Food Allergies/Poisoning/Intolerance

Readfield Meats, Inc. Recalls Beef Trimming Products Because Of Possible Adulteration



The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that Readfield Meats, Inc., doing business as Ruffino Meats & Food Service, an establishment in Bryan, Texas, is recalling approximately 45,985 pounds of beef trimming products due to possible adulteration.

The FSIS has designated this a Class II Recall of Low Health Risk.

The following products are subject to recall:

  • 50-lb. boxes containing “BEEF TRIMMINGS FOR COOKING ONLY.”

The USDA said the recalled frozen raw beef trimmings items bear establishment number “EST. 13126” inside the USDA mark of inspection and were produced from May 26, 2015 through May 26, 2017. 

"The product labels include “For Cooking Only,” indicating that they are intended for further processing to apply a full lethality at a federally inspected establishment. Because the products were distributed to non-federally inspected establishments where it cannot be verified that sufficient further processing occurred to remove foodborne pathogens that could have been present, these products must be removed from commerce." the USDA said.

According to the USDA, the FSIS discovered the problem when an FSIS compliance officer found cases of raw beef trimmings labeled “For Cooking Only” at a retail location.

The USDA said there have been no reports of adverse reactions due to eating these products. Anyone concerned about illness or injury should consult a healthcare professional.

The US government urges consumers who bought the recalled products not to consume them; instead, the products should be discarded or returned to the place of purchase.

Consumers with questions about the recall may contact Terry Wiese, plant manager, at (979) 776-5685.


Heavenly Father, help us to do Your will and protect us from evil. You are God and ruler of all of Your creation. You are from everlasting to everlasting and no one or nothing is ever greater than You.


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Article Reference

USDA News Release

"Readfield Meats, Inc. Recalls Beef Trimming Products Because Of Possible Adulteration" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved. 



John Morrell and Co. Recalls Beef Frank Products Because Of Possible Foreign Matter Contamination



The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that John Morrell and Co., an establishment in Cincinnati, Ohio is recalling approximately 210,606 pounds of ready-to-eat hot dog products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials, specifically metal.

The FSIS has designated this a Class II Recall of Low Health Risk.

 The following products are subject to recall:

  • 14 oz. sealed film packages containing “Nathan’s SKINLESS 8 BEEF FRANKS,” with a Use By date of Aug. 19, 2017.
  • 16 oz. sealed film packages containing “Curtis BEEF MASTER Beef Franks,” with a Use By date of June 15, 2017.

The beef franks items were produced on January 26, 2017 bear establishment number “EST. 296” on the side of the package. These recalled items were shipped to retail locations nationwide.

The USDA said the problem was discovered after John Morrell and Co. received three complaints of metal objects in the beef frank product packages. John Morrell and Co. notified FSIS on May 19, 2017.

According to the USDA, there have been no reports of adverse reactions or injury due to eating these products. 

Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare professional.

Consumers who bought these products are urged not to consume them. These products should be discarded or returned to the place of purchase.

Consumers with questions about the recall can call 1 (877) 933-4625.


Do the work of the LORD, rely on Him and He will never abandon you.

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Article Reference

USDA News Release


"John Morrell and Co. Recalls Beef Frank Products Because Of Possible Foreign Matter Contamination" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.


Foster Poultry Farms Recalls Frozen Ready-To-Eat Breaded Chicken Patty Products Because Of Possible Foreign Matter Contamination



The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that Foster Poultry Farms, an establishment in Farmerville, La. is recalling approximately 131,880 pounds of frozen, ready-to-eat breaded chicken patty products that may be contaminated with foreign materials, specifically plastic. 

The FSIS has designated this a Class II Recall of Low Health Risk.

The following products are subject to recall:

  • 5-lb. bags containing 20 pieces of “FOSTER FARMS Chicken Patties BREADED CHICKEN BREAST PATTIES WITH RIB MEAT” with Best By date of 02/15/18.

The recalled frozen, ready-to-eat breaded chicken patty items were produced on February 15, 2017 bear establishment number “P-33901” inside the USDA mark of inspection.

