Barbell Floor Press Challenge Week 73
I did not publish the results of my last couple of workouts because I have been busy with work. I did get in a good deadlift workout during the October 20, 2019 weekend. Here it is:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
325 lb x 1 x 8
no warm up set
I had to switch Olympic bars because the first one that I was using was wobbly on the lift, so I set it down; if I counted this one, it would be 9 sets.
I did not realize that I had taken an entire month off deadlifting, but I was glad that my lifts were unaffected by it. I had approximately 45 minutes to exercise, so I made the best use that I could of that time. I had to get another Olympic bar because the one I had loaded with weights plates was wobbly on the lift. To be perfectly honest, most of the Olympic bars are old and need to be swapped out for new ones.
I also went to the gym and got in heavy lifts on the following Tuesday, and I'll be publishing them very soon.
When I get to the gym next week, I'll be deadlifting multiple sets at 345 pounds.
I'll keep you posted.
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened." 1 Peter 3:14
I'm living fit, healthy and happy(SM). Are you?
"Barbell Floor Press Challenge Week 73" copyright © 2019 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM).