
A Helpful Tool For People Searching For Clinical Research Trials



Sometimes the search for a good doctor can be quite nerve wracking even under the best of circumstances, but the emotional burden becomes even greater when searching for doctors who are participating in clinical trials.

Trial Reach and CureClick know this; so they developed a tool which makes the search for clinical research trials a bit easier.

Last July CureClick and Trial Reach asked if I would like to help out with this task; since I'm a CureClick Ambassador I was happy to help.

At this very moment you can use the Trial Reach Clinical Trials Search Tool that I embedded in the sidebar of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM).

The clinical trials search tool is absolutely amazing! The tool is designed so that users can search for any clinical trial for any condition. Then the tool provides relevant results based on the user answering a few questions. Now you can search for clinical trials that best fit your needs.

Although I receive a small one time payment for installing the Trial Reach Clinical Trials Search Tool on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM), the potential benefit to all of you is what inspired me to install it on this website. So, please take the time to use it. And tell all of your family and friends about it, too!

To learn more about my relationship with CureClick and why I'm talking about clinical trials, please click on this link.



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Grapes Fruit’s | Health Benefits of Grapes | Grapes Fruit Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Grapes Fruit’s | Health Benefits of Grapes | Grapes Fruit Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Submitted by: Medico News

The grapefruit is a subtropical citrus tree known for its bitter fruit, an 18th-century hybrid first bred in Jamaica.When found in Barbados it was named the “forbidden fruit”; it is also called the “shaddock”, after its creator. The fruit is also known as a bouldercitrus.

These evergreen trees are usually found at around 5–6 metres (16–20 ft) tall, although they can reach 13–15 metres (43–49 ft). The leaves are dark green, long (up to 150 mm, or 6 inches) and thin. It produces 5 cm (2 in) white four-petaled flowers. The fruit is yellow-orange skinned and largely oblate, and ranges in diameter from 10–15 cm. The flesh is segmented and acidic, varying in color depending on the cultivars, which include white, pink and red pulps of varying sweetness. The 1929 US Ruby Red (of the Redblush variety) has the first grapefruit patent.

The fruit has only become popular from the late 19th century; before that it was only grown as an ornamental plant. The US quickly became a major producer of the fruit, with orchards in Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California. In Spanish, the fruit is known as toronja or pomelo.

One ancestor was the Jamaican sweet orange (Citrus sinensis); the other was the Indonesian pomelo (Citrus maxima). Captain Shaddock brought pomelo seeds to Jamaica and bred the first fruit.


Drug interactions

Grapefruit can have a number of interactions with drugs, often increasing the effective potency of compounds. Grapefruit contains naringin, bergamottin and dihydroxybergamottin, which inhibit the protein isoform CYP3A4 predominately in the small intestine, but at higher doses, hepatic CYP3A4 inhibition is present as well.It is via inhibition of this enzyme that grapefruit increases the effects of a variety of drugs by increasing their bioavailability.The effect of grapefruit juice with regard to drug absorption was originally discovered in 1989. However, the effect became well-publicized after being responsible for a number of deaths due to overdosing on medication.

Grapefruit juice may be the first documented, but apple and orange juices have been also implicated in interfering with etoposide, a chemotherapy drug, some beta blocker drugs used to treat high blood pressure, and cyclosporine, taken by transplant patients to prevent rejection of their new organs.

Unlike other fruits grapefruit contains a large amount of naringin, and it can take up to 72 hours before the effects of the naringin on the CYP3A4 enzyme is seen. This is particularly problematic due to the fact that only 4 oz of grapefruit contain enough naringin to inhibit substrates of CYP3A4.


Grapefruit sweets

In Costa Rica, especially in Atenas, grapefruits are often cooked to remove their sourness, rendering them as sweets, they are also stuffed with dulce de leche, resulting in a dessert called toronja rellena stuffed grapefruit.

Health Benefits of Grapes:


1. Grape juice is easily assimilated and called the “nectar of the gods”. It is indicated in cases of constipation, gout, rheumatism, skin and liver disorders.

