Hair and Skin Care

Female Hair Loss: The Bald Truth

Female Hair Loss: The Bald Truth

Female Hair Loss: The Bald Truth

By: Michael Owen

For a long time most people had the belief that female hair loss was related to the hereditary factor only. However, due to an increase in hair loss amongst women this condition is getting a lot more exposure and acknowledgement in the medical community.

The hair loss in women is not exactly the same as that suffered by men. Also the notion that female hair loss is only hereditary related has now also been proven to be inaccurate. There are many factors that can cause female hair loss and these are a lot more complex then the male factors.

Women in general experience hair loss due to stress, drug therapies and menopause. Although the first two factors mentioned here are also related to hair loss in men, they are more frequent in women.

In general, women tend to be more concerned about their daily life than men. This increases the level of stress and one of its manifestations in the female organism is the hair loss. In this case, the treatment should not only stimulate hair growth, but also treat stress. Otherwise, even if hair growth is stimulated, hair loss can occur again.

The use of drug for therapy is a complicated issue. Hair loss due to this is frequent in the treatment against cancer. The drugs used in chemotherapy are too aggressive and hair loss may be the slight side effect.

Menopause is another problem. Besides all the unbalance in the organism that it causes, menopause can cause hair loss as an indirect consequence of it. The onset of menopause can often lead to hair loss and has long been a part of aging that many women fear the most. These days many more women are also experiencing thinning and bald spots as they mature, and both men and women are reaching out for new solutions. Even though there is no real 'cure', there are many things that can be done to help. Some products claim to help revive weakened hair roots and promote healthy hair growth.

Both hormones and genes are to blame for menopause causing acute hair loss, as is the aging process. Confirming the causes of your loss with a competent and experienced dermatologist is the first step in determining your best treatment options.

Most women also experience hair loss after pregnancy. This is due to the level of certain hormones in the body. This hair loss can be especially depressing as after pregnancy and birth most women are extremely tired both mentally and physically.

Another factor is also hair styling amongst women. We don't realise the damage that is being done by the excessive heat and chemicals that we use whilst styling our hair. These harsh chemicals tend to build up on the scalp and suffocate the hair follicles and block precious nutrients getting to them.

Although there are many factors that contribute hair loss in women there are also some great new products that can have amazing results. These products have been through years of clinical trials and are 100% natural without side effects. If you would like to learn more about the latest product that can restore your hair and is currently being used by many celebrities worldwide please visit my website which can be found in the author box below.


Author Bio
Michael Owen has devoted his life to helping hair loss sufferers and is recognised as an expert in the field. To learn more visit: Hair Loss After Pregnancy guide.

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Natural Hair Care Best Hair Loss Treatment

Natural Hair Care Best Hair Loss Treatment

Natural Hair Care Best Hair Loss Treatment

By: Harry John

There are several Causes of Hair Loss in Women and men and as there are a number of causes, there are also a number of Hair Loss Medications for Males and females available.

The most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia (males) which can also be called DHT Hair Loss. When testosterone, the male hormone, gets converted to DHT, it results in hair loss. Besides Anti-Androgen Medication, there are a number of Herbal Nutritional Supplements available which contain natural substances for blocking this transformation into DHT by the human body and are able to take care of hair loss. The active ingredients of these supplements are all-natural herbal, vitamin, and mineral DHT inhibitors. These natural hair care products contain no harsh chemicals and do not have sexual side effects which are very much evident in Hair Loss Medication.

The common hair care treatments available for females for normal hair care include shampoos, conditioners, whereas hair Re-growth treatment with Anti-Androgens and topical treatment with Rogaine are the only available options for female balding. There are many limitations of the anti androgen therapy, and the topical medication Rogaine which is more effective in preventing further hair loss rather than stimulating hair growth, is quite expensive and requires a long period of treatment (from 6 months to a year). Besides, the results obtained after a long period of use disappear after the treatment is stopped. In such situations it is best to explore the natural hair care secrets offered by many Natural Herbal Supplements and the Nutritional Health Vitamin Supplements.

