Cancer Treatment and Prevention

To Supplement or Not to Supplement

To Supplement or Not to Supplement

Submitted by: Glenn Antoine

It is a known fact that vitamins, minerals and micro-nutrients are essential to good health. If this world were perfect we would get all these nutrients from the food we eat on a daily basis. However, because this does not always happen, there are some convincing reasons to consider taking vitamin, mineral or micro-nutrient supplements.

Vitamins can help us overcome our lifestyle problems. On the whole, we are not very responsible when it comes to healthy habits. Many people play with their lives by smoking, drinking alcohol to excess, not getting adequate exercise or sleep, making poor choices in foods, and many other activities that lead to poor health. By taking vitamins every day, some of these negative effects may be counteracted.

Women in particular have special vitamin needs related both to osteoporosis and pregnancy issues. Although men can also have osteoporosis, it tends to attack women more and cause them greater suffering. By supplementing with calcium on a daily basis, much of the risk for osteoporosis can be offset and some of the latest research is showing that vitamin D plays a significant role in the prevention of osteoporosis. For women who are pregnant or considering having children, folic acid is an essential supplement. This B vitamin can prevent birth defects such as Spina Bifida in newborn babies. Lastly for pre-menopausal women there is overwhelming research showing that a large percentage of the population is iron deficient.

Men, too, have issues that can be fought through proper vitamin intake. Cardiovascular problems are thought to be reduced by taking vitamin E supplements. They are believed to play an important role in keeping the blood pressure and cholesterol levels low in most males aged forty and over. Keeping the arteries clean is an important factor in preventing heart attacks and vitamin E has been shown in research studies to accomplish this task.

Dieters have special supplementation needs of their own. Many young girls diet on a regular basis and consume far too few calories to accommodate their vitamin needs. While the wisdom of going on particular weight loss diets is a topic for another discussion, anyone on such a diet should look to vitamin supplements to avoid malnutrition and other maladies. Inadequate nutrition can cause a person to be vulnerable to various ailments and a weakened immune system.

Another great reason to consider vitamin supplementation is the potential cancer prevention some vitamins are believed to provide. Research has suggested that vitamin E and vitamin A prevent skin cancer. Many studies in recent years have found that other types of cancers may be similarly prevented by taking certain vitamins.

While there is never a fail proof plan when it comes to vitamin supplements, the evidence does suggest that risk may be reduced and conditions may be improved through supplementation. Due to all of the possible benefits, supplementation is definitely worth considering. Lastly, while I have not even scratched the surface of the benefits and the various nutrients that we need to optimize our body’s ability to rebuild and repair itself on a daily basis please take the time to ensure that you are getting these vital nutrients on a daily basis for a long healthy life.


1) The American Society for Nutritional Sciences Website - 813S

2) PubMed Website Articles: Zinc Supplementation artid=131177

3) American Heart Association Website: Antioxidants - identifier=2062

4) American Heart Association Website: Homocysteine - identifier=442

About the Author: Glenn has combined his passion for health and fitness with a great business model that allows him opportunities that would have otherwise not been possible. For more information visit: or

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Molar Pregnancy - What You Should Know

Molar Pregnancy - What You Should Know

Molar Pregnancy - What You Should Know
By Hannah Bajor

Molar pregnancy is a serious issue that one in every 1-2 thousand pregnant women faces. Read on and be informed to reduce your risk of developing uterine cancer.

Approximately one in every 1000 to 2000 pregnant woman end up having a molar pregnancy. This is where you are pregnant but it is growing into a mole within the womb and can result in uterine or ovarian cancer if not managed correctly. On ultrasound there is no baby's heartbeat, but there will be this grape-like mole growing inside your womb.

There are two types of molar pregnancy. Both are very serious and both are very abnormal pregnancy growths. A complete molar pregnancy there is no baby, no baby parts, no placenta and no amniotic fluid. There is just a big mole and it looks like a bunch of grapes growing inside your womb.

A partial molar pregnancy occurs when you have one egg but two sperms penetrated that egg. During the development and cell duplication process a severe abnormality of the developing embryo occurred. Therefore with you could have a uterine mole containing no heartbeat, but may have some baby parts such as hair, teeth, bone, amniotic fluid, placenta parts are all mixed up into a grape like structure.

With a molar pregnancy you produce an excess amount of pregnancy hormones which give you many exaggerated symptoms of pregnancy such as:

Excessive morning sickness.

Your breasts grow quickly and are very tender.

Your womb is bigger than the gestational age of your pregnancy.

You have a lot more pressure symptoms in your pelvic area.

Routine pregnancy hormonal testing shows

On blood work your pregnancy hormones are much higher than the expected range for your pregnancy age and they are rising faster than the normal pregnancy pattern.

An ultrasound shows no babies heart beat and a grape like structure growing instead.

Most molar pregnancies need to be scraped away from the uterus with a procedure called a D and C for dilatation and curettage. The problem with this abnormal pregnancy is that even with a dilatation and curettage, it may be impossible to clean out the route of the mole that have imbedded into the muscles of your womb.

As long as there are small branches of your molar pregnancy are embedded in the muscles of your womb you will produce pregnancy hormones. This may give you pregnancy symptoms for months after diagnosis or treatment.

