in her soul that NO ONE can put out and that is to "change childbirth education as we know it".
Lumalove LLC helps couples globally access new and dynamic prenatal education and in doing so lays the foundational blueprints for a happier, healthier pregnancy outcome and gives their unborn child the opportunity of unlimited potential.
Take advantage of her FREE offer and download a miscarriage healing ceremony that will give you some definite actions to take to help cope better with your loss. To get your FREE Lumalove Miscarriage Healing Ceremony PDF then click on
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