The recalled products were shipped to distribution centers in California, Utah Alaska, Arizona and Washington.

According to the USDA, the problem was discovered when Foster Poultry Farms received three consumer complaints on March 22, April 3, and April 15, 2017 reporting about foreign materials in the chicken patty products. The foreign matter turned out to be pieces of clear, soft plastic that originated from the establishment’s packaging materials.

There have been no reports of adverse reactions resulting from consumption of these products. Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare provider.  

The USDA urges consumers who bought the recalled products not to eat them; instead they are advised to throw the product away or return it to the place of purchase.

Consumers with questions about the recall can contact Consumer Affairs at 800-338-8051.


Lord, help us not to partake in evil but always do what is right in Your eyes. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

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Article Reference

USDA News Release


"Foster Poultry Farms Recalls Frozen Ready-To-Eat Breaded Chicken Patty Products Because Of Possible Foreign Matter Contamination" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.




Lakeside Foods, Inc. Recalls Season’s Choice Frozen Sweet Peas Because of Possible Listeria Contamination



According to a posting on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website, Lakeside Foods, Inc. of Manitowoc, Wisconsin has announced that is voluntarily recalling 1,920 packages of 16 ounce Season’s Choice Brand Frozen Peas packed for Aldi, Inc. distributed in 7 states because the product has the  potential to be contaminated with the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes.

The company said the affected product was distributed in poly bags under the following label codes:

Season’s Choice Sweet Peas, Net Weight 16 oz (1 LB) 454 g UPC code 041498164294

Code: DC17038 PLAB6176 BEST BY 08 2018

DC27038 PLAB6176 BEST BY 08 2018

DC27038 BNAF7286 BEST BY 08 2018

DC37038 BNAF7286 BEST BY 08 2018

DC47038 PLAC6216 BEST BY 08 2018

DC57038 PLAC6216 BEST BY 08 2018

The company said that other Lakeside Foods or Aldi products are affected by this voluntary recall.

The recalled product was distributed to only Aldi Stores in Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Florida,  West Virginia, Kentucky and is sold at retail stores in the aforementioned states.

Listeria monocytogenes is a potentially deadly foodborne microbe which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, frail persons and young children. The bacteria can also cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.

Healthy people who become infected with listeria may present with the following symptoms:

  • severe headache
  • high fever
  • stiffness
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal pain

Lakeside Foods, Inc. said that all of the affected product has been removed from store shelves. The company said it has not received any complaints in relation to this product and isn't aware of any illnesses associated with the product.

"The recall was a result of product being tested at retail by the State of Florida which had tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes. The company has ceased distribution of the product." the company posted on the FDA's website.

The company urges consumers who purchased this specific lot code not to eat the recalled product; instead consumers should discard the product or return it to the local place of purchase for a full refund.

Consumer with questions can contact the company at 1-800-466-3834, Monday-Friday 8 AM – 3 PM.


But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened." 1 Peter 3:14


Article Reference

Company announcement posted on FDA website


"Lakeside Foods, Inc. Recalls Season’s Choice Frozen Sweet Peas Because of Possible Listeria Contamination" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.


Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc. Recalls Frozen Ready-To-Eat Beef Products Because Of Possible Foreign Matter Contamination



The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc., an establishment in Lampasas, Texas has announced that it is recalling approximately 35,168 pounds of frozen ready-to-eat beef taquito products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials - specifically rubber with plastic.

The FSIS has designated this a Class II Recall of Low Health Risk.

The following products are subject to recall:

  • 60-oz. plastic bags inside of a corrugated carton labeled as “JOSÉ OLÉ TAQUITOS BEEF CARNE DE RES IN CORN TORTILLAS Crispy and Crunchy,” with case codes 3366365A, 3366365B, 3366365C, 3366365D and a Best By date of December 30, 2017.

The frozen ready-to-eat beef taquito items were produced on December 30, 2016 and bear establishment number “Est. M-5590” inside the USDA mark of inspection.

The recalled items were shipped to retail locations in the following states:

  • California
  • Illinois
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Ohio
  • Texas
  • Wyoming
  • Missouri

According to the USDA, Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc. received two consumer complaints of foreign material in its ready-to-eat beef products on March 14, 2017 and March 21, 2017.  "The foreign materials were pieces of rubber with white plastic that originated from the establishments processing equipment." the USDA said.

There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to eating these products. Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare professional.

The USDA urges consumers to not eat the recalled items; instead they should discard the items or return them to the place of purchase.

Consumers with questions about the recall may contact Paul Taylor, General Counsel, at (909) 477-4800.



Keep us ever in Your care, Oh Lord Jesus Christ. You are the Son of God and our Deliverer.


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Article Reference

USDA News Release


"Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc. Recalls Frozen Ready-To-Eat Beef Products Because Of Possible Foreign Matter Contamination" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.


King's Command Foods, LLC. Recalls Beef Products Because Of Possible Foreign Matter Contamination



The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that King’s Command Foods, LLC., an establishment in Kent, Washington is expanding its recall to approximately 63,252 pounds of ground beef products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials.

The FSIS has designated this a Class I Recall of High Health Risk.

On March 9, 2017, King’s Command Foods, LLC. recalled approximately 26,138 pounds of ground beef products produced on Oct. 13 and 24, 2016. The items subject to that recall include:

  • 28-lb. case bulk packages of “FULLY COOKED MEATBALLS” bearing case code 72354.
  • 28-lb. case bulk packages of “FULLY COOKED MEATBALLS” bearing case code 72355.
  • 15-lb. case packages containing 96 pieces of 2.5 oz. “FULLY COOKED SOUTHERN FRIED Beef Steak Fritter for Chicken Fried Steak” bearing case code 72559.
  • 15-lb. case packages containing 240 pieces of “FULLY COOKED COUNTRY FRIED BREADED BEEF FINGERS” bearing case code 72208.
  • 15-lb. case packages containing 60 pieces of “FULLY COOKED SOUTHERN FRIED BEEF STEAK FRITTER” bearing case code 72568.
  • 15-lb. case packages containing 80 pieces of “FULLY COOKED CHICKEN FRIED BEEF FRITTERS” bearing case code 72564.
  • 10-lb. case packages containing 40 pieces of “FULLY COOKED SOUTHERN FRIED BEEF STEAK FRITTER FOR CHICKEN FRIED STEAK” bearing case code 72206.
  • 10-lb. case packages containing 64 pieces of 2.5 oz. “FULLY COOKED Southern Style Breaded Beef Steakettes” bearing case code 74917.
  • 10-lb. case packages containing 160 pieces of 1.0 oz. “B-E-K-O FULLY COOKED COUNTRY FRIED BEEF FINGERS” bearing case code 72374.

The recall now includes 37,114 pounds of Ready-to-Eat (RTE) beef products associated with extraneous material contamination. The meatballs were produced on May 16 and 24, 2016, Aug. 11, 2016 and Oct. 5, 2016. The recalled items include:

  • 28-lb. case bulk packages of “FULLY COOKED MEATBALLS” bearing case code 72355 with packaging dates of 5-16-16, 5-24-16, 8-11-16 and 10-05-16.
  • 10-lb. case bulk packages of “FULLY COOKED Certified Angus Beef Brand MEATBALLS” bearing case code 72090.
  • 10-lb. case bulk packages of “FULLY COOKED Certified Angus Beef Brand MEATBALLS” bearing case code 72092.

The recalled products bear establishment number “EST. M1515A” inside the USDA mark of inspection. Some items were shipped to Department of Defense institutions and facilities nationwide.

The USDA said the problem was discovered when King Command Foods received several consumer complaints stating that metal objects were found in the beef products. The USDA said there have been no confirmed reports of injuries or adverse reactions due to eating these products. They suggest that anyone with concerns about illness or injury should consult a healthcare provider.

Consumers who bought these products are urged not to consume them. These products should be discarded or returned to the place of purchase.

Consumers with questions about the recall can contact the King’s Command Foods recall hotline at (800) 325-4164.


But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened." 1 Peter 3:14

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Article Reference

USDA News Release


"King's Command Foods, LLC. Recalls Beef Products Because Of Possible Foreign Matter Contamination" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.




Picone Meat Specialties, LTD. Recalls Pork Products Because Of Misbranding and Undeclared Allergen



The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that Picone Meat Specialties, LTD., an establishment in Mamaroneck, New York is recalling approximately 5,750 pounds of salami products due to undeclared allergens and misbranding. The products contain non-fat dry milk, a known allergen, which is undeclared on the product label.

The FSIS has designated this a Class I Recall of High Health Risk.

The following products are subject to recall:

  • 115-lb. Box containing 6 – 20-24 lb. vacuum-packed packages of “Uncle Guiseppe’s Spicy Dry Salami” bearing the case code P11.
  • 209-lb. Box containing 12 – 20-24 lb. vacuum-packed packages of “Uncle Guiseppe’s Sweet Dry Salami” bearing the case code P17.
  • 192-lb. Box containing 9 – 20-24 lb. vacuum-packed packages of “Uncle Guiseppe’s Spicy Soppressata Salami” bearing the case code P11.
  • 327-lb. Box containing 13 – 20-24 lb. vacuum-packed packages of “Uncle Guiseppe’s Sweet Soppressata Salami” bearing the case code P17.
  • 1,120 -lb. Box containing bulk 20-24 lb. vacuum-packed packages of “Uncle Guiseppe’s Sweet Soppressata Salami.”
  • 658-lb. Box containing bulk 20-24 lb. vacuum-packed packages of “Uncle Guiseppe’s Spicy Soppressata Salami.”
  • 1,203-lb. Box containing bulk 20-24 lb. vacuum-packed packages of “Uncle Guiseppe’s Sweet Dry Salami.”
  • 525-lb. Box containing bulk 20-24 lb. vacuum-packed packages of “Uncle Guiseppe’s Spicy Dry Salami.”
  • 300-lb. Bulk box containing vacuum-packed packages of “Giorgio’s Cacciatorino Piccante.”
  • 300-lb. Bulk box containing vacuum-packed packages of “Giorgio’s Cacciatorino Dolce.”
  • 400-lb. Bulk box containing vacuum-packed packages of “Giorgio’s Hot Soppressatta”
  • 400-lb. Bulk box containing vacuum-packed packages of “Giorgio’s Sweet Soppressatta”

According to the USDA, the dry fermented salami products were produced on various dates from April 1, 2016 through Jan. 18, 2017 and  bear establishment number “EST. M4445” inside the USDA mark of inspection. The recalled items were shipped to retail locations in New York.

The USDA said the problem was discovered on March 8, 2017 by FSIS personnel conducting label review verification activities when they discovered the presence of non-fat dry milk, a known allergen, and other undeclared non-allergenic ingredients.

There haven't been any confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to eating these products. The USDA said that anyone with concerns about illness or injury should contact a health care professional.

The USDA urges consumers who bought these products not to eat them. These products should be discarded or returned to the place of purchase.

Consumers with questions about the recall can contact Anthony Picone, President, at (914) 381-3002.


"Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened." Take Courage 1 Peter 3:14

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Article Reference

USDA News Release


"Picone Meat Specialties, LTD. Recalls Pork Products Because Of Misbranding and Undeclared Allergen" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.




Meijer Expands Recall To Include Meijer Artisan Made Natural Muenster Cheese And Pre-Made Ham Sub Sandwich Because Of Possible Listeria Contamination



According to a posting on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website, Meijer has announced an expansion its list of recalled items to now include its Meijer brand Artisan Made Natural Muenster Cheese and its pre-wrapped Ham Sub on Artisan White Baguette due to a potential cross contamination with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria.

The recalled items are listed below:

  • Meijer brand Artisan Made Natural Muenster Cheese was located on “cheese islands” within the Retailer’s Deli section and has the expiration dates of Mar. 28, 2017, May 13, 2107, and June 10, 2017. The Meijer brand Artisan Made Natural Muenster Cheese will have the UPC 8-86926 27573-5. 
  • Meijer pre-made Ham Sub on Artisan White Baguette was located in its “grab-and-go” fresh deli cases with sell by dates between Nov. 2, 2016 and Dec. 30, 2016. The Meijer deli- made Ham Sub on Artisan White Baguette has the UPC Code 7-13733 76499-5.

"Meijer received notice of a possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination from MDS Foods, a Meijer supplier. MDS Foods informed Meijer that evidence of potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination had been identified due to possible cross contamination after being processed on the same line as previous recalled cheese, announced on February 10." the company posted on the FDA's website.

Listeria monocytogenes is a potentially deadly foodborne pathogen which can cause serious or life-threatening illness among the elderly, frail persons, people with weakened immune systems and young children. The bacteria can also cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.

Healthy people who become infected with listeria may experience the following symptoms:

  • high fever
  • nausea
  • severe headache
  • stiffness
  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea

Meijer says there have been no reported illnesses associated with these products.

The company said that customers should stop using the products and either throw the products away or return it to the customer service desk at any Meijer store for a full refund. For additional information,  contact Meijer at (800) 543-3704, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


The devil is the enemy who wants you to fail; he will send his servants to attack you, but do not give up! Rely on the Lord and continue doing the good work. Let the devil and his children come to ruin. Praise Jesus Christ Almighty, the only begotten Son of God lives and reigns forever!

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Article Reference

Company announcement posted on FDA website


"Meijer Expands Recall To Include Meijer Artisan Made Natural Muenster Cheese And Pre-Made Ham Sub Sandwich Because Of Possible Listeria Contamination" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.


Ready Pac Foods Inc. Recalls Chicken Salad Products Because Of Possible Listeria Contamination



The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced that Three Ready Pac Foods Inc. establishments, located in Swedesboro, New Jersey, in Jackson, Georgia, and the headquarters establishment in Irwindale, California, are recalling approximately 59,225 pounds of one variety of chicken salad product that may be adulterated with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria.

The FSIS has designated this a Class I Recall of High Health Risk.

The following products are subject to recall:

  • 7.5-oz. single serve salad bowl packages of “Ready Pac Foods Puro Picante Blazin Hot” with Use By Dates of 01/31/17 through 03/04/2017.

The Puro Picante Blazin’ Hot salad items were produced between Jan. 17, 2017 and Feb. 17, 2017 and bear establishment number P-27497, P-32081, or P-18502B inside the USDA mark of inspection. The recalled items were shipped to retail locations nationwide.

"The problem was discovered on Feb. 21, 2017 when the firm received notification from the cheese supplier that the cheese ingredient utilized in the chicken salad products was included in an expanded cheese recall due to potential contamination with L. monocytogenes." the USDA posted on their website.

Listeria monocytogenes is a potentially lethal foodborne pathogen which can cause serious or life-threatening illness in the elderly, people with weakened immune systems, frail persons and young children. It can also cause health problems for pregnant women and newborns.

Adults who become infected may experience the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • fever
  • stiff neck
  • confusion
  • loss of balance
  • convulsions
  • diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms

Listeriosis is treated with antibiotics. Higher risk persons who develop flu-like symptoms within two months after eating contaminated food should seek medical assistance and tell the health care provider about eating the contaminated food.

FSIS and Three Ready Pac Foods Inc. are concerned that some of this recalled product may be in consumers' refrigerators.

Consumers who bought these products are urged not to eat them. These products should be discarded or returned to the place of purchase.

Consumers with questions regarding the recall may contact Mary Toscano, Corporate Affairs Supervisor, at 1-800-800-7822.


Let those who are tired and weary, downtrodden and poor in spirit lean upon You, Oh Lord. For You emptied Yourself and walked among us, You the only begotten Son of God, are the calmer of the raging seas, and the shelter for those who seek You. Do not forget us, Jesus Christ, the Almighty Son of God.

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Article Reference

USDA News Release


"Ready Pac Foods Inc. Recalls Chicken Salad Products Because Of Possible Listeria Contamination" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.


