Barbell Floor Press Challenge Week 57
At last! I was able to exercise at the gym and these are the results of the workout:
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
machine overhead press
230 lb x 5x1
230 lb x 3x1
machine iso-lateral high row
320 lb (or 160 in each hand separately x5x5, right, 160 lb each hand x5x5 left)
lateral pulldown neutral grip
130 lb x10x3
140 lbx6x2
gym walk for 10 minutes at moderate pace
I lifted heavy, but I was disappointed with my machine overhead press performance; my left shoulder fatigued after two mere sets which is far below normal for me. I have to chalk it up to not working out at the gym for well over a month.
I also opted to skip the t-bar rows because I did not have the energy for that exercise, but I did manage to walk the basketball court for ten minutes, so in the end, it was a lack of motivation. I must do better.
I intend to return to the gym this week, too, and I'll be lifting 330 pounds on the machine iso-lateral row and going higher on the machine overhead press as well.
I'll keep you posted.
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened." 1 Peter 3:14
"Barbell Floor Press Challenge Week 57" copyright © 2019 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.
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