2. Studies shown that grape juice, red wines and raisin tea showed strong antiviral activity against poliovirus, herpes simplex virus.

3. Good blood and body builder, it is also a quick source of energy.

4. This alkaline fruit (also called “the queen of fruits”) helps greatly to decrease the acidity of the uric acid and lends itself further in aiding the elimination of the acid from the system, thus benefiting the kidneys greatly.

5. Helps reduce platelet clumping and harmful blood clots.

How To Wine Marketing

Vitamins Values of Grapes fruit’s

* Vitamin A : 80 I.U.

* Vitamin B : Thiamine .06 mg.;

* Vitamin c : 4 mg.

* Calcium : 17 gm.

* Phosphorus : 21 mg.

* Fat : 1.4 gm.

* Carbohydrates : 14.9 gm.

* Protein : 1.4 gm.

* Calories : 70

About the Author: Written by Medical News | Cancer News : http://mediconews.com Dental News : http://mediconews.com

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=706797&ca=Food+and+Drinks

Health Benefits of Corn | Benefits of Eating Corn | Sweet Corn and Health Benefits of Sweet Corn

Health Benefits of Corn | Benefits of Eating Corn | Sweet Corn and Health Benefits of Sweet Corn

Submitted by: Medico News

Corn, one of the most popular and versatile vegetables, is also a good source of several nutrients. Corn is a low-fat complex carbohydrate that deserves a regular place on any healthy table. These high-fiber, fat-fighting kernels of goodness are also hearty and satisfying.

Corn is a decent source of vitamin B1, B5, C, E, folic acid,magnesium and phosphorus. It is considered to be low in protein, due to the minimal content of the amino acids lysine and tryptophan. On the

contrary, it is a good source of complex carbohydrate, fiber,and healthful essential fatty acids.

The various flavonoids and carotenes contained in corn, are responsible for the different colors of its different varieties.The colors valued by Native Americans include, pink, black, red, and blue. There were also some that had stripes and spots. Yellow corn is high in the carotenoid, lutein. The lutein in yellow corn and yellow corn food products can protect against heart disease and macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a condition of the eye which is typically seen in older age.

Health Benefits of Corn :

Corn is a body building food.

1. Corn is helpful in kidney problems including renal dysfunction. Eat everyday a soft and boiled corn. For other kidney problem; boil 4 tsp. of cornsilk in 21/2 cups of water for 20 mins. Strain and allow to cool. Drink ½ cup every 4 hours.

2. Corn bran is a heart protector, when eaten everyday it can lower cholesterol in the body. The soluble fiber in corn binds with cholesterol in bile from the liver. It then passes from the body taking the cholesterol with it.

3. Cornstarch can prevent diaper rash.

Other Cases wherein Corn is Beneficial :

* Anemia

* Constipation

* Gout – boil 2 fresh cobs in 4 cups of water for 45 minutes, then strain and allow to cool. Place in the refrigerator. Drink one cup three times a day. Once there is relief, reduce your intake to one cup a day.



Corn is very good source of vitamin B1 (thiamine). It’s a good source of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamins C and E, folic acid, dietary fiber, essential fatty acids, and the minerals magnesium and phosphorus.


Glycemic Index (GI)

In a study to determine an estimation of the GI of various foods, it was concluded that sweet corn has a medium GI of 60.


Eye Health

The Age-Related Eye Disease Study suggests antioxidants may delay the advance of age-related macular degeneration.

Yellow corn is rich in the carotenoid lutein, a phytochemical with antioxidant properties that can lower the risk of age related vision loss. Age related vision loss is caused by gradual oxidative damage of the retina, and lutein may serve as an antioxidant as well as a filter to protect the retina from the oxidative effect of blue light.

Diets rich in lutein and zeaxanthin are also associated with a decreased prevalence of nuclear cataract.

While lutein and zeaxanthin content in yellow corn is not nearly as high as that in green leafy vegetables such as spinach (approximately 1/10th), yellow corn and corn products are one of the most popular foods in the Americas and other parts of the world. The less processed the product is, the more lutein rich it will be.



