
11 Shortcuts to a Healthier You

11 Shortcuts to a Healthier You

Submitted by: Sandra Prior

Living longer and feeling better doesn’t have to be drudgery. Armed with the right tools, a man can completely protect and preserve his own body. What you’re about to read is your own personal toolbox. Top to bottom it contains all the right know-how you need to avoid a disaster down the road.

Prevent Colon Cancer

Swap the chips for a snack that may save your life: Brazil nuts. They're the top food source of selenium, a mineral that one study showed may reduce the risk of colon cancer by as much as 60 percent. It looks promising as a way to help prevent colon cancer. A couple of Brazil nuts a day will help you hit the target amount of 200 micrograms of selenium.

Ulcer Proof your Stomach

If a type of bacteria called H pylori is the firebug that ignites most ulcers, then a serving of broccoli sprouts is your edible sprinkler system. In a study sponsored by the US's National Academy of Sciences, sulforaphane - a phytochemical in the sprouts - killed off any H.pylori that was exposed to it. Try folding sprouts into your omelet’s or using them in a sandwich. (Regular broccoli contains some sulforaphane, too.)

Beat Bad Breath

Gargle with nature's mouthwash: green tea. When researchers at the University of British Columbia tested different strategies for eliminating bad breath, they found that green tea was most effective at wiping out the germs and the volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) that cause stench mouth. (Chewing gum and mints actually increased the amount of VSC.) Make green tea at home and give it a good swish around in your mouth before swallowing.

Protect your Prostate

Blueberries are the fruit with the most antioxidant firepower, but plums may be the real nukes against prostate cancer. Preliminary research at Texas University found that phyto-chemicals in red-fleshed plums inhibit prostate-tumor cell growth in the laboratory by 80 percent - 20 percent more than blueberries do. The research is still in the early stages, but there's definitely no downside to eating plums.

Stop a Heart Attack

Harvard medical school researchers found that drinking one or more cups of black tea a day was associated with a 45 percent decrease in heart attacks. The flavonoids in the tea may reduce the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries. And it doesn't have to be any fancy tea; Lipton or Five Roses will do the artery-clearing trick just as well.

Stop Sweating

Put on your antiperspirant at night, before you go to bed. Even after you dry off from your morning shower, your pores still hold enough water to dilute the antiperspirant. By comparison, your skin is completely dry by the time you're ready to hit the sack, allowing the antiperspirant to concentrate in the pores. If you need peace of mind, apply antiperspirant in the morning, but it isn't necessary; the active ingredients- aluminium chloride or zinc chloride - are good for 24 hours.

Prevent Diabetes

Whip up a peanut-butter-and-jam sandwich. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that those people who ate peanut butter just once a week had a 16 percent lower risk of developing type-2 diabetes than those who didn't eat any. One explanation may be the fats in peanut butter. Previous studies have shown that a high intake of mono-and polyunsaturated fats improves insulin sensitivity.

Start Losing Weight

A 250ml yoghurt (the light kind) contains 400mg of calcium, almost half of the 900mg research shows you need to eat each day to keep the obesity gene turned off. If you don't get enough calcium, the body stores fat more readily. Plus, yoghurt has eight to 10 grams of protein, which helps suppress appetite and may boost the activity of Leptin, a hormone
that plays a key role in kilojoule burning.

Short-Circuit a Headache

Try pinching the webbed area between your thumb and index finger (either hand) for 30 seconds. It's called acupressure, and while researchers haven't carried out a randomized, placebo-controlled study on the strategy, the theory is that it stimulates nerve impulses to the brain and reverses blood-vessel dilation. Expect your head to stop throbbing in about 5 minutes.

Save your Eyesight

Carrots have the rep, but go with mangoes. They're loaded with beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, three antioxidants that protect your eyes from vision-altering, free-radical damage. We know that these antioxidants help decrease vision loss in patients with age-related macular degeneration.

Avoid a Stroke

Chug 500ml of orange juice. In a 10-year study of 2 400 men, Finnish researchers found that the men taking in 200 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C a day, had a lower stroke risk than those taking in only 40mg of C. Researchers attribute the reduction in risk to vitamin C's ability to minimize artery damage from free radicals, reduce blood pressure and help control cholesterol.

About the Author: Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at http://bodybuild.rr.nu

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=379980&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

Recognizing And Treating A Tension Headache

Recognizing And Treating A Tension Headache

Submitted by: Jared Winston

A tension headache is by far the most common form of headache that people experience in every day life. However, in many cases, tension headaches may be confused with other types of headaches that may be more serious. Conversely, these more serious forms of headaches, which may require treatment from a physician, may be mistaken as a simple tension headache and thus go untreated for long periods of time. For this reason, you should know the causes, symptoms, and treatments of these headaches if you are experiencing pain, so you will be able to recognize them yourself.

A tension headache is essentially, just as its name implies, a headache that is caused by tensing of the muscles, most often in the neck or the scalp. When these muscles contract, it can cause pain that ranges from mild, dull aches, to more severe pain, often accompanied by a feeling of tightness or pressure on the head, as though it were being squeezed by an invisible pair of hands. The pain is usually general, and dispersed over the head and neck, unlike other types where the pain is often felt most acutely in a specific area.

Unlike many other types of headaches, tension headaches tend to build up slowly over time. The pain will at first be mild, or simply a feeling of tightness, and may increase until the pain has become quite severe. This is in contrast to other forms of headaches, most specifically cluster headaches that are known to begin and build up in a matter of minutes, and end just as quickly.

Tension headaches are somewhat similar to migraines in that they can be made worse by the presence of certain factors. These include bright lights and sounds, and other similar environmental stresses. This, however, may affect the headache for other reasons than they affect migraine headaches. For instance, they may be increasing the stresses that are causing the headache in the first place.

A tension headache can be caused by a wide variety of different things. In short, anything that causes stress in your life may be a contributing factor to a tension headache, which is why they often set in during times of heightened stress levels. However, other factors may be at work, such as strain to the eyes or environmental factors such as temperature. They can also be caused by abnormal pressures on parts of the body, such as sleeping in a certain position, or even poor posture.

In most cases, a tension headache is mild enough that it can be treated with over the counter pain medication to take care of the headache itself. If possible, you may want to remove the causes of the headache as well, by relaxing more often or correcting poor posture. If you cannot pin point what is causing your headaches, you may want to write down when your headaches begin, to help you find a common link between them. If you experience a tension headache consistently, or your headaches become very severe, you should consult a physician, to be sure there is not a more serious problem.

Copyright © Jared Winston, 2006. All Rights Reserved.

About the Author: Millions of people suffer from brutal headaches every day, whether they be temporary nuisances or repeat offenders. Conquering Headaches helps educate about the causes of headaches as well as solutions: http://www.conqueringheadaches.com

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=60360&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

Migraines With Flashing Lights Could Signal A Heart Attack, Study



Migraines might forewarn serious health threats, a new study suggests. According to recent research findings released by the American Academy of Neurology, women who experience migraines with auras may be at risk of heart attacks and blood clots.

In the study, researchers found that migraines with auras contributed to stroke and heart attacks. Of the 27,860 women participating in the Women's Health Study, which looked at how vascular risk factors contributed to cardiovascular events, 1,030 cases of heart attack, stroke or fatality due to cardiovascular disease occurred during 15 years of follow up. Researchers also noted 1,435 of the women reported migraine headache with aura.

Researcher Tobias Kurth of Brigham and Women's Hospital and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Bordeaux said:"After high blood pressure migraine with aura was the second strongest single contributor to risk of heart attacks and strokes. It came ahead of diabetes, current smoking, obesity and family history of early heart disease."

Kurth pointed out that even though migraine with aura is associated with increased the risk of heart attack or stroke, not all people experiencing migraine with aura will suffer a cardiovascular event.


How Do Migraines, Heart Attacks and Obesity Come Together?

Associations between vascular health and migraine with aura has been known for some time. For example, the results of a meta-analysis published in a 2009 issue of BMJ found an association between migraine with aura and cardiovascular disease.

In that study, Tobias Kurth, working with other scientific investigators found that migraine with aura was associated with a two fold increase of ischemic stroke.

Ischemic strokes are caused by damage to vessels supplying blood to the brain.

Migraines are a complex neurological disorder that starts in the brain and spreads to the blood vessels. Migraines accompanied by aura cause the sufferer to experience flashing lights or other visual disturbances due to problems with blood flow within the brain.

It's important to consider how obesity may affect migraine symptoms and cardiovascular disease. Obesity increases cardiovascular risk because fatty buildup in the blood vessels could trigger heart attack or stroke.

Taken together it becomes easier for researchers to look for associations between the cardiovascular system and migraines.

There is evidence that obesity can worsen migraine symptoms. Dale S. Bond from The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University published a report in Obesity Reviews theorizing that weight loss intervention may lessen migraine headaches.

Since there is evidence that body weight can trigger migraine episodes, it's important to lead a healthy lifestyle. We should also include meditation and communion with God as part of a healthy lifestyle. When the mind is at peace it can also have a calming effect on the body as well.

Kurth, when presenting the results of his findings from the WHS to the American Academy of Neurology said that women suffering migraines with aura could reduce their risk of heart attack by keeping the blood pressure in check, maintaining a healthy weight and participating in exercise.


God is always telling us something for our good, we must be willing to listen to Him.