The most important thing for you to do when managed for any abnormal pregnancy is to take self-responsibility and make sure you do not become pregnant for a least six months to one year because of your risk of developing uterine cancer. Your physician may insist on you taking birth control pills or injections to ensure no new pregnancy occurs until your molar pregnancy is totally resolved.

Having one abnormal pregnancy does not mean you will have another one. We never know the outcome of any pregnancy, as all pregnancies are completely different. Having a history of an abnormal pregnancy does mean you should see it as a warning sign for both yourself and your partner to eat healthier and supplement daily with high quality vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to prevent production of internal bodily toxins affecting egg's or sperms.

Many times providers fail to realize the emotional devastation a woman goes through in losing her pregnancy, especially when it was an abnormal pregnancy. To a woman a pregnancy means a baby. On top of this, molar pregnancy symptoms may last for months and be very hard to cope with. A woman may feel she has this alien growing inside of her and be emotionally traumatized by the frequent blood tests and ultrasounds needed in the year following diagnosis of a molar pregnancy.

You may even experience pregnancy loss grief and if so please seek professional support from someone that can help expedite your healing process.

Midwife Hannah Bajor C.N.M., M.S.N. is founder, CEO and Visionary behind the Lumalove brand of getting pregnant, pregnancy, infertility and miscarriage educational support products and services.

Hannah says "knowing my life's purpose gives one a hug advantage". Her 30 years midwifery experience along with her personal journey through ten years of infertility, having personally experienced a 16 week miscarriage and a near death experience delivering her second child has lit a fire in her soul that NO ONE can put out and that is to "change childbirth education as we know it".

Lumalove LLC helps couples globally access new and dynamic prenatal education and in doing so lays the foundational blueprints for a happier, healthier pregnancy outcome and gives their unborn child the opportunity of unlimited potential.

Take advantage of her FREE offer and download a miscarriage healing ceremony that will give you some definite actions to take to help cope better with your loss. To get your FREE Lumalove Miscarriage Healing Ceremony PDF then click on

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Synergy in Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation

Synergy in Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation

Submitted by: Adrian Joele

Most people who take vitamin and mineral supplements self-prescribe to what they think they should take, not even what is fashionable. As well as being a waste of money, this is likely to do more harm than good. Why? Because taking an extra dose of one vitamin can lower levels of another. Falling short of a particular mineral can prevent the absorption of another, seemingly unrelated one. A dose of an isolated vitamin or mineral that is too high can produce the same symptoms as a deficiency of another nutrient.

This is what nutritionists call synergy and it explains why taking extra calcium to build stronger bones may backfire on you. Too much calcium in the body can cause a deficiency in iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorous by preventing their proper absorption. All these minerals are vital for good bone health and their ongoing deficiency can lead to osteoporosis - the condition you were trying to prevent by taking calcium supplements.

Vitamin D, which is also known as the sunshine vitamin, since the body need exposure to sunlight to make it, enhances the absorption of calcium, but too much can cause a potassium deficiency.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that is said to help to prevent premature aging. It does help to maintain the surfaces of the body,including the skin, but too much increases the body's need for another antioxidant, vitamin E, which protect against heart disease.

Vitamin C remains the most popular of the self-prescribed supplements: an estimated ten million Britons take it every day. Research papers now prove that it has powerful antioxidant properties that protect against cancer and heart disease and show how it boosts the immune system to protect against infections and can even speed up wound healing. Yet not many people know that it works much better in the presence of vitamin A or that , to use it properly, the body needs calcium.

Ask any alternative cancer specialists what nutrients their patients should be eating and they will specify bioflavanoids. Though not a true vitamin, these are a group of biologically active substances found in plants that are sometimes called vitamin P.

As well as cancer-fighting properties, they also have an antibacterial effect in the body, where they promote healthy circulation, stimulate bile production for the breakdown of fats and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Foods that are rich in flavanoids include apples, beetroot, blackberries, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cherries, dandelions, lentils,lettuce, oranges parsley, plums, peas, potatoes, rhubarb, rose hips,spinach, tomatoes, walnuts and watercress. But what you may not know is that they all work even better when taken with vitamin C, and vice versa.

Synergistic partners are rarely monogamous. To correct a deficiency in vitamin A, you also need six additional nutrients: choline, zinc, vitamin C, D and E, plus the essential fatty acids found in oily fish or evening primrose oil supplements.

To restore normal levels of vitamin C , you need the bioflavanoids, vitamin A, plus calcium and magnesium. Those last two minerals are so closely linked that if you plan to take a supplement, you need to follow a ratio of 2 : 1 in favor of the calcium. So if you are taking 800 mg of calcium, you need to take 400 mg of magnesium, too.

To correct a shortage of calcium in the hope of building stronger bones, you also need magnesium, boron, manganese, phosphorous, vitamins A, C, D and F, plus essential fatty acids.

To complicate the picture further, synergy may not affect the whole body but only specific cells, so the impact of what you are doing may be hidden. Smoking, for example, wipes out vitamin C in the body, but this deficiency may be confined to the cells of the lungs.

