Barbell Floor Press Challenge Week 53
I got to the gym last week and it was a decent workout, but not as well as it could have been. I'll give details about that in a moment. Right now, here are the results of my strength training workout:
Monday, January 29, 2019
machine iso-lateral high row
320 lb total (or 160 in each hand separately x5x5 right, 160 lb each hand x5x5 left)
dumbbell stand and hold
100 lb each hand x3x30s
I will not rerack someone else's weights. This gym is filled with musclehead wannabes who choose to ignore the basic rule of the gym: re-rack your weights. I had a short workout because users abused the gym by not reracking weights after they finished; thus, that was the only heavy lifting exercise I was able to do.
This isn't the first time it has happened at this gym; back where I used to exercise years ago, some of the lifters were rude but most of them knew to obey the rules and put their weights back after finishing with them. Maybe it's the symptom of a bigger problem: the people here are generally rude, they refuse to signal when changing lanes in traffic, dive excessively over the speed limit and speed off after hitting pedestrians with their automobiles.
I re-rack my weights everytime I finish my workout, it's good manners and one of the most important rules of the gym. It makes me angry when my workouts become abbreviated because of rude people who liken unracked weights to a dog marking its territory with urine, or are so insecure that they have to show off how much they put on the bar (even if they can't lift what the weights), by leaving them in place after they limp away. The managers seem disinterested in the proper upkeep of the gym, allowing such behavior rude members; since the managers won't enforce the very rule they put in place, they're even worse than the rude gym goers.
When I get back to the gym I'll lift heavy using the equipment that is available. I'll keep you posted.
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened." 1 Peter 3:14
"Barbell Floor Press Challenge Week 53" copyright © 2019 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.