A study has shown that moderately severe Alzheimer’s patients had much lower plasma levels of lutein and beta-carotene, compared to mild Alzheimer’s patients. These findings suggest increasing intake of lutein and beta-carotene rich foods to slow the rate of cognitive decline.



Corn has a high beta – cryptoxanthin content, a carotenoid with antioxidant properties. An observational study in Singapore has shown that high levels of dietary beta-cryptoxanthin were associated with reduced risk of lung cancer.

About the Author: Written by Medical News | Cancer News : http://mediconews.com Dental News : http://mediconews.com

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=706800&ca=Food+and+Drinks

Managing Arthritis

Managing Arthritis

Submitted by: Colleen Palat

You may consider arthritis to be a disease of the elderly, but did you know that it could actually affect any age group? It is a well-established fact that two-thirds of those who experience arthritis are actually under the age of 65. For these 3 million Americans (that include children), normal, daily activities are hindered by swelling, pain, and stiffness. Arthritis can be very limiting.

What is arthritis?

There are over 100 different arthritic conditions that cause pain, limited movement, and stiffness in the connective tissues and joints throughout the entire body. Unfortunately, though, arthritis is chronic so once you have it, you will always have it. The good news is that there are things that can be done to help limit its effects on our bodies and daily life.

Types of Arthritis

There are three types of arthritis that affect individuals of all ages. They are:

1- Osteoarthritis. This is the most common form of arthritis caused by the cartilage in between the joints wearing down. It has been found that consuming adequate amounts of Vitamin C can protect the joints from free radicals and regenerate collagen, helping the body to repair any damage to the cartilage. Other nutrients that can help produce collagen include:

Vitamin A- found in cheddar cheese and liver.

Vitamin B6- found in wheat germ and white meat turkey & chicken.

Vitamin E- found in almonds and sunflower seeds Copper- found in whole grains and seafood.

Zinc- found in oysters, pumpkin seeds, and red meat.

Supplementing with glucosamine and chondroitin can also help, but be sure to check with your doctor before implementing these into your daily diet.

2- Rheumatoid Arthritis. This is a more serious form of arthritis. In this form, the immune system attacks the body causing swelling of the membranes that line the joints. Eventually, the joints are eaten away entirely. Nutrients that can help are:

Omega-3 fatty acids- found in cold-water fish like salmon, halibut, tuna, and sardines. They may be helpful in reducing stiffness & tenderness, and by improving overall joint function.

Gamma linolenic acid- found in evening primrose and borage seeds. This can help to fight painful inflammation.

3- Gout. Gout can be defined by experiencing excess amounts of uric acid, which is a by-product of the kidneys. When the kidneys are not working properly, uric acid builds up in the body and can crystallize around the joints causing pain and swelling. The following may help to reduce the onset of gout:

Water- Drinking lots of water can help to dilute uric acid in the blood and helps to flush it out of the body.

Cherries- these contain flavonoids that lower levels of uric acid.

Researchers have found that those who consumed a vegetarian diet saw dramatic improvement in arthritic symptoms within just a month. But if you're like me and just love your meat, try eating cold-water fish like salmon and tuna three times a week.

Supplementing your diet with herbal remedies such as evening primrose and borage can help, too.

A Healthy Weight

Being overweight can actually worsen arthritis since the extra pounds put more stress on our system as a whole. This, in turn, affects our mobility and the ease in which daily chores are performed. Maintaining a healthy weight is imperative if you are living with arthritis.

Living with Arthritis

There are 3 things that can be done to help minimize the effects of arthritis.

The first consists of medicine to relieve the discomfort and pain.

The second is to rest in order to heal the injured tissues.

And third: exercise to build strength. Do not forget proper nutrition in this equation!

As you can see, there are steps you can take to help limit the pain and discomfort of arthritis. Give these tips a try, and see if they work for you!

About the Author: Colleen is a health and fitness enthusiast who loves to pass on the latest information on health and wellness. Sign up for your free e-newsletter filled with cutting-edge information on health, nutrition, weight loss, and fitness. For your free e-newsletter, visit HealthyRevelations.com

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=236637&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

Arthritis Treatment: How Gout Develops

Arthritis Treatment: How Gout Develops

Arthritis Treatment: How Gout Develops
By Nathan Wei

Gout is one of the most common forms of arthritis affecting about 8 million Americans and is the most common inflammatory arthritis in men after the age of 40.
So how does it develop?