As you can see, when taking supplements you have to make sure that the vitamin and mineral balance in your body is maintained.

About the Author: Resource Box Adrian Joele has been involved in nutrition and weight loss for more than 10 years and he likes to share his knowledge. He obtained expert status with EzineArticles. Sign up for his free report on nutrition by visiting:

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How Cancer Starts

How Cancer Starts

Submitted by: Adrian Joele

The process by which normal cells become cancer cells has to do with genetic damage,

that is, the genes that we have inherited become damaged.

Our body is build-up of approximately 75 trillion cells and there are many different

types of cells of every part of our body. They continually replicate themselves.

Each cell has a set of genetic instructions in its center, called the DNA, which controls cell growth, development and replication.

The DNA is the vital component that gets damaged, the chemical blueprint in genes,

in the form of oxidation and the main cause of this is reactive oxygen ( technically

eferred to as reactive oxygen species ) , or the more common name: free radicals.

When DNA is damaged by free radicals, it can replicate a damaged cell.

When this cell replicates itself, it can become cancer.

Cancer is fundamentally an oxidative process and many types of cancers depend on the

conversion of particular molecules in the cells or carcinogenic chemicals to reactive

oxidised forms. The oxidation is largely caused by free radicals.

Oxidation in our body is the main cause of many forms of cancer, heart disease,

atheroclerosis, adult onset of diabetes, cataracts, lung – and liver disorders and

degenerative diseases of the brain.

Every day, the DNA in each cell in our body faces about 10,000 attacks from cell-

damaging forces known as free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules

that have lost an electron.

Ironically, both chemotherapy and radiotherapy that are used to treat cance

cause more oxidation.

In healthy living cells, reactive oxygen species are formed continuously during

the process of respiration in the cells.

Although the body is well equipped to repair genetic (DNA) damage, the repair processes

are usually less than 100 % efficient. Despite even extensive repair, oxidized DNA is

usually abundant in human tissues. Significantly, damaged DNA is particularly abundant

in tumors. The damage rate may be up to 10 modifications in each cell every day,

so it is apparent that damage accumulates with age.

The CSIRO Division of Human Nutrition believes that this increase in genetic damage

with age is due to the cumulative effects of free radical damage and dietary and

environmental chemicals that damage genes.

Our bodies have to face daily an over production of free radicals, caused by our polluted environment, stressful lifestyles and mal nutrition. Free radicals are naturally produced as your body turns fuel to energy, you can get them also from stress, smoking and radiation from the sun.

These volatile molecules cruise around your body, trying to stabilize themselves by stealing electrons from other molecules. When they succeed, they create still more free radicals, causing a sort of snowballing procession of damage.

Free radicals don't just occasionally pop up here and there. Up to 5% of the oxygen that each cell uses is converted into free radicals.

Ionising radiation is a potent generator of reactive oxygen species, while tobacco smoke has been found to increase the DNA damage by 35-50%. Other well-known causes include:

many polluting chemicals, including the hydrocarbons from petroleum, many pesticides, the chlorine in town water supplies; iron in access of the body's needs: amines and nutrates.

It is a surprise to see iron, as being one of the essential nutrients, on the 'bad list', yet the effects of excess iron are so significant, that the increased incidence of testicular cancer this century has been attributed to the increasing iron content of the Western diet.

Can our body defend itself against oxidative damage by excessive free radicals?

The answer is: yes! Our body is equipped with very powerful defenses against free radicals and this is largely through antioxidants, which are consumed in the diet or made within our body, and enzymes.

Balance is the key. If there are not enough antioxidants available to neutrolize the free radicals, oxidative stress develops.

The key antioxidants in the diet are the carotenoids, vitamin A ( which we consume or make from carotenoids), vitamin C, vitamin E and the trace minerals selenium and zinc.

The prominent enzymes that destroy free radicals are called: superoxide dismutase, glutathione (particular melatonin) and a host of other natural compounds, such as those occuring in grape seeds and skins (OPC's) and in the herb Ginkgo biloba.

Vitamin E has been extensively researched and there is strong evidence that it is beneficial at much higher intakes than the current RDA (Recommended Daily Allowances) of 15 IU ( International Units). Vitamin E is especially required to protect unsaturated fats against oxidation.

The least amount found to inhibit oxidation is 40 IU per day, with 60 IU/day the minimum to enhance immune response. The Optimal level is 450 IU/day. Up to 800 IU has been found to be beneficial.

The researchers suggest an intake of 135 - 150 IU/day.

To obtain this amount from food, we would need to consume daily almost a kilogram of almonds, or 150 grams of soya oil, or 55 grams of wheatgerm oil, each of which would be not only unpractical, but even a harmful quantity of food.

That's why it make sense to supplement our diet with high quality nutritional supplements (multiminerals and antioxidants) to ensure that the optimal levels are being met.

About the Author: Adrian Joele became interested in nutrition and weight management while he was an associate with a nutritional supplement company. Since 2008 he wrote several articles about nutrition and weight loss and achieved expert status with Ezine He has been involved in nutrition and weight management for more than 12 years and he likes to share his knowledge. Get his free report on nutrition and tips for healthy living, by visiting:

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Natural Hair Care Best Hair Loss Treatment

Natural Hair Care Best Hair Loss Treatment

Natural Hair Care Best Hair Loss Treatment

By: Harry John

There are several Causes of Hair Loss in Women and men and as there are a number of causes, there are also a number of Hair Loss Medications for Males and females available.