Nutrition plays a very important role for hair care. The hair follicles which are in an active growth phase are strong and healthy compared to those which are in the resting stage. A steady flow of proper nutritional building blocks is essential for hair follicles to grow and produce healthy hair fiber. The follicles derive their nutrition from the blood. A balanced diet which has the natural vitamin supplements, proteins and mineral and health supplements is able to provide natural nutritional supplements to the hair follicles. If the already weak hair follicles do not get proper nutrition they become more prone to shedding.

These natural health supplements create an atmosphere where the tiny follicles beneath your scalp receive exactly what they need to create beautiful, full-bodied hair and also the power they need to sustain themselves when old.

Preventive care is the best form of treatment for any type of illness and hair loss is no exception. By providing the advantage of best nutritional and natural hair care you are sure to have a better control of hair loss.

Natural food supplements are the key to good health, and using natural hair care products and supplements are the best hair loss treatments for hair care.

Natural hair care secrets lie in taking a scientifically balanced mixture of Vitamins, Minerals and other Health Supplements which have long been regarded as effective for providing the right nourishment to the hair follicles and retain their vitality, natural color and the their potential for re-growth which can be lost due to both the internal and external causes.

Science has now unraveled the natural care secrets of phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, many of these chemicals have antioxidant capabilities greater than vitamin A, C, or E and the vitamins which have also been shown to be related with hair care. Many of these chemicals have anti-cancer benefits, and the good news is that there are thousands of such chemicals found in each fruit or vegetable.

Besides fruits and vegetables, nature has many herbs and plants which are able to provide natural hair care ( Hormonal imbalance resulting from menopause is an important cause of hair loss in women. Besides menopause, hormonal imbalance is also caused during pregnancy, child birth, and is the cause of poly cystic ovarian syndrome in women, hormonal imbalance is also one of the main causes of hair loss in women.

Many of the herbs have the required natural supplements in them which are able to take care of most of the problems women face, so much so that they can be labeled as Women Health Supplements. These natural women health supplements are able to prevent hair loss due to menopause and are especially useful for women's health during the difficult phases of their life.


Author Bio
Harry john is involved with the hair growth research and currently focusing on different topics like fast hair growth tips, hair analysis test and hair mineral analysis which actually are the gateway to healthy growth and maintenance. For other resources please visit

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Understand Baldness and How You Can Reverse It

Understand Baldness and How You Can Reverse It

Understand Baldness and How You Can Reverse It

By: Jim McDonald

There is no magic potion that will instantly give you back a full crop of thick, lush hair. But if we look at the way advances in hair loss treatments have evolved recently, perhaps we're not far from it.

Hair loss can be caused by many factors, the most common being Pattern Baldness which affects more then 40% of the male population. Women also suffer from hair loss, although the causes can be quite different than in men. Baldness can be quite a degrading condition for millions of men and women, and can lead to psychological problems and feelings of self worthlessness. But the scientific discoveries in recent years have made the treatments for balding more effective, and like all medical conditions, if you act on the problem when it is in it's infancy, you've got a better chance of minimizing the effects, or even reversing the condition.

The causes for hair loss are many and varied. Genetic 'Pattern Baldness' is the most common, but there are other very common causes such as Hormonal Imbalance, Illness, Poor Diet, Poor Hygiene, Drug Abuse and Stress. These are just the core issues that contribute to the hair loss. To get a better understanding of exactly how the hair stops to reproduce entails a bit of a scientific look at how hair actually grows.

Hair grows in 3 stages. In the first stage (Anagen) a new hair is produced and this is the stage where most growth occurs. Next, in the Catagen (Regressive) stage, the hair has stopped growing but is yet to shed. In the final stage (Telogen) the hair is resting and eventually falls out, and a new one begins to grow. In Pattern Baldness, DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) miniaturizes hair follicles by shortening the Anagen (growth) stage and at the same time can also lengthen the Telogen (resting) stage. This is usually a gradual process, and the end result is an increase in the number of short, thin hairs which are barely visible above the scalp.

There is hope, because while any hair is growing then various treatments can be administered to re-balance/block the DHT and promote healthier hair growth once again. There is no single hair loss treatment that works for everyone. In fact, it would be quite amazing if somoene used a single baldness treatment that completely solved their problem. The best hair loss treatment is in fact a combination of the best known products in a way that is tailored to your individual circumstances.

Generally, the most effective regime for preventing/reversing hair loss is a combination of 3 or 4 products:

1) DHT Inhibitors - Work to inhibit the negative effects of DHT 2) Growth Stimulators - artificially stimulate growth in the hair follicle 3) Hair vitamins - these products actually provide all the clinical proven vitamins and minerals required to help hair grow to its fullest and thickest 4) Hair and Scalp Cleaners - these products provide proper hair and scalp hygiene and nutrition.

In all cases, the most effective hair loss treatment will involve a combination of the above options. That is because there is no single solution that tackles the cause and the effect of baldness in everyone.


Author Bio
Written by Jim McDonald, a contributing writer for, an informative website about Baldness and what treatments are available.

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Types Of Hair Loss Treatment Available

Types Of Hair Loss Treatment Available

Types Of Hair Loss Treatment Available

By: Richard Mitchell

The hair loss treatments outlined here cannot provide definitive cures for all hair loss conditions, but they do represent regimes that many sufferers have found useful. In other words, they are examples of potential solutions that many patients have chosen after honestly assessing the causes of their hair loss together with their expectations.

This article will focus on four basic approaches:

1. A drugs based approach for those who don't mind taking strong medications.

2. A commercial product approach for those who prefer a non-drug solution but who still want a treatment that has a track record.

3. A natural remedy approach for those who prefer to follow the natural route.

4. A nutritional approach for those who wish to adopt a more holistic perspective.

It remains a fact that only two hair loss treatments have been approved by the FDA and both can be classed as strong drug-based medications. Propecia (finasteride) is the treatment of choice for many men with good reason - it tends to work! It is a powerful drug that inhibits the formation of DHT in the system, eventually to a level that is sufficiently low to encourage a normal growth cycle. Rogaine (minoxidil) acts differently in that it stimulates hair growth in both men and women by overriding the prevailing hair loss symptoms. These drugs can be used either on their own or in combination. Women should seek professional medical advice before using Propecia.

The world of commercial hair loss products is much less clear cut and it is here that many scamsters ply their trade to rip-off unsuspecting customers. The best advice I can give here is research, research, and more research! Many useful products are available on the market but none have been approved by the FDA. Probably the best, and certainly most popular, commercially available products are those containing natural ingredients that have been shown in field trials to reduce hair loss and encourage regrowth. You can find out more about these products by visiting the site listed at the end of this article.

Increasingly, people are turning to natural hair loss remedies as they seek to combat thinning hair. This has an obvious appeal for many sufferers and there is growing evidence to support the view that some natural remedies may be effective in curtailing hair loss. The most popular ingredients of natural hair loss treatments include ginko biloba, green tea, he shou wu, pygeum, saw palmetto and stinging nettle. Each of these is described in more detail in an supplementary article entitled "Herbal Remedies That Offer Hope".

It is becoming increasingly evident that poor nutrition and modern lifestyles can have a negative impact on health, and hair loss is no exception. At the most basic level, improved nutrition can minimize shedding and support other treatments that encourage regrowth. This can be achieved by:

  • eating adequate amounts of protein
  • eating appropriate levels of useful carbohydrates
  • achieving a healthy balance of dietary fats


Author Bio
Richard Mitchell has developed several hair loss resources including the Hair Loss Natural website that provides information and guidance to people suffering from premature hair loss.

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The Truth About Hair Loss

The Truth About Hair Loss

The Truth About Hair Loss

It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100 - 125 hairs on any given day. Hair that is shed falls out at the end of growth cycle. At any given time 10% of our hair is in what is called a "resting phase" and after 2- 3 months resting, hair falls out and new hair grows in its place. Some people, however, experience more hair loss than is normal.

As we get older, both men and women experience some hair loss. It's a normal part of the aging process. Called Androgenetic Alopecia, it accounts for 95% of all hair loss. Androgentic Alopecia often runs in families and affects some people more than others. In men it is often referred to as Male Pattern Baldness. It is characterized by a receding hair line and baldness on the top of head. Women, on the other hand, don't go entirely bald even if their hair loss is severe. Instead, hair loss is spread out evenly over their entire scalp.

Hormones play the dominant role when talking about Androgenetic Alopecia. Simple put, both men and women produce testosterone. Testosterone can be converted to dihydrotestosterone ( DHT) with the aid of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. DHT shrinks hair follicles causing the membranes in the scalp to thicken, become inelastic and restrict blood flow. This causes the hair follicles to atrophy. As a result, when a hair does fall out, it is not replaced.

Needless to say, men produce more testosterone than women and experience more hair loss.

While Androgenetic Alopecia is the number one reason why individuals experience hair loss, it is not the only one. Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, ringworm and fungal infections can cause hair loss. Certain medications such as blood thinners, gout medication, birth control pills and too much vitamin A can cause sudden or abnormal hair loss as can following a crash diet, sudden hormonal changes, chemotherapy and radiation.

Emotional stress, pregnancy, or surgery can also cause our hair to fall out and is usually not noticed until 3-4 months after the stressful event has taken place. Stress can cause a slowing of new hair growth because a larger number of hair follicles enter into the resting phase and no new hair growth is experienced.

Another way in which individuals experience hair loss is due to mechanical stressors on the hair and scalp. Wearing pigtails, cornrows or tight rollers that end up pull on the hair can scar the scalp and cause permanent hair loss. Hair products such as hot oil treatments and chemicals used for permanents can cause inflammation to the hair follicles which can also result in scarring and hair loss.

For some, hair loss may be the early warning sign of a more serious disorder such as lupus or diabetes, so it is important to talk to your doctor. If you or someone you know is suffering from hair loss, here are some alternative health ideas that can help naturally.

Recommendations For Wellness

If you are taking prescription medications, talk to your doctor and find out if your medication is contributing to your hair loss.

Avoid mega-doses of vitamin A. Too much vitamin A can cause your hair to fall out.

Exercise, do yoga, meditate or find some other practice that will help to reduce your anxiety and stress levels.

Massage your scalp with rosemary oil in an olive oil base. Both rosemary oil and massaging the scalp can stimulate the circulation in the scalp and promote hair growth.

If you are a women, have your female hormones tested. If they are imbalanced, talk to your health care provider about bio-identical hormone replacements.

If you wear pigtails, cornrows, use a curling iron, hair dryer or hot rollers, try changing your hair style to one that puts less pressure and stress on your hair and scalp.

If hot oil treatments or chemicals such as those used in permanents are causing inflammation to the scalp, discontinue their use, or reduce the number of times you are using them.

Use gentle shampoos and conditioners to avoid any unnecessary damage to your hair.

In men, herbs such as saw palmetto and licorice root help block the formation of D HT. The same holds true for supplementation with zinc. As an added benefit, studies show that these supplements can also help prevent prostate enlargement.

Author Bio
Dr. Rita Louise, Ph D is a Naturopathic Physician and the founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics. Visit or for more information.

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Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss

Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss

Aromatherapy For Female Hair Loss

At 32 years of age, my hair suddenly started falling out by the handfuls. The hair loss began in August. By October, just two months later I was almost completely bald.

Other than having hair loss, my physical health was excellent. Since my medical tests all came back normal, my doctor advised me to get a good wig and get on with my life. My friends and family encouraged me to count my blessings rather than my shortcomings. They tried to convince me that I was still the same person on the inside, with or without hair. I didn't buy it. But I did get the wig and I did get on with my life.