Gout is a metabolic disease. Under normal conditions, the production of uric acid (UA) that comes from the breakdown of purines found in many foods is balanced by elimination of UA. People with gout have much more UA in their system. This is a result of either inability to get excrete UA through the kidneys or to overproduction of UA, or both. In reality 90 per cent of gout is due to inability to excrete UA through the kidneys rather than overproduction.

When the level of UA exceeds a certain threshold, crystals of monosodium urate deposit in joints and other areas. The deposits of crystals can be influenced by other factors than just the level of uric acid in the system. These factors include dehydration, the amount of acididity, and temperature.

For example the solubility (ability to stay dissolved) of uric acid drops with temperature decline. This Is one of the explanations why attacks of gout tend to occur in the feet.

Attacks of gout can occur when there are fluctuations in the systemic pool of UA caused by drops in temperature, dietary intake of foods high in purines, starting treatments to lower uric acid, or dehydration.

When monosodium urate crystals (MSU) accumulate in joints, they trigger acute inflammation which leads to attraction of white blood cells to the area, release of chemicals that enhance inflammation, and the eventual development of an acute case of gout.

Gout attacks are characterized by swelling, heat, redness, and intense pain.

Even though the acute attack can be treated with relief of symptoms, MSU crystals are still present inside the joint and cause low-level inflammation. Microscopic analysis of joint tissue during the intercritical phase has shown the presence of large deposits of inflammatory material and MSU crystals.

As time passes, and gout continues, monosodium urate crystals and the attendant inflammation they cause lead to significant damage to joints and internal organs like the kidneys. The typical finding on x-ray is impressive erosions involving joints.

With disease progression, the time between acute attacks- termed the intercritical phase- no longer is a pain-free period. The patient will soon enter the phase of chronic gout where joint destruction and significant kidney damage will occur.

Nathan Wei, MD, FACP, FACR is a rheumatologist and Director of the Arthritis Treatment Center http://www.arthritistreatmentcenter.com. He is a former Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and consultant to the National Institutes of Health. For more info: http://www.arthritis-treatment-and-relief.com/arthritis-treatment.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathan_Wei

Arthritis Treatment: New Approaches to Treating Gouty Arthritis

Arthritis Treatment: New Approaches to Treating Gouty Arthritis

Arthritis Treatment: New Approaches to Treating Gouty Arthritis
By Nathan Wei

Gout is a common cause of arthritis affecting more than 8 million Americans. Although it affects men more than women, there appears to be an increasing incidence of the disease in post-menopausal women. The incidence overall appears to be increasing as a result of the epidemic of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and elevated lipids, all of which are associated with gout.

Gout, in 90 per cent of cases, is caused by the inability of the kidneys to get rid of urate. In the other 10 per cent, there is an overproduction of urate.

Animals other than humans don't get gout because they have an enzyme called uricase which breaks urate down and allows the animal to excrete it. Human beings, on the other hand, lack this enzyme and therefore are unable to excrete urate (uric acid) appropriately. This leads to accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints and other organ systems.

Gout typically occurs in three stages. The first stage is what is called "asymptomatic hyperuricemia." Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is characterized by elevate blood uric acid levels without attacks of gout. The higher the blood uric acid level is, though, the greater likelihood of an eventual attack.

The second phase or stage is termed "acute intermittent gout". During this stage, patients have attacks of gout but after the attack is over, they are relatively symptom free. The danger here is that chronic inflammation persists despite the absence of symptoms.

The third stage is called "chronic tophaceous gout." In this phase, patients have chronic pain due to repeated attacks of gout with an increasing burden of urate accumulation in the joints, kidneys, and other organs systems. Patients develop " tophi" which are deposits of inflammatory cells, urate crystals and fibrin. Gradual destruction of the joints occurs with the development of crippling deformity.

