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Barbell Floor Press Challenge Week 42




I had a very good workout when I went to the gym last Monday. Here are the results:


Monday, November 5, 2018


standing barbell overhead press (Olympic bar)

135 lb x5x30s


fixed T-bar row

45 lb x 5x1


I was only able to exercise at the gym on Monday and I wanted to make the best of the abbreviated workout session. I focused my attention on the compound exercises that specifically challenge the core muscles, and they just so happen to be the standing barbell overhead press and an old favorite of mine: the t-bar row.

When doing t-bar rows, I typically put plates on an Olympic bar that is secured under a 45 lb dumbbell so as to prevent the lighter-weighted end of the bar from coming off the floor when I lift the end that has the weight plates, but this time I used a t-bar row machine. This apparatus is mounted to the floor and has a row attached to the front, a pair of foot holds where you place your feet when performing the exercise; weight plates are added on this end and then you can use a close neutral grip or wide pronated grip.

I opted for the close neutral grip since this is what I had always done when doing my traditional t-bar row lifts. Since it has been a while - and the fact that I had only 45 minutes to exercise, I did a few rows at 45 pounds; it felt good and I'll be increasing the weights soon enough. I was at 270 pounds or so when I did this back at my old gym.

I lifted 135 pounds using the Olympic bar and 45-pound plates; this is the first time that I've lifted this much since the days of my old gym. I can go much higher than 135 pounds and I plan on doing that starting the next time I return to the gym.

I'll keep you posted.


But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened." 1 Peter 3:14


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