The most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia (males) which can also be called DHT Hair Loss. When testosterone, the male hormone, gets converted to DHT, it results in hair loss. Besides Anti-Androgen Medication, there are a number of Herbal Nutritional Supplements available which contain natural substances for blocking this transformation into DHT by the human body and are able to take care of hair loss. The active ingredients of these supplements are all-natural herbal, vitamin, and mineral DHT inhibitors. These natural hair care products contain no harsh chemicals and do not have sexual side effects which are very much evident in Hair Loss Medication.

The common hair care treatments available for females for normal hair care include shampoos, conditioners, whereas hair Re-growth treatment with Anti-Androgens and topical treatment with Rogaine are the only available options for female balding. There are many limitations of the anti androgen therapy, and the topical medication Rogaine which is more effective in preventing further hair loss rather than stimulating hair growth, is quite expensive and requires a long period of treatment (from 6 months to a year). Besides, the results obtained after a long period of use disappear after the treatment is stopped. In such situations it is best to explore the natural hair care secrets offered by many Natural Herbal Supplements and the Nutritional Health Vitamin Supplements.

Nutrition plays a very important role for hair care. The hair follicles which are in an active growth phase are strong and healthy compared to those which are in the resting stage. A steady flow of proper nutritional building blocks is essential for hair follicles to grow and produce healthy hair fiber. The follicles derive their nutrition from the blood. A balanced diet which has the natural vitamin supplements, proteins and mineral and health supplements is able to provide natural nutritional supplements to the hair follicles. If the already weak hair follicles do not get proper nutrition they become more prone to shedding.

These natural health supplements create an atmosphere where the tiny follicles beneath your scalp receive exactly what they need to create beautiful, full-bodied hair and also the power they need to sustain themselves when old.

Preventive care is the best form of treatment for any type of illness and hair loss is no exception. By providing the advantage of best nutritional and natural hair care you are sure to have a better control of hair loss.

Natural food supplements are the key to good health, and using natural hair care products and supplements are the best hair loss treatments for hair care.

Natural hair care secrets lie in taking a scientifically balanced mixture of Vitamins, Minerals and other Health Supplements which have long been regarded as effective for providing the right nourishment to the hair follicles and retain their vitality, natural color and the their potential for re-growth which can be lost due to both the internal and external causes.

Science has now unraveled the natural care secrets of phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, many of these chemicals have antioxidant capabilities greater than vitamin A, C, or E and the vitamins which have also been shown to be related with hair care. Many of these chemicals have anti-cancer benefits, and the good news is that there are thousands of such chemicals found in each fruit or vegetable.

Besides fruits and vegetables, nature has many herbs and plants which are able to provide natural hair care ( Hormonal imbalance resulting from menopause is an important cause of hair loss in women. Besides menopause, hormonal imbalance is also caused during pregnancy, child birth, and is the cause of poly cystic ovarian syndrome in women, hormonal imbalance is also one of the main causes of hair loss in women.

Many of the herbs have the required natural supplements in them which are able to take care of most of the problems women face, so much so that they can be labeled as Women Health Supplements. These natural women health supplements are able to prevent hair loss due to menopause and are especially useful for women's health during the difficult phases of their life.


Author Bio
Harry john is involved with the hair growth research and currently focusing on different topics like fast hair growth tips, hair analysis test and hair mineral analysis which actually are the gateway to healthy growth and maintenance. For other resources please visit

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Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives

Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives

Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives

By: Lynn Roodbol

There are so many jokes about mammograms! Have you heard the one about the fridge door ... or the bookends ... or the garage floor? Thanks to all the jokes, "Mammogram" has become a household word, and it's not that I don't have a sense of humor, but as a mammography technologist, I've heard the jokes many times. I think the jokes are embarrassing for women and demeaning with regard to their physical bodies. Many women say, "If men had to do this, there would be a better solution" - this may or may not be true. Most people agree that mammograms are not perfect, but until there is a better solution, I think it's time to look at mammograms in a different light.

In May of 1985 and 1986 I asked my doctor to order a mammogram for me and he refused both times saying I was too young. There were no screening mammography centers to which I could refer myself, so that was that. In December of 1986 at the age of 42 I felt a lump in my breast and had a mammogram the same day. It turned out to be Stage II breast cancer with 4 positive lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy, a mastectomy and chemotherapy but chose not to have radiation. I obviously wasn't too young to have cancer.

In May 1985 a mammogram cost less than $60.00 and would have resulted in my having minor surgery to deal with a small lump. Delaying the diagnosis until December 1986 raised the cost of the medical care I received both in dollars and the amount of human suffering we faced. I say "we" because a diagnosis of cancer affects the family, friends and community of the person with the disease. A timely mammogram would have saved us all a lot of grief.