The treatment of gouty arthritis consists of a two-fold approach with relief of the acute attack accompanied by attempts to lower the urate burden.

Acute attacks can be treated with colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and steroids. The latter can be given either orally or directly into the affected joint.

Drugs that lower urate need to be used for the chronic treatment of gout. These drugs, when initiated, need to be accompanied by gout prophylaxis in the form of daily doses of either colchicine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for at least six months. The reason is this: as urate shifts as a result of the effect of uric acid lowering drugs, there is a predisposition to acute attacks.

Drugs used to lower urate consist of medicines that make patients urinate out their uric acid (probenecid), medicines that suppress uric acid production ( allopurinol, febuxostat [Uloric]), and uricolytic drugs. An example of the latter is pegloticase (Krystexxa), which converts uric acid to allantoin, an inert ingredient that is then excreted.

Counseling a patient in regards to lifestyle and diet also plays a role in the comprehensive approach to gout.

Nathan Wei, MD, FACP, FACR is a rheumatologist and Director of the Arthritis Treatment Center http://www.arthritistreatmentcenter.com. He is a former Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and consultant to the National Institutes of Health. For more info: http://www.arthritis-treatment-and-relief.com/arthritis-treatment.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathan_Wei

Arthritis Treatment: Gouty Arthritis - A Serious and Deadly Disease

Arthritis Treatment: Gouty Arthritis - A Serious and Deadly Disease

Arthritis Treatment: Gouty Arthritis - A Serious and Deadly Disease
By Nathan Wei

Elevated blood uric acid and gout are common conditions in the United States. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2008 (NHANES) has indicated that gout affects almost 4 percent of the population.

That's 8.3 million people. But more disturbing is the fact that gout incidence has more than doubled in the last couple of decades. There are many reasons for this including the rising incidence of other medical conditions that are risk factors for gout. These diseases include elevated blood lipids, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. The sum total of these conditions is often referred to as the "metabolic syndrome." The metabolic syndrome appears to be the end result of lifestyle choices that are commonplace in the United States.

The economic burden of gout is tremendous and is due to increased frequency of emergency room services, increased doctor visits, and the costs of medications. In addition, as has been described earlier, gout is associated with other common medical conditions that also carry a hefty price tag.

While most people perceive gout as being just a painful form of arthritis, it is more than that. Because of its association with the above medical conditions, it is now recognized as a substantial risk factor for death due to cardiovascular disease. What is more surprising is that this elevated risk is independent of these other factors including the presence of high blood pressure, diabetes, age, gender, and elevated blood lipid levels.

Another disturbing association is gout and kidney disease. Many people with gout have kidneys that don't function at 100 per cent efficiency. Since uric acid is excreted through the kidneys, the eventual result is that there is less uric acid excretion and therefore gradual accumulation leading to elevated blood levels of uric acid. This sets up a vicious cycle since elevated blood levels of uric acid can make the kidney disease worse. Uric acid has been shown to causes inflammation of blood vessels which could contribute to the kidney damage as well as possibly to the cardiac issues described earlier.

Roughly, 60 per cent of people with gout have some degree of kidney dysfunction. The problem is that medications used to treat acute gout attacks such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and colchicine may have an adverse effect on kidney function. Also, the traditional medicine employed for reducing serum uric acid, allopurinol, also must have dose adjustments made in the presence of kidney abnormalities.

It is clear that gouty arthritis is a public health issue that causes significant morbidity as well as mortality and must be addressed more aggressively.

Nathan Wei, MD, FACP, FACR is a rheumatologist and Director of the Arthritis Treatment Center http://www.arthritistreatmentcenter.com. He is a former Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and consultant to the National Institutes of Health. For more info: http://www.arthritis-treatment-and-relief.com/arthritis-treatment.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathan_Wei

Gout - A Lifestyle Disease

Gout - A Lifestyle Disease

Gout - A Lifestyle Disease
By Nathan Wei

Gout is a metabolic disorder that is due to abnormal metabolism of purines, a constituent of many foods. Essentially what happens is that the excretion of uric acid, which is the product of purine metabolism, does not keep pace with uric acid production. As a result there is abnormal accumulation of uric acid.