A new friend I met happened to be a hairdresser who specialized in thin, fine hair. After confiding in her, she told me about the great results some of her clients had using aromatherapy. She armed me with books and information. I absorbed it all and kept learning more until I was ready to make my own scalp formula.

There were many essential oils to choose from. I especially liked
using peppermint oil. The tingling sensation it produced seemed to energize my scalp and my entire being. The scent of the oil perked me up so it was a great choice to use it the morning to get my day started.

At night I would experiment with more relaxing oils such as lemon, lavender, chamomile, cypress and carrot seed. I would often sleep with the oils on my scalp and wash them out in the morning. The drifting aroma seemed to lure me into a deep sleep, helping me to wake up refreshed and revitalized.

The essential oil formulas felt so healing and energizing on my scalp. It was as if I could "feel" them working! Within three months I began seeing and feeling soft new growth. Three months after that my entire scalp was filled in with new hair.

It's been fifteen years since my hair loss incidence. Every so often I find the beginnings of new bald patches or I notice more hair falling out than usual.

As soon as I notice the hair loss I begin treating it with essential oil formulas. My hair responds quickly to the aromatherapy treatments. I've been able to stop the hair loss and start the re-growth before it becomes noticeable.

At first I really didn't care how the essential oils worked. Just the fact that they did work was all I needed to know. But, because I became so fascinated with the effects and so fond of the aromas, I went on to formally study aromatherapy.

I think of essential oils as a "fertilizer for hair". They increase circulation to the scalp. The increased blood supply nourishes the hair follicles. They increase oxygen supply, encourage cellular regeneration and remove toxins. They thoroughly cleanse the scalp, removing excess sebum, dead skin cells and environmental pollutants.

Essential oils need to be diluted with fixed oils. Jojoba and castor oil turned out to be my favorites, as even on their own they are healthy for hair and used to promote growth.

Choosing the essential oils to use in your formula requires some research and knowledge. Certain essential oils cannot be used under certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure, pregnancy etc.

Your formula will be more effective if you choose oils specifically for own condition rather than a generic hair loss formula. You can customize your formula to address your specific scalp condition, such as dry, oily, itchy, sensitive, etc. You can further customize your formula by choosing oils that blend into a scent that you enjoy.

Although you apply the formula to your scalp, the healing doesn't stop there. Aromatherapy is known to produce an over-all feeling of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being that goes far beyond a better head of hair!

Author Bio
Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in Women... Getting to the Root of the Problem. She is passionate about empowering women with information and solutions involving female hair loss

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Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth

Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth

Aromatherapy for Hair Loss-Top Eight Essential Oils to Promote Growth

Losing my hair, handfuls at a time until I was practically bald was a painful experience for me. Fortunately I was able to overcome my hair loss and re grow my hair through the use of aromatherapy.

Learning about aromatherapy soon became my passion and my field of study. For fifteen years now I have been able to control my hair loss and maintain healthy hair with aromatherapy.

There are approximately 200 essential oils in use today. Of those, about 35 are commonly used for scalp and hair. Most people who work with essential oils settle into about 10 or 15 oils they can't live without. This article contains what I consider to be the top eight essential
oils to stimulate and maintain hair growth.

BASIL, (Ocimum basilicum). Basil oil is a powerful scalp stimulator. When applied to the scalp you can actually "feel" it working. It produces a warm, slightly tingling sensation. When I use basil I don't have to use a conditioner. My hair rinses out smooth, tangle free and squeaky clean. I've noticed that basil, more than any other essential oil, makes my hair look shiny, healthy and thicker.

CARROT SEED, (Daucus carota). Carrot seed oil is superior for hair and skin that is in need of nourishment, moisture and elasticity. It is indicated for alopecia areata, fragile hair, brittle hair and falling hair. It is calming to the skin and scalp. Carrot seed oil is rich in beta-carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, essential fatty acids and other nutrients. It is expensive and harder to find than most essential oils. Although some people find it pleasing, I am not particularly fond of the scent; but I am fond of the results!