The common perception is that having a mammogram is a negative experience; I think this is a bad rap. Mammograms are quick and easy breast X-Rays; which usually means two views of each breast - one from the top and one from the side. They are performed by friendly, knowledgeable technologists who do their best to help women feel at ease. The technologists' goal is to get the best films possible and also to make the experience as quick and painless as possible.

When people go for a mammogram the most important thing to know is that relaxation of the upper body is the key to a positive experience. I know it's hard to relax when you're apprehensive, but this is why I believe we need to lessen the public apprehension of this test. It is easy to relax by taking some deep breaths before you have the test. By relaxing your muscles you will be much more comfortable through the test than if you are tense. An added bonus is that the films will be of higher quality, as it is easier to image the back of the breast close to the chest wall if the pectoralis muscles are relaxed. When it's done, you may hear yourself saying, "That wasn't bad at all!"

Some women are embarrassed to have a mammogram because they don't want anyone other than their partner to see and touch their breasts. The mammogram jokes add to their fear of pain and embarrassment making it harder for them to manage, and I know of some women who avoid having a mammogram for this reason. The test is done in privacy; no one but a female technologist will be present. Technologists, for the most part, are sensitive people who will do the test as quickly and professionally as they can. Many women who have resisted the test for a long time are amazed at how simple and painless it can be.

Mammograms include compression of the breast with a plastic plate to produce a high quality image with the least amount of radiation. Breast compression is meant to be tight, but it should not be painful and it only lasts for a few seconds. If you think about looking at a bunch of grapes - it's hard to see them all from one spot. If you spread the grapes out, you can see more grapes. Similarly with the use of compression, more breast tissue is visible when the breast is spread out. With a flatter, thinner layer of tissue the amount of radiation required is less than if the breast is not compressed. The amount of radiation you get is as low as can be achieved if adequate compression is used, and also if good quality control is maintained at the mammogram facility.

In the U.S.A. the cost of a mammogram runs between $50 and $150.00. There is financial help available from insurance companies, state and local programs, and from some employers. Please do not let the cost deter you from having a mammogram as the cost of not having a mammogram can be much higher both financially and emotionally. Check for information on the internet.

In most places in Canada, women can book their own appointment for a free screening mammogram; a doctor's referral is not required. In places without a screening program, mammography is available with a doctor's referral and is covered by health insurance. Approximately 7% of women will be asked to have further testing. Most of the time, follow up testing involves an additional mammogram with a different view to separate the breast tissue in a particular area to get a better image. In my analogy of the bunch of grapes, it's like having a few grapes on top of each other and separating them out in a different way in order to see them better.

There is controversy about the age bracket for women to have a mammogram. On a mammogram film, normal breast tissue in young women usually appears to be dense; normal breast tissue in older women usually turns to fat and appears less dense. Reading mammograms on young women is like looking through a tree which is full of leaves in summer. Reading mammograms on older women can be compared to looking through a tree in winter. You can see why reading mammograms on young women is more complex than reading films on older women and this is the main reason why screening mammography is more effective as women mature.

The fear of being diagnosed with breast cancer will often prevent a woman from having a mammogram. My personal experience is that it is much better to be diagnosed earlier rather than when the cancer has had chance to spread. The amount of fear, pain, embarrassment, and emotional anguish from having a mammogram does not even come close to that of being diagnosed with an advanced cancer. A mammogram takes about 10 minutes; an early cancer can be dealt with in a reasonable amount of time, while an advanced cancer is much more of a time commitment. The amount of fear that comes with a cancer diagnosis is astronomical compared to that of a screening mammogram.

It is often recommended that women have a screening mammogram every two years, but many people believe it is better to have mammograms on an annual basis. It is probably best if women can consult their doctors and make the decision on an individual basis. A number of factors affect the decision such as age, family history, general health, and previous breast problems. Between appointments, whether you choose to have a mammogram every year or every two years, it is important to be aware of any breast problems. If you notice anything unusual it is wise to contact your doctor. This applies even if your mammogram was negative because there are a certain percentage of cancers that do not show on a mammogram.

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation promotes a three-prong approach to breast health:

  • annual clinical breast exam by a doctor or trained health professional
  • screening mammogram
  • monthly breast self exam

Breast self-exam can be a controversial issue. Many people do not recommend monthly self-exams, yet many women have found their own breast cancers this way. The important thing to remember is if you choose to do self exam, to do it right:

  • learn the proper method from a doctor or trained health professional
  • be disciplined and practice it regularly
  • pick the same time of your menstrual cycle or the same date each month
  • get to know your normal breast "architecture"
  • make notes of your findings, draw pictures and record dates
  • make detailed notes of unusual findings including dates
  • check with your doctor if you find anything worrisome

Following these steps will give you confidence and put you in charge of your breast health. Some health professionals are concerned that women will be unnecessarily alarmed if they find a problem with their breasts. I believe that an educated approach to breast care will reduce the fear that many women live with, and they can consult their doctors in a more rational manner. Most breast lumps are benign, but early detection of breast cancer is worth the extra cost of investigating lumps and other unusual findings.

Mammography is a peculiar test in some ways. However, it is the gold standard at present and until there is a better method of screening which is also cost effective it makes good sense to have regular mammograms. Finding cancer in the early stages before it has a chance to spread makes the treatment much easier and the cure rate much higher. Having a mammogram is not meant to be funny, or even fun; but a few minutes of discomfort rewards us with knowing we are taking action to help protect our breast health.


Author Bio Lynn was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer in 1986 and colon and skin cancer in 1987. She has been involved in the cancer community since then as a peer counselor, support group facilitator, fundraiser and retreat organizer. She works as a mammography technologist in Guelph Ontario. Lynn is also a life coach for cancer patients to help them shorten the learning curve and navigate their journey with cancer.

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Health Food | Health Benefits of Fruits | Natural Nutrition | Health Benefits For All Fruits | Benefits Eating Fruit to Lose Weight | Fruits Juices Benefits

Health Food | Health Benefits of Fruits | Natural Nutrition | Health Benefits For All Fruits | Benefits Eating Fruit to Lose Weight | Fruits Juices Benefits

Submitted by: Medico News

The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus domestica in the rose family Rosaceae. It is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits.The tree originated from Central Asia, where its wild ancestor is still found today. There are more than 7,500 known cultivars of apples resulting in a range of desired characteristics. Cultivars vary in their yield and the ultimate size of the tree, even when grown on the same rootstock.

At least 55 million tons of apples were grown worldwide in 2005, with a value of about $10 billion. China produced about 35% of this total. The United States is the second leading producer, with more than 7.5% of the world production. Turkey, France, Italy, and Iran are also among the leading apple exporters.

Health benefits for Apple

The proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” addressing the health effects of the fruit, dates from 19th century Wales. Research suggests that apples may reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Compared to many other fruits and vegetables, apples contain relatively low amounts of Vitamin C, but are rich source of other antioxidant compounds. The fiber content, while less than in most other fruits, helps regulate bowel movements and may thus reduce the risk of colon cancer. They may also help with heart disease, weight loss, and controlling cholesterol, as they do not have any cholesterol, have fiber, which reduces cholesterol by preventing reabsorption, and are bulky for their caloric content like most fruits and vegetables.

There is evidence that in vitro apples possess phenolic compounds which may be cancer-protective and demonstrate antioxidant activity. The predominant phenolic phytochemicals in apples are quercetin, epicatechin, and procyanidin B2.

Apple juice concentrate has been found to increase the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in mice, providing a potential mechanism for the “prevent ion of the decline in cognitive performance that accompanies dietary and genetic deficiencies and aging.” Other studies have shown an “alleviat oxidative damage and cognitive decline” in mice after the administration of apple juice.

The seeds are mildly poisonous, containing a small amount of amygdalin, a cyanogenic glycoside; usually not enough to be dangerous to humans, but it can deter birds.

2. Banana


Banana is the common name for herbaceous plants of the genus Musa and for the fruit they produce. They are native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia, and are likely to have been first domesticated in Papua New Guinea. Today, they are cultivated throughout the tropics.

Banana plants are of the family Musaceae. They are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the production of fibre and as ornamental plants. As the banana plants are normally tall and fairly sturdy, they are often mistaken for trees, but their main or upright stem is actually a pseudostem. For some species, this pseudostem can reach a height of 2–8 m, with leaves of up to 3.5 m in length. Each pseudostem can produce a bunch of green bananas, which when ripened often turn yellow or sometimes red. After bearing fruit, the pseudostem dies and is replaced by another.

Health benefits

Along with other fruits and vegetables, consumption of bananas were associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer and in women, breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma Individuals with a latex allergy may experience a reaction to bananas.

Banana pape

Banana fibre is also used in the production of banana paper. Banana paper is used in two different senses: to refer to a paper made from the bark of the banana plant, mainly used for artistic purposes, or paper made from banana fiber, obtained from an industrialized process, from the stem and the non usable fruits. This paper can be either hand-made or made by industrialized machine.

3. Cranberry


Cranberries are a group of evergreen dwarf shrubs or trailing vines in the genus Vaccinium subgenus Oxycoccos, or in some treatments, in the distinct genus Oxycoccos. They are found in acidic bogs throughout the cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Cranberries are a major commercial crop in certain American states and Canadian provinces see Cultivation and uses below. Most cranberries are processed into products such as juice, sauce, and sweetened dried cranberries e.g. Craisins, with the remainder sold fresh to consumers. Cranberry sauce is regarded an indispensable part of traditional American and Canadian Thanksgiving menus and European winter festivals.

Since the early 21st century within the global functional food industry, there has been a rapidly growing recognition of cranberries for their consumer product popularity, nutrient content and antioxidant qualities, giving them commercial status as a “superfruit”.

Health benefits and potential health benefits

Cranberries have moderate levels of vitamin C, dietary fiber and the essential dietary mineral, manganese, as well as a balanced profile of other essential micronutrients.

By measure of the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity with an ORAC score of 9,584 units per 100 g, cranberry ranks near the top of 277 commonly consumed foods in the United States.

About the Author: Written by Medical News | Cancer News : Dental News :

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Current Meds Are Not Useful For All CLL Patients, New Treatments Sought

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People diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) often receive a mixture of two powerful medications - the drug obinutuzumab combined with the chemotherapy drug chlorambucil. Although this approved therapy has helped many CLL patients, the drugs are not effective for all patients.