Gout causes symptoms because crystals of uric acid form and deposit in tissues. Crystal deposits form when serum urate levels are above the saturation point of roughly 7.0 mg/dl. This assumes that other physiologic factors such as temperature are normal. The goal then of gout therapy is to keep the serum uric acid below a level of 6.0 mg/dl. Below this level, deposits of uric acid shrink and attacks of gout diminish in frequency.

The typical early manifestations of gout are acute episodes of painful swollen joints. The usual sites of the first attacks are the big toe, the foot, and the ankle. If gout is not treated, uric acid accumulation worsens and other joints become inflamed and attacks become more frequent and debilitating. Besides being excruciatingly painful, the attacks also cause damage to joints and to internal organs such as the kidneys.

Gout is increasing in incidence and affects approximately four per cent of Americans. This increase in incidence is felt to be due to environmental factors including changes in diet as well as the obvious increase in obesity. Gout is part of the "metabolic syndrome" since it is often accompanied by other medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

A number of studies have now identified the major contributing factors to gout. These include obesity, alcohol (especially beer), red meat, shellfish, and fructose containing beverages. The latter include both soft drinks as well as processed fruit juices.

Lifestyle changes can also make a difference as far as reducing the likelihood of gout. These include weight loss, as well as increasing intake of foods such as low-fat dairy products, coffee, vitamin C, and cherries. In fact, the latter have been shown to be gout protective in at least two well-controlled studies. Skim milk also seems to be protective against gout.

Of note, there are dietary factors that play little or no role in the development of gout. These include purine-rich vegetables, moderate to large fat dairy materials, tea, and wine.

While there are effective medications for the treatment of gout, it is a safe assumption to suggest that most people would prefer to treat their disease without having to resort to pills. Dietary management and lifestyle adjustments can play a significant role in the early treatment of uncomplicated gout.

Nathan Wei, MD, FACP, FACR is a rheumatologist and Director of the Arthritis Treatment Center http://www.arthritistreatmentcenter.com. He is a former Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and consultant to the National Institutes of Health. For more info: http://www.arthritis-treatment-and-relief.com/arthritis-treatment.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathan_Wei

What is Gout and Why Does it Hurt so Much?

What is Gout and Why Does it Hurt so Much?

By Nathan Wei

Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by a buildup of uric acid. High levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to build up of crystals of uric acid in the joints. These crystals can cause extremely painful attacks.

Elevated blood uric acid results from either over production or under excretion of uric acid.

Crystals of uric acid may deposit as a result of fluctuations in temperature, pH levels in the body, and dehydration.

Acute attacks occur when uric acid crystals cause an acute inflammatory response.

Triggering factors include either increases or sudden decreases in uric acid levels in the blood, an increase in dietary intake of foods high in purines, and joint trauma.

There are three major stages of gout.

The first stage is what is called asymptomatic hyperuricemia. This is when the blood uric acid level is elevated but the patient has no symptoms.

The second stage of gout is acute intermittent gout. This stage begins with the first attack of gout. Attacks are separated by symptom free periods. During this stage of gout, uric acid crystals are present in joints and low-grade inflammation often persists. During this stage, gout can progress.

The final stage is advanced gout. This is when the periods between attacks no longer are pain free. This stage is characterized by chronic pain, arthritis affecting many joints, joint damage, and the development of tophi- deposits of uric acid under the skin.

Gout attacks usually occur in the big toe joint but can also occur in other areas including the ankles, knees, hands, wrists, as well as other joints.

Attacks can occur without warning signs and the pain, swelling, and redness can last several hours, several days, or even weeks.

If elevated uric acid levels persist, crystals can build up in the joints between attacks and cause severe joint destruction. Over time, attacks of gout become more frequent, last longer, and begin to affect other joints.

Uric acid comes from foods that are high in a substance called purines. Foods and drinks that are high in purines need to be avoided. Examples of foods that are high in purines include meats such as beef, pork, lamb as well as beer, wine, shellfish, and canned tuna.

Eating too much of these types of foods can elevate blood uric acid levels and trigger flares.