CYPRESS, (Cupressus sempervirens). Imagine your self in a quiet forest surrounded by tall Cypress tress. The aroma of cypress oil can transport you to that soothing place. Cypress is used to reduce oiliness in the scalp and is good for dandruff. I use cypress if I am making a nighttime scalp formula that I will leave in while I sleep. It clears the mind and prepares it for sleep. It is important to use only the smallest amount (1 drop) in your formula or it could have the opposite effect. I like to blend it with orange and lavender in a base of jojoba.

LAVENDER, (lavendula vera) Lavender oil is a standard in hair and skin care. It has cell-regenerating properties. It is used to promote hair growth and to prevent future loss. It is effective for all hair types. Because it has the ability to regulate sebum production, it is useful for either oily or dry scalp. Lavender is often paired with rosemary in scalp and hair formulas. Together they produce an outstanding synergy for hair care.

LEMON, (Citrus limon) the essential oil comes from the rind, which is high in Vitamins A, B and C. Lemon oil is very versatile. It can be used for dry or oily hair because it helps to regulate sebum production. It is anti-aging and promotes cell-regeneration. It helps to restore the hair's natural ph level. Lemon oil can produce a healthy shine, especially to blonde hair.

PEPPERMINT, (Mentha piperita) If I could only have one essential oil for my hair it would be peppermint. It is refreshing and invigorating, excellent to use in the morning to get the day started! Peppermint produces a cool, tingling feeling as it energizes the scalp. It is used to promote hair growth, for dandruff and itchy scalp.

ROSEMARY, (Rosmarinus officinalis) Rosemary oil is very well known for it's superior hair care qualities. For hair care, it is probably used more often than any other essential oil, especially to promote hair growth. It is a powerful scalp stimulator for hair loss and to strengthen thinning hair. It is also used to shine and condition hair and to bring out highlights in dark hair.

TEA TREE, (Melaleuca alternifolia) Tea tree oil has become very popular. It is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It is effective against any type of fungal condition of scalp such as ringworm. It is used to heal infections and to reduce itchiness. It removes build-up on the scalp and helps rejuvenate dull lifeless hair. It leaves hair soft, clean and manageable. Tea tree has a strong, clan medicinal scent.

It is important to know and follow all safety guidelines before using any aromatherapy products. Essential oils must be diluted properly before applying to skin. Certain oils cannot be used if certain medical conditions are present. Enlisting the help of a trained professional aromatherapist can help ensure a safe and effective formula.

Author Bio
Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in Women... Getting to the Root of the Problem. She is passionate about empowering women with information and solutions involving female hair loss

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Dry Winter Skin: How to Deal with it

Dry Winter Skin: How to Deal with it

Dry Winter Skin: How to Deal with it

Your skin in winter can become very dry - even to the point of being painful. I myself began feeling the effects of the cooler weather in early October. It usually doesn't hit me this hard but this year I'm having a real difficult time with it. My lips became tender and chapped, and I had to switch to a different formula of daily facial cleanser because the exfoliating beads in my current cleanser were irritating my skin. My face became red and flushed. I'll have to limit my daily exfoliation to just twice a week. Also my hands and feet became very dry.

Ah, winter. It can be so peaceful yet so unforgiving. Indoors you're subjected to dry heat and outdoors you're bombarded with harsh winter UV rays from the sun and chilling winds. Yes, the sun's rays are still just as dangerous as they are in the summer and they will reflect off any snowy surfaces, bouncing the rays right back on to you. You're going to need a good facial moisturizer with SPF in it.

