
A Helpful Tool For People Searching For Clinical Research Trials



Sometimes the search for a good doctor can be quite nerve wracking even under the best of circumstances, but the emotional burden becomes even greater when searching for doctors who are participating in clinical trials.

Trial Reach and CureClick know this; so they developed a tool which makes the search for clinical research trials a bit easier.

Last July CureClick and Trial Reach asked if I would like to help out with this task; since I'm a CureClick Ambassador I was happy to help.

At this very moment you can use the Trial Reach Clinical Trials Search Tool that I embedded in the sidebar of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM).

The clinical trials search tool is absolutely amazing! The tool is designed so that users can search for any clinical trial for any condition. Then the tool provides relevant results based on the user answering a few questions. Now you can search for clinical trials that best fit your needs.

Although I receive a small one time payment for installing the Trial Reach Clinical Trials Search Tool on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM), the potential benefit to all of you is what inspired me to install it on this website. So, please take the time to use it. And tell all of your family and friends about it, too!

To learn more about my relationship with CureClick and why I'm talking about clinical trials, please click on this link.


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"A Helpful Tool For People Searching For Clinical Research Trials" copyright © 2016 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.



Obesity Makes Fibromyalgia Worse



Obesity certainly isn't doing fibromyalgia sufferers any favors, new research shows. According to a report published in the February issue of Arthritis Care & Research, obese people with fibromyalgia suffer worse symptoms and have a lower quality of life than normal weight people suffering from the disorder.

Scientists from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and Kyungpook National University in Daegu, South Korea investigated links between body mass index (BMI) and severity of symptoms and quality of life in fibromyalgia patients.

For the study, they selected 888 patients who were enrolled in a fibromyalgia treatment program. All of the patients suffered from fibromyalgia but were separated into four groups according to body mass index according to the following distribution:

  • 252 nonobese patients BMI <25.0 kg/m2
  •  238 overweight patients BMI 25.0 - 29.9 kg/m2
  • 197 moderately obese patients BMI 30.0 - 34.9 kg/m2
  • 201 severly obese patients BMI greater than or equal to 35.0 kg/m2

Each of the patients completed a Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire and health form survey which, along with the BMI measurements, were used to assess the impact of obesity on fibromyalgia symptoms and quality of life.  

The results of the study revealed that obesity negatively impacts the lives of fibromyalgia patients. Obese patients with fibromyalgia reportedly missed more work, suffered more pain and were less physically active than non-obese fibromyalgia patients. Moreover, their symptoms were much worse than patients with lower BMI.

Obesity worsens fibromyalgia symptoms and lowers patients' quality of life.  

Fibromyalgia is a medical disorder that is characterized by a variety of symptoms including chronic pain and diffuse pain throughout the entire body, heightened pain sensitivity and joint stiffness. Although the joints of fibromyalgia patients don't become inflamed, the disorder is known to cause severe pain within affected joints.


Why The Pain?

To date, medical science is unable to pin down a specific cause for fibromyalgia. But obesity and fibromyalgia share a common link: cytokines - the chemical messengers that are often associated with the body's immune system.

It's a fact that adipose tissue releases cytokines which helps produce the constant inflammation associated with obesity. Likewise, fibromyalgia patients release proinflammatory cytokines which increases their pain sensitivity. So it would be logical to conclude that since obese patients are always suffering from inflammation, it will only aggravate fibromyalgia symptoms. 

Some scientists actually looked into this. They measured levels of proinflammatory cytokines in fibromyalgia patients with high BMI, but found that release of inflammatory cytokines was independent BMI. 

So what could explain the link between obesity and worsened fibromyalgia symptoms? Fibromyalgia patients suffer intense pain. Pressure can induce pain. Excess weight can increase joint pressure and thereby cause intense pain.  

Chul-Hyun Kim and colleagues from the Mayo Clinic concluded that "...severe obesity is associated with higher levels of fibromyalgia symptoms and lower QOL."

Their study addresses the need for implementation of weight loss programs as a means of easing some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. At the very least, bringing fibromyalgia patients' weight down may reduce some of their pain which could have a profound effect on their quality of life.


For more information about fibromyalgia, visit the  National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases which is maintained by the National Institute of Health.