TG Therapeutics, recognizing the need for new drugs to treat CLL, has started a clinical to determine if two investigational drugs will be helpful to CLL patients. 

Therefore, researchers are studying the combination of two investigational drugs, Ublituximab and TGR-1202, to learn if they may be effective as a new treatment for CLL.

As a CureClick Ambassador I want to share this information with my readers because it could be helpful for medically treating people who have the troubling condition.

According to the research sponsor "This study is evaluating whether the new combination results in better outcomes for patients with CLL, including living longer without their CLL getting worse, compared to the approved therapy."

In summary, this is a phase 3 trial meaning that the study drug has been taken by other participants under the supervision of medical professionals.

The research trial will consist of 450 people who must meet certain criteria.

TG Therapeutics
Ublituximab, TGR-1202
Age Range
at least 18 years old

To learn more about eligibility requirements, please visit .

For those of you whom are not familiar with clinical trials, here's some information that you can use:

  • What are clinical trials?

    Clinical trials (also called clinical research) are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or devices are safe and effective for humans. All investigational medications and devices must undergo clinical trials before they are made available to patients.

  • Can I decide to leave a clinical trial?

    You can decide to leave a clinical trial at any time, and you do not have to give a reason. There is no charge or penalty if you decide not to take part in a clinical trial.

  • Why participate in a clinical trial?

    You will have access to new, investigational products that, if approved, will be available to the general public. You will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical trial staff at research facilities. Clinical trials offer an opportunity to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future.

  • What are the benefits and risks of clinical trials?

    The investigational products may or may not help to make your condition better. While you may have a positive trial experience, you may also experience unpleasant or serious side effects. It's important to discuss the benefits and risks with either your doctor or the clinical trial site contact before making any decisions.

    Before you can participate in any clinical trial, you will be asked to review and sign an informed consent form (ICF), which will explain the potential benefits, risks, and side effects that you may experience while taking part in the clinical trial. Signing it indicates you are agreeing to take part in this research study.

  • Is my information safe?

    Your information will be kept confidential within the limits of the law of your country. If the results of this clinical trial are published or presented in a meeting, you will not be named and nobody will be able to tell that you were in the trial from the publication or presentation.


Disclaimer: I am not participating in this clinical trial. I am providing this information to my readers as a CureClick Ambasssador. Click on the links below to learn about my relationship with Cureclick and why I'm talking about clinical trials.


All humans are kin, created in the image of God. Skin color, nationality, personal wealth - or the lack thereof - make no difference in the eyes of God. In 1 John 4:20-21 it is written that 20 If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can[a] he love God whom he has not seen? 21 And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also. Therefore, we must remember what God expects of us.


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Cabbage | Red Cabbage | Health Benefits of Cabbage | Red Cabbage Juice Benefits | Red Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage | Red Cabbage | Health Benefits of Cabbage | Red Cabbage Juice Benefits | Red Cabbage Soup Diet

Submitted by: Medico News

Red Cabbage is very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Thiamin, Riboflavin, Folate, Calcium, Iron and Magnesium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Manganese.

One cup of chopped crimson will add about 50 milligrams of vitamin C, as well as doses of fiber, folate and potassium. Studies have also revealed that a high intake of cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage offers protection from some cancers.

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage: It’s high in Vitamins A and C

Vitamins A and C are vitamins with strong antioxidant properties and red cabbage is a good source of both, particularly vitamin C. One serving provides three-quarters of the daily recommended quantity of this vitamin which is important for maintaining healthy skin and connective tissue. Who says citrus fruits are the only good source of vitamin C?

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage: It’s a Real Diet Food

Red cabbage is a guilt-free food if you’re a calorie counter. One cup of red cabbage has under thirty fat-free calories. The relatively high fiber content of red cabbage makes it a filling and satisfying side dish. No wonder the cabbage soup diet was so popular!

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage: It’s Better than It’s Green Cousin

Medicinal properties

In European folk medicine, cabbage leaves are used to treat acute inflammation. A paste of raw cabbage may be placed in a cabbage leaf and wrapped around the affected area to reduce discomfort. Some claim it is effective in relieving painfully engorged breasts in breastfeeding women.

Cabbage contains significant amounts glutamine, an amino acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

It is a source of indol-3-carbinol, or I3C, a compound used as an adjuvent therapy for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, a disease of the head and neck caused by human papillomavirus (usually types 6 and 11) that causes growths in the airway that can lead to death.

Health Benefits of Cabbage

1. Red cabbage contains beneficial protective phytochemicals such as indole-3-carbinole (I3C), sulforaphane, and indoles. Indole-3-carbinole (I3C) is plays an essential role in reducing the risk of breast cancer. These compunds are also required for regulating the formation and function of estrogen.

2. Cabbage belongs to the Cruciferae family of vegetables and has three major varieties, namely green, Savoy and red.

3. Cabbage has numerous health benefits. Researches and studies have revealed that red cabbage has higher amounts of nutrients and is beneficial for treating cancer, ulcers and various other health disorders.

4. Cabbage is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener.

5. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcer.