Here are some more tips to help you combat dry winter skin:
1)Use a lip balm (preferably with SPF) and do not lick your lips under any circumstances. That just makes it worse.
2)Keep your hands moisturized with a good quality hand cream. Make sure you have a tube of hand cream with you at all times.
3)Drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is a dehydrator.
4)Buy a humidifier if you don't already have one. It may help keep your heating bills down as well. You know, the whole heat and humidity thing. Think Amazon rainforest.
5)Use a shower filter. It will filter out the skin-drying chlorine in your tap water. Avoid using hot water in the shower even though it feels so good on a cold winter morning. It will only strip your skin of its natural oils and cause water to evaporate more quickly. Use warm water onyl. Also, it pays to switch from soap which can dry the skin, to a silky body wash which will help your skin retain moisture. Pat your skin dry when exiting the shower, don't rub. Apply a nice moisturizer while your skin is still damp to help seal in moisture.

When the humidity drops to 50 percent or less, you will need to pay even more attention to your moisturization routine. Stay away from harsh scrubs or cleansers since they will eliminate most of the skin's oils and dry your skin out more easily. This applies to skin care products as well as cleaning products.

My favorite winter skin care tip is before you go to bed, apply a thick, rich moisturizer to your feet, concentrating on the heel area. Then put on a nice cushy pair of socks. When you wake up your feet will be soft and smooth and well-hydrated.

Not paying attention to extremely dry skin can lead to health issues and act as a welcome mat for rashes and skin infections. So take good care of your skin and enjoy your winter!

Author Bio
Katrina Price is a skin care consultant and the owner of

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Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth

Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth

Scalp Massage to Improve Hair Loss and Stimulate new Growth

Scalp massage for hair loss has been used throughout history by many different cultures. Massaging the scalp should be part of every hair loss regime. One of the most obvious benefits of scalp massage is increased circulation. The scalp, being an extremity is one of the hardest places for blood to flow. The increased blood flow helps to nourish the follicle. The scalp depends on blood flow to bring oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles.

Tension causes tightness in the scalp, which restricts blood flow. Scalp massage restores pliability and relieves tension, helping to create an ideal environment for new hair growth.

Massaging the scalp also helps loosen and remove dead cells and excess sebum on the scalp, which can hinder new hair growth. Scalp massage helps to distribute the hairs natural oils to protect and condition the hair.

The benefits of scalp massage go beyond hair loss prevention. Seventy percent of our nervous system is in the head. A scalp massage activates neural pathways to the brain and stimulates unused brain cells. Besides that, scalp massage feels good! It is nurturing and relaxing to the whole body.

Scalp massage should include the face and neck. You can perform it yourself or have someone do it for you. Slide your fingertips under your hair and onto your scalp. Use the balls of your fingertips. Use gentle circular motions to stimulate your entire scalp.

Below are several variations of scalp massage to try.

Glide fingers under scalp. Grab hair close to scalp. Pull gently. Relax grip then pull again. Do this 3 times and then move on. Repeat over entire scalp. This is stimulating to the scalp and it feels wonderful, especially if you have someone else do it for you!

Stand with your feet apart. Breathe slow and deep in and out. Gently lean forward from the waist, curving your spine until your head is just below your waist. Keep legs straight. Gently tap your scalp all over with your knuckles for 30 seconds. Slowly raise your body and repeat in an upright position.

Place fingers at the center of the skull base and begin to tap about 30 times. Work your way outwards towards the ears and continue tapping. Then go back to the center of the skull, a little higher up and repeat process in this manner until entire scalp is tapped.

Tapping your scalp gently with a boar bristle brush is an easy way to provide energy and circulation to the scalp.

Adding essential oils or nourishing herbal infused oils can increase the effectiveness of scalp massage. Dab a small amount of the prepared formula onto fingertips. Place fingertips under hair, directly onto scalp and massage in circular motion. Continue until scalp has been massaged, paying extra attention to thinning areas.

Author Bio
Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in Women... Getting to the Root of the Problem. She is passionate about empowering women with information and solutions involving female hair loss.

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Cabbage | Red Cabbage | Health Benefits of Cabbage | Red Cabbage Juice Benefits | Red Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage | Red Cabbage | Health Benefits of Cabbage | Red Cabbage Juice Benefits | Red Cabbage Soup Diet

Submitted by: Medico News

Red Cabbage is very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Thiamin, Riboflavin, Folate, Calcium, Iron and Magnesium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Potassium and Manganese.