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Article Source 

Kim, C., Luedtke, C., Vincent, A., Thompson, J., & Oh, T. (2012). Association of body mass index with symptom severity and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia Arthritis Care & Research, 64 (2), 222-228 DOI: 10.1002/acr.20653  

Hernandez, M., Becerril, E., Perez, M., Leff, P., Anton, B., Estrada, S., Estrada, I., Sarasa, M., Serrano, E., & Pavon, L. (2010). Proinflammatory cytokine levels in fibromyalgia patients are independent of body mass index BMC Research Notes, 3 (1) DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-3-156  

Vick, M., Adams, A., Murphy, B., Sessions, D., Horohov, D., Cook, R., Shelton, B., & Fitzgerald, B. (2007). Relationships among inflammatory cytokines, obesity, and insulin sensitivity in the horse Journal of Animal Science, 85 (5), 1144-1155 DOI: 10.2527/jas.2006-673


"Obesity Makes Fibromyalgia Worse" copyright © 2012 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy. All Rights Reserved.


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Fibromyalgia And Migraine Syndrome

Fibromyalgia And Migraine Syndrome
By Wes Tanner

Fibromyalgia is the great impostor! It can present as
depression, neck or low back aches, chest pain, headaches, panic
attacks, insomnia, memory problems, tennis elbow, ear pain, plus
many others. I have seen patients with so many different
complaints that turn out to have this frustrating disorder. I am
hesitant to give a possible presentation scenario for
fibromyalgia. In short, fibromyalgia is the migraine syndrome
(explained below) gone haywire. Treatment has to be directed
toward controlling the migraine syndrome which can lead to a
cure for fibromyalgia! That’s right; I said a cure for
fibromyalgia is possible! I have had so many patients have their
fibromyalgia resolve that I am optimistic that I can really make
a difference in the quality of life.

Let me explain what I mean by the migraine syndrome. It is the
outward expression of the body’s sensitivity to light, sound,
smell, food, and/or stress. Some people are more sensitive than
others; therefore, their reactions to different stimuli are
greater. This sensitivity can be manifested in the body as
migraines, sinus headaches, neck aches, palpitations, irritable
bowel syndrome, motion sickness or vertigo, reactive
hypoglycemia, temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), panic
attacks, and/or fibromyalgia. Now that’s a mouthful!
Understanding what is going on with you is very important in the
healing process.

Fibromyalgia is traditionally defined as a syndrome which may
feature constant pain, fatigue, sleep loss, headache, TMJ,
restless legs, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, irritable
bowel, bladder symptoms, memory impairment among other
complaints. Physical exam reveals tender points or what we call
“trigger points.” There are 18 specific trigger points to be
examined. 11 out of 18 tender trigger points are required for
diagnosis; however, usually I find 16-18 out of 18 tender
trigger points on most of my patients. Fibromyalgia should be
treated by a headache specialist that understands that
fibromyalgia comes from the migraine syndrome. An enlightened
primary care physician could be your answer.

About the Author: J. Wes Tanner, MD, is a family practice and
headache specialist who has been treating people for about 30
years. He has extensive experience in treating migraines and
fibromyalgia with excellent success. In Doctor, Why Do I Feel
This Way?, Dr. Tanner exposes the secrets and myths about
fibromyalgia and the migraine syndrome. To find out more, go to
his web site,


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Get Well: Exercise Tips For Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Get Well: Exercise Tips For Fibromyalgia Sufferers
By Kathryn Whittaker

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, it is possible that you will
benefit from a carefully constructed exercise program. However,
those who have fibromyalgia are often not in the best of shape,
so it is important to implement the exercise carefully and with
a plan in mind. Here are some exercise tips for fibromyalgia
sufferers that can help you to feel better and get your active
lifestyle back again.

If you have fibromyalgia, you may not feel like exercising. So,
then, why do it? Part of implementing exercise to cope with
fibromyalgia is understanding why you would do that.

Exercise can lessen your pain and prevent weakness of your
muscles. Endurance exercise, like walking and cycling, can help
you become stronger overall and give you additional energy. In a
nutshell, exercise will help you feel better overall. As long as
you do it the right way, exercise can be one of the most
effective treatments for those who suffer from fibromyalgia.

Start Slowly

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you know that you are not
usually energetic and that your body has likely become somewhat
stagnant. Because of the blow to your overall physical fitness,
you should make sure you start slowly. With that in mind, one of
the best exercise tips or fibromyalgia suffers is to go from low
amounts and intensities in your workouts and work up to the
higher ones and longer sessions. Helpful exercises for those
with fibromyalgia include low impact exercises, walking, and
anything that may be designed for those with arthritis. Water
exercise classes and programs, in fact, are as good as any for
those with fibromyalgia.

Stretch First

No matter what exercise you choose to help you with your
fibromyalgia, you have to stretch first. No matter what, one of
the top exercise tips for fibromyalgia sufferers you will get is
to stretch. Stretching helps your body warm up before activity
begins. Additionally, it is its own type of exercise and can
improve blood flow. You will also greatly reduce the risk of
injury as you exercise if you remember to stretch first.

Soreness is Okay

Another one of the exercise tips for fibromyalgia sufferers is
to expect some soreness. Listen to your body and make sure you
don’t overdo things, but when you start a new exercise program,
you are gong to feel some soreness. As you continue your program
and become stronger, though, the soreness will likely begin to
subside. If, though, the pain gets worse or is intense, then it
is time to cut back on the exercise. Additionally, talk to your
doctor before you start an exercise program to make sure your
fibromyalgia will cause no complications. If he or she gives you
the okay then you will be on your way to feeling better and
being happier.

With the help of these exercise tips for fibromyalgia
sufferers, you can aid in your own treatment. Exercise will help
you feel stronger and increase your stamina. Before you know it,
if you plan it right, you will be exercising more and feeling
your fibromyalgia less. In the end, isn’t that the only goal you
really have?

About the Author: Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Health &
Beauty related topics. To access more information on or on, please
click on the links


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Fibromyalgia And Exercise

Fibromyalgia And Exercise
By Jane Thompson

The most effective treatment for fibromyalgia is exercise.
Which seems totally weird, because most people with fibromyalgia
hurt worse and are more fatigued after exercise, and they may
feel that way for days. The key is the right amount of the right
kinds of exercise.

If you are new to exercising within the constraints of
fibromyalgia, it may be helpful to enlist the help of a trainer,
physical therapist or exercise physiologist to design a program
specifically for you. Every person with fibromyalgia has a
different exercise capacity, so you need an individualized

Another important concept related to exercise is your
“baseline.” Each person has a different baseline. It is the
level of exercise that you can maintain over time. It does not
mean that you are pain-free, but that the pain doesn’t interfere
with your lifestyle. You also need to remember that you’ll
always have good days and bad days. You don’t stop or reduce
your exercise because of a bad day. (Although you may reduce it
for a while if you have a bad flare-up that lasts days or

Exercise training for someone with fibromyalgia begins with
stretching. Stretching reduces the stiffness and keeps ligaments
and tendons from shortening over time. Stretching should be
gentle and it should feel good. It is usually a good idea to
warm your muscles with mild aerobic activity, such as walking,
for a few minutes before stretching.

Daily low-impact, gentle aerobic exercise is the next step.
Aerobic exercise has tons of health benefits. It specifically
helps reduce fibromyalgia symptoms because it improves
flexibility, causes your body to release endorphins and other
happy chemicals and reduces stress. Walking and bicycling are
excellent low-impact exercises. It is important to start at a
level suitable to where you are and increase your level of
exercise slowly. If you get fatigued after five minutes of
walking, start there and increase your time by a minute or two
every week or two.

Some activities are especially good for fibromyalgia. Water
aerobics and swimming are wonderful. The buoyancy of the water
supports your sore muscles and allows you to exercise with less
pain. Swimming has a double benefit of gentle stretching along
with aerobic exercise.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong and Yoga emphasize slow, gentle movements
that are ideal for people with fibromyalgia. All three exercises
include breathing and focusing, which decrease stress. You also
learn to be aware of your body and learn to recognize signs of

Pilates is another exercise system where you work with your
body, stretching and toning it. Pilates is a non-weight bearing
exercise, like chair aerobics. It is a gentle way to tone your
body, and gentle is the word for exercising with fibromyalgia.

People with fibromyalgia can add some strength training slowly
as they build up exercise tolerance. Resistance bands provide
plenty of strength training for a while. Strength training must
be undertaken carefully and gently, and it might be wise to get
help from an exercise professional before adding it. There are
many benefits to strength training, and it could be a very
beneficial addition to your exercise, especially when you are
feeling well.

Whether we are talking about exercise or sleep, pacing and
routine are important if you have fibromyalgia. Going to bed and
getting up at the same time every day helps with sleep.
Exercising at the same time every day helps with exercise. Your
body begins to respond to routine.

Exercise must be paced, too. That means starting at a low
level, increasing gradually, and incorporating rest into your
routine. You exercise, then rest, then exercise some more. Over
time, you can shorten the rest periods and/or lengthen the
exercise periods. Rhythm and pacing make a big difference in how
much exercise you can tolerate.

It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting
any new exercise regime.

About the Author: Jane Thompson has an interest in
Fibromyalgia. For further information on Fibromyalgia please
visit or


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Fibromyalgia Facts For Females

Fibromyalgia Facts For Females
By James Brann, MD

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common diseases affecting the
muscles, tendons, and joints in women. Many health care
professionals still do not recognize the condition as a
disorder, most likely, because x-rays, blood tests, and biopsies
often show no prevalent evidence to support the patient’s
complaints. However, in recent years, the use of thermographs, a
device that tests and measures the heat produced by areas of the
body, has helped diagnose the condition. Studies indicate that
fibromyalgia patients have decreased blood flow and decreased
skin temperatures in sites of tenderness. Symptoms include
long-term muscle soreness, muscle stiffness, sleeplessness,
fatigue, mood changes, anxiety and depression. Often times the
condition is worsened by stress and weather changes. Unlike
other rheumatic conditions that cause swelling and inflammation
of the tissues in the body, fibromyalgia does not cause any type
of joint deformity or does not damage any internal organs.

Many times, patients that suffer with fibromyalgia have other
conditions or disorders that will occur. One of the most common
disorders associated with fibromyalgia is TMJ, a disorder
associated with the jaw. Many sufferers of fibromyalgia may be
diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well. Some patients
complain of migraine or tension headaches, irritable bowel and
bladder syndromes. Some women may develop a loss in memory and
concentration. Fibrocystic Breast Disease and Endometriosis is
often present in women that have fibromyalgia, although there
has been no studies conducted regarding the correlation of the

Causes of this condition is still unknown, many experts are
researching the relationship between menopause and fibromyalgia.
Most women are diagnosed with this condition between the ages of
40 to 55 which is when menopause usually occurs, and
approximately 85%-90% of all reported Fibromyalgia conditions
are women. Hormonal changes, such as the decreased amounts of
estrogen in the female body, may contribute to symptoms like
anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness in fibromyalgia patients.
Research shows, however, that estrogen and progesterone
replacement therapy is not that beneficial to fibromyalgia
sufferers. There are mild benefits reported when using the
estrogen patches rather than the estrogen pills. Some studies
indicate that the low thyroid function and decreased levels of
thyroid hormones, as well as estrogen and progesterone hormones,
may contribute to muscular pain, fatigue, mood changes, and
anxiety. At the present time the correlation between menopause
and fibromyalgia is uncertain, due to the lack of research on
the subject. Fortunately, more tests are being conducted to find
out how declining estrogen levels affect the onset of
fibromyalgia. On-going research is being conducted that may
suggest abnormally low levels of the hormone Cortisol, which is
the hormone produced by the adrenal gland may also be a linked

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent this disorder or
completely cure it, either… Therefore, most treatment’s center
on conquering the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.
Treatments for women suffering from fibromyalgia vary according
to symptoms. In some cases, physical therapy or light exercise
may be prescribed. Research has shown that the use of ice
immediately following any exercise may decrease muscle and joint
pain. The use of tricyclic anti-depressants usually used in
treating depression; has also been shown to be an effective
medication for treating firbromyalgia. These medications usually
relieve depression, anxiety, reduce fatigue, and restores
effective sleep patterns. Some physicians may prescribe local
injections of analgesics to the sore or stiff areas. The use of
pain-relievers and muscle relaxers has both been beneficial in
reducing pain symptoms and improving sleep. Often times, doctors
will discuss pain and stress management to their patients; which
can eliminate some symptoms of the disorder.

Diet plays an important role in the prevention of symptoms
concerning fibromyalgia. Eating organic foods, such as fruits
and vegetables; increasing the intake of low-fat, high fiber
foods; those high in Omega-3 Fatty acids, found in fish may
benefit sufferers. Some physicians suggest lowering sodium rich
foods or eliminating additives such as monosodium glutamate
(MSG’s) and artificial sweeteners, like Aspartame may relieve
many symptoms of fibromyalgia. And recent studies indicate the
use of a vegan diet may help alleviate symptoms. Alternative
treatments, specifically in the field of homeopathic remedies,
suggest taking magnesium, B-12 Vitamins, and Vitamin C.

Other non-medical treatments involve massage therapy, heat
therapy and cold packs that may temporarily relieve symptoms.
The use of Hydrotherapy or water therapy can increase
circulation and decrease muscle aches. Currently, there are
studies being conducted that may offer more treatments or one
specific treatment for helping relieve fibromyalgia symptoms.

Women suffering with this disorder may find themselves
withdrawing from society due to the pain and anxiety associated
with fibromyalgia. Many times, women find themselves unable to
work a physical or stressful job. The best advice is to seek
treatment and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes light
exercise, good eating habits, and staying active in both, work
and life.

About the Author: Dr. James Brann is a board certified
Obstetrician and Gynecologist and a Fellow of the American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He is also the
Editor of Women's Healthcare Topics an information source for
all women. At Women's
Healthcare Topics website you will find valuable and up-to-date
information on numerous topics related to women's health
including Early Signs of Pregnancy, First Pelvic Exam, Genital
Warts and more.


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