Dutch Valley Food Distributors, Schlabach Branch Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Assorted Cheese Items for Potential Listeria Monocytogenes Contamination



According to a posting on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website, Dutch Valley Food Distributors, Schlabach branch has announced that it is issuing a recall on various Cheeses and cheese containing items due to potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination.

The items subject to recall are listed below:

Item Description Size Code
Guggisberg Colby Cheese mini horn 6lbs Use By June 01,2017 – Oct. 27,2017
Guggisberg Colby Jack (Marble) Cheese mini horn 6lbs Use By June 01,2017 – Oct. 27,2017
Guggisberg Thunderjack Cheese mini horn 6lbs Use By June 01,2017 – Oct. 27,2017
Guggisberg Pepperjack Mini Horn 6lbs Use By June 01,2017 – Oct. 27,2017
Guggisberg Farmers Cheese Mini Horn 6lbs Use By June 01,2017 – Oct. 27,2017
Guggisberg Colby Cheese Longhorns 15lbs Use By June 01,2017 – Oct. 27,2017
Guggisberg Colby Jack (Marble) Cheese Longhorns 15lbs Use By June 01,2017 – Oct. 27,2017
Guggisberg Colby Cheese 12/1lb Julian Codes 16245 through 17025
Guggisberg Colby Jack (Marble) Cheese 12/1lb Julian Codes 16245 through 17025
Guggisberg Thunderjack Cheese 12/1lb Julian Codes 16245 through 17025
Guggisberg Pepperjack Cheese 12/1lb Julian Codes 16245 through 17025
Guggisberg Farmers Cheese 12/1lb Julian Codes 16245 through 17025
Guggisberg Colby Cheese 12/2lbs Julian Codes 16245 through 17025
Guggisberg Colby Cheese 12/1lb Julian Codes 16245 through 17025
Guggisberg Colby Jack (Marble) Cheese 12/2lbs Julian Codes 16245 through 17025
Cheese Lover’s Box   All purchased 9/1/16 – 2/15/17
Holiday Delight Box   All purchased 9/1/16 – 2/15/17
Ultimate Amish Sampler Box   All purchased 9/1/16 – 2/15/17
Custom Gift Box   All purchased 9/1/16 – 2/15/17
Holiday Crowd Pleaser Basket   All purchased 9/1/16 - 2/15/17
Country Christmas Basket   All purchased 9/1/16 - 2/15/17
Taste of Goodness Basket   All purchased 9/1/16 - 2/15/17

The recalled items were distributed to the following states:

  • AR
  • FL
  • GA
  • IA
  • IN
  • KS
  • KY
  • MD
  • MN
  • MO
  • NC
  • NE
  • NY
  • OH
  • PA
  • SC
  • TN
  • VA
  • VT
  • WI
  • WV

The company said that all Items packaged and sold within the parameters mentioned are subject to this recall, including items sold on their website, 

According to the company, on February 15, they were notified by their supplier, Deutsch Kase Haus, that various cheese product they received may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes

Listeria monocytogenes is a potentially lethal foodborne bacteria which can cause serious or life-threatening illness in the elderly, frail persons, people with weakened immune systems and young children. The bacteria can also cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.

Healthy people who become infected with listeria may experience the following symptoms:

  • severe headache
  • stiffness
  • nausea
  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea

The company said the recall is being conducted with the full knowledge of the FDA and that no illnesses or issues have been reported to date regarding consumption of this product.

"Retailers are advised to remove this product from store shelves based on the listed codes. Consumers who have purchased these products are asked to destroy them or to return them to the place of purchase for a full refund." the company posted on the FDA's website.

Consumers with questions regarding the product listed can call Dutch Valley Foods at 1-800-733 4191 and speak with customer service, Monday through Friday 8am – 5pm EST.


But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear ; do not be frightened." 1 Peter 3:14

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Article Reference

Company announcement posted on FDA website


"Dutch Valley Food Distributors, Schlabach Branch Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Assorted Cheese Items for Potential Listeria Monocytogenes Contamination" copyright © 2017 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.