6. Cabbage is rich in iron and sulfur.

7. Juice of fresh cabbage is effective in treating fungus infection(due to it sulfur content).

8. Cabbage can lower serum cholesterol.

Modern science has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the health benefits and therapeutic value of cabbage, which also plays a role in the inhibition of infections and ulcers. Cabbage extracts have been proven to kill certain viruses and bacteria in the laboratory setting. Cabbage boosts the immune system’s ability to produce more antibodies. Cabbage provides high levels of iron and sulphur, minerals that work in part as cleansing agents for the digestive system.

There are many different varieties of cabbage, so please, be brave and innovative. Green cabbage is the most popular, common and of course the one we are most familiar with. Take a walk on the wild side with Savoy cabbage. With yellow crinkled leaves, you can use this variety of cabbage as an alternate in many recipes. Let’s not forget Bok Choy, a routine addition to Chinese recipes that has a sweet, light, celery type familiarity. Red Cabbage. It goes without saying in that it simply has to be good for you given all that beautiful plant pigment where the majority of nutrition is stored. Red cabbage is good in salads and is commonly pickled. Napa cabbage has a mild sweet taste and is incredible in stir fry dishes.

Whatever your choice of cabbage may be, enjoy a serving at least once a week along with your other valuable and health promoting cruciferous vegetables. Try to cook your cabbage lightly. Steaming and quick stir fry dishes are considered to be the best methods for preserving the power packed natural nutrition given so freely by Mother Nature. Cabbage soup anyone?

Nutritive Values of Cabbage :

1. Vitamin A : 80 I.U.

2. Vitamin c : 50 mg.

3. Calcium : 46 mg.

4. Phosphorus : 31 mg.

5. Potassium : 140 mg.

6. Carbohydrates : 5.3 gm.

7. Protein : 1.4 gm.

8. Calories : 24

About the Author: Written by Medical News | Cancer News :

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Bone Strengthening Drugs Linked to Lower Breast Cancer Incidence | Bone Strengthening Drugs

Bone Strengthening Drugs Linked to Lower Breast Cancer Incidence | Bone Strengthening Drugs

Submitted by: Medico News

New research from the US has discovered that women who used bisphosphonates, commonly-prescribed bone-strengthening drugs, had significantly fewer invasive breast cancers than women who did not use them. “The idea that bisphosphonates could reduce breast cancer incidence is very exciting because there are about 30 million prescriptions for these agents written annually in the US targeting bone health, and more could easily be used to counteract both osteoporosis and breast cancer,” Chlebowski told the media. For the study, Chlebowski and colleagues re-analyzed data from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), a large observational study set up by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1991 to examine the most common causes of death, disability and impaired quality of life in postmenopausal women. The WHI collected information on cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

In the 150,000-plus cohort of generally healthy postmenopausal women, the researchers found 32 per cent fewer cases of invasive breast cancer among women who used bisphosphonates (mostly alendronate, marketed as Fosamax by Merck), compared to women who did not use such drugs.

What prompted the study were the findings of a report from a breast cancer trial that suggested bisphosphonate zoledronic acid given intravenously every 6 months resulted in fewer cancers in the other breast.

Chlebowski said that:

“It appeared to make bone less hospitable to breast cancer.”

In deciding how to devise the study, the researchers had to find a way to control for bone density, since that in itself is a risk factor for breast cancer. In other words they had to devise a way to control for potential differences between the women prescribed bisphosphonate and those not prescribed bisphosphonate, because those on the bone-strengthening drugs were on it because they had low bone mineral density, which is linked to lower breast cancer incidence.

They found that about 10,000 of the cohort had their bone mineral density analyzed as part of the WHI study, and for the others, including those prescribed bisphosphonates, the researchers used a 10-item hip fracture predictive score to measure bone density.

Thus they were able to correlate the results of bone mineral density tests in the 10,000 who had the tests with the predictive score in order to correct for any potential difference in bone density in women using bisphosphonates compared to those who did not use them.

Thus prepared, Chlebowski and colleagues then studied data on 2,216 women who were using bisphosphonates when they entered the WHI study.

The results showed that:

Only 64 of the bisphosphonate users developed breast cancer, and most of the cases, (50 of them), were estrogen-receptor positive.

Overall there was an average of 32 per cent fewer breast cancers among bisphosphonate users compared to non-users.

There were 30 per cent fewer estrogen-receptor positive cancers and 34 per cent fewer entry-receptor negative cancers among bisphosphonate users, although the latter finding was not statistically significant due to low numbers.

Speculating on what effect bisphosphonates might have to cause fewer breast cancers, Chlebowski said it could be because the drugs discourage blood vessel formation (which tumors rely on to grow), and help the immune system:

“Bisphosphonates reduce angiogenesis and stimulate immune cells responsible for tumor cell surveillance as potential mediators,” explained Chlebowski.

He said we need to study this link in more detail, because “while we currently have several options for reducing receptor positive breast cancers, none are available for receptor negative cancers”.

Other studies presented at the symposium pointed to a similar link between bisphosphonate use and lower breast cancer risk, and a number of breast cancer trials evaluating oral and intravenous uses of the drug are about to report randomized clinical trial evidence on it.

About the Author: Written by Medical News | Cancer News : Dental News :

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