One cup of chopped crimson will add about 50 milligrams of vitamin C, as well as doses of fiber, folate and potassium. Studies have also revealed that a high intake of cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage offers protection from some cancers.

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage: It’s high in Vitamins A and C

Vitamins A and C are vitamins with strong antioxidant properties and red cabbage is a good source of both, particularly vitamin C. One serving provides three-quarters of the daily recommended quantity of this vitamin which is important for maintaining healthy skin and connective tissue. Who says citrus fruits are the only good source of vitamin C?

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage: It’s a Real Diet Food

Red cabbage is a guilt-free food if you’re a calorie counter. One cup of red cabbage has under thirty fat-free calories. The relatively high fiber content of red cabbage makes it a filling and satisfying side dish. No wonder the cabbage soup diet was so popular!

Health Benefits of Red Cabbage: It’s Better than It’s Green Cousin

Medicinal properties

In European folk medicine, cabbage leaves are used to treat acute inflammation. A paste of raw cabbage may be placed in a cabbage leaf and wrapped around the affected area to reduce discomfort. Some claim it is effective in relieving painfully engorged breasts in breastfeeding women.

Cabbage contains significant amounts glutamine, an amino acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

It is a source of indol-3-carbinol, or I3C, a compound used as an adjuvent therapy for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, a disease of the head and neck caused by human papillomavirus (usually types 6 and 11) that causes growths in the airway that can lead to death.

Health Benefits of Cabbage

1. Red cabbage contains beneficial protective phytochemicals such as indole-3-carbinole (I3C), sulforaphane, and indoles. Indole-3-carbinole (I3C) is plays an essential role in reducing the risk of breast cancer. These compunds are also required for regulating the formation and function of estrogen.

2. Cabbage belongs to the Cruciferae family of vegetables and has three major varieties, namely green, Savoy and red.

3. Cabbage has numerous health benefits. Researches and studies have revealed that red cabbage has higher amounts of nutrients and is beneficial for treating cancer, ulcers and various other health disorders.

4. Cabbage is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener.

5. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcer.

6. Cabbage is rich in iron and sulfur.

7. Juice of fresh cabbage is effective in treating fungus infection(due to it sulfur content).

8. Cabbage can lower serum cholesterol.

Modern science has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the health benefits and therapeutic value of cabbage, which also plays a role in the inhibition of infections and ulcers. Cabbage extracts have been proven to kill certain viruses and bacteria in the laboratory setting. Cabbage boosts the immune system’s ability to produce more antibodies. Cabbage provides high levels of iron and sulphur, minerals that work in part as cleansing agents for the digestive system.

There are many different varieties of cabbage, so please, be brave and innovative. Green cabbage is the most popular, common and of course the one we are most familiar with. Take a walk on the wild side with Savoy cabbage. With yellow crinkled leaves, you can use this variety of cabbage as an alternate in many recipes. Let’s not forget Bok Choy, a routine addition to Chinese recipes that has a sweet, light, celery type familiarity. Red Cabbage. It goes without saying in that it simply has to be good for you given all that beautiful plant pigment where the majority of nutrition is stored. Red cabbage is good in salads and is commonly pickled. Napa cabbage has a mild sweet taste and is incredible in stir fry dishes.

Whatever your choice of cabbage may be, enjoy a serving at least once a week along with your other valuable and health promoting cruciferous vegetables. Try to cook your cabbage lightly. Steaming and quick stir fry dishes are considered to be the best methods for preserving the power packed natural nutrition given so freely by Mother Nature. Cabbage soup anyone?

Nutritive Values of Cabbage :

1. Vitamin A : 80 I.U.

2. Vitamin c : 50 mg.

3. Calcium : 46 mg.

4. Phosphorus : 31 mg.

5. Potassium : 140 mg.

6. Carbohydrates : 5.3 gm.

7. Protein : 1.4 gm.

8. Calories : 24

About the Author: Written by Medical News | Cancer News :

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