While a diet low in purines may help lower uric acid, this may not be enough.

The first step in gout treatment is making the diagnosis. This may require examination of joint fluid obtained through needle aspiration of an inflamed joint. This procedure should be done using ultrasound guidance in order to minimize patient discomfort.

Once the diagnosis is made, there are two goals that are needed in order to treat gout optimally.

The first is to reduce the pain and swelling from gout flares.

Medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, colchicine, and steroid drugs can help reduce swelling and pain.

The other goal is to lower the blood level of uric acid and keep it at a low level, generally below 6 mg/dL.

It is important to monitor blood uric acid levels during treatment in order to make sure that the blood uric acid remains below 6.0 mg/dL.

During initial gout treatment, it is recommended that prophylactic treatment with either colchicine or non-steroidal- anti-inflammatory medicines is used for at least six months.

Medicines such as allopurinol and febuxostat (Uloric) are usually the drugs of choice.

In younger patients, where kidney function is normal, and over excretion of uric acid in the urine is not a problem, probenecid may be acceptable.

It is important for both the patient as well as the physician to constantly monitor the effects as well as the side effects of medication.

About the Author: Nathan Wei, MD FACP FACR is a board-certified rheumatologist and nationally known arthritis authority and expert. For more info: Arthritis Treatment and Arthritis Treatment Center

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=1030995&ca=Medicines+and+Remedies

Can Gout Herbal Medicine Help You?

Can Gout Herbal Medicine Help You?
By Lisa McDowell

When the pain of gout is overwhelming, and it seems that
nothing appears to be helping, trying alternative treatments to
see if those might offer come relief is usually the next step. A
change in diet is always a great idea for managing gout, but it
doesn’t always take away the pain immediately. When looking for
new treatments, you may have to follow a rather untraditional
route, but that doesn’t mean traditional medicine can not help
you. You can try gout herbal medicine to see if that helps, but
you should always do so under the supervision of your doctor.

One type of gout herbal medicine that has shown some success
for gout sufferers is Devil’s Claw. This natural remedy has been
used for many years as it helps with many different things that
can go wrong with the body. One of its best properties is that
it can lower the amounts of uric acid in the body, and that
means it can be a preventative measure to ward of future gout
attacks. However, it can also help take away some of the pain
associated with a gout attack in full swing, so it can also be
used when the pain creeps up on you and you find yourself in the
middle of a bad flare up.

Bilberry can be helpful, as it can also lower uric acid levels
in the body. It is also thought to protect some of the tissues
from degeneration, which can help with pain and healing.

Juniper Berry comes in capsule or liquid form, and also works
to reduce uric acid.

There is a gout herbal medicine called Nettle Root that is
supposed to help the kidneys work better so they can more
effectively remove the uric acid in the body, and that helps
keep gout attacks to a minimum.

There is one gout herbal medicine that you won’t need to talk
to your doctor about, and they may even suggest it to you. Some
berries and fruits have great properties, and one of those
properties has to do with lowering the amounts of gout inducing
uric acid. Cherries are often touted as the best of these, and
you could try eating at least a half of a pound a day to see if
that helps you. Give it a week or two before deciding if it is
working. If you don’t like cherries, you can try blueberries,
black berries, and many of the other darker colored berries.
They might not be as good as cherries, but they can help you.
Alternatively try a cherry extract supplement for the same
protective effect.

Other than the fruit, you ought to talk with your medical
doctor about any gout herbal medicine that you want to try. Some
of them can have side effects of which you might not be aware
of, and may interact or interfere with any medications that you
might be taking. Natural and herbal remedies do work, and they
may work well for you, but it pays to check that they are safe
to take in your particular situation. When someone mentions
herbs, most naturally assume that they are safe because they are
from nature, but that is simply not the case. Talk with your
doctor first, and go from there when choosing which approach you
would like to take first.

About the Author: Grab your free copy of Lisa McDowell's brand
new Gout Newsletter here http://www.cure-gout-now.com/?source=is
which is overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you
relieve and prevent Gout symptoms naturally.

Source: http://www.isnare.com

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