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Article Sources

Migraine with Aura May Lead to Heart Attack, Blood Clots for Women - American Academy of Neurology Press Release


Schurks, M., Rist, P., Bigal, M., Buring, J., Lipton, R., & Kurth, T. (2009). Migraine and cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis BMJ, 339 (oct27 1) DOI: 10.1136/bmj.b3914

Bond, D., Roth, J., Nash, J., & Wing, R. (2011). Migraine and obesity: epidemiology, possible mechanisms and the potential role of weight loss treatment Obesity Reviews, 12 (5) DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00791.x

CDC - DHDSP - Types of Stroke



"Migraines With Flashing Lights Could Signal A Heart Attack, Study" copyright © 2013 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.



Getting Rid of Migraine Pain and Why Surgery Works

Getting Rid of Migraine Pain and Why Surgery Works

Getting Rid of Migraine Pain and Why Surgery Works
By Jason J Hall, MD, FACS

Nearly 25% of women between 18 and 50 suffer from migraine headaches. As any of you who suffer from migraines knows, the total cost - of medications, ER visits, lost days at work, etc (not to mention time lost with your family and friends, which is irreplaceable) is enormous.

The commonly accepted theory as to why migraines happen is as follows:

A migraine trigger sends a depressive wave through the main part of the brain, which then releases chemical irritants. This causes sensory fibers in the meninges - the covering of the brain - to be activated, which is then felt as pain. If this process continues, a part of the brain and brainstem known as the trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) becomes inflamed and starts a process called central sensitization (a "full blown" migraine). The main symptom of central sensitization is severe pain from things that are usually painless - brushing your hair, breathing through the nose on cool days, or having the shower water splash your face. Stopping the migraine headache at this point is difficult - commonly prescribed medications will "take the edge off", but will not completely stop the migraine. The key is to eliminate the migraine headache before it gets to this stage by blocking the inflammation and release of triggering chemicals. Imitrex and the other commonly used medications works at this point of the cycle.

As the frequency of migraine headaches increases, there can be anatomic changes in the brain as a result of drawn out sensitization of the nerves. It is thought that by eliminating the triggers (which are, essentially, fuel for the fire), the headaches will diminish in intensity, frequency, and duration. Hopefully, they will disappear altogether. It is at this point that surgery should be considered.

In plastic surgery, we are trained to work on and with nerves in the arms and legs. There are certain syndromes (like carpal tunnel syndrome) that we deal with often in our residency and fellowship training where we treat the results of prolonged nerve compression. It is theorized that surgery to treat migraine headaches works in a similar manner as that for carpal tunnel - releasing pressure on nerves from otherwise normal anatomy that unfortunately causes problems in some people but not in others.

There are quite a few areas in the head and neck where nerves can be compressed by surrounding tissue (muscles or the muscle covering, known as fascia). In individuals with a genetic predisposition to getting migraine headaches, these compression points can act as triggers that start the cascade towards central sensitization and chronic migraine headaches. By releasing these nerves from their compression points with surgery, the anatomic stimulus for the headache is removed, and the headaches either disappear or are greatly reduced. We are learning more about nerve compression points of the trigeminal nerve (the main sensory nerve of the head and neck, which gives sensation to your face and scalp through its numerous branches) each and every day.

Known compression points (which can be successfully treated with surgery) are:

- supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves
- zygomaticotemporal nerve
- auriculotemporal nerve
- greater occipital nerve
- lesser occipital nerve
- numerous small nerve branches of the nasal septum & turbinates

Not everyone suffering from migraine headaches will have these trigger points, and surgery is not the solution for all migraine headache sufferers. In a number of people, avoidance of known triggers and prescription medications is enough to limit or eliminate the headaches.

However, as we have seen in numerous publications, surgical decompression can lead to a drastic reduction or elimination of migraines in 80-90% of patients. I feel that it is a treatment that is backed by sound science and logical thinking, and should be considered as a treatment option for many people as the severity of their headaches increases.

For more information about surgical treatment of migraine headaches, and to see if you or someone you know may be a candidate for surgery, visit http://www.drjasonhall.com and fill in the "Learn More" section of the website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_J_Hall,_MD,_FACS

Why Vertigo With Migraines?

Why Vertigo With Migraines?
By Wes Tanner

Vertigo can be frightening and unsettling. Vertigo may occur at the most inopportune time. If it occurs when you are walking, you can fall. If it occurs when you are driving, you can have a wreck. There are many causes of vertigo. The most common cause of vertigo is the migraine syndrome. The migraine syndrome can include migraine, headache, neck pain, fibromyalgia, palpitations, irritable bowel syndrome, TMJ syndrome, sinus pain, and vertigo.

Vertigo is the room spinning around, eyes going back and forth, nausea, and/or losing balance. Motion and migraines, as a general rule, are not good partners. Quite often, migraine sufferers will complain of motion sickness as a child and maybe even lifelong. Riding in the backseat of a moving vehicle, particularly if trying to read, often produces motion sickness or vertigo. Sometime the symptoms are mild and an individual may only have queasiness in his stomach. It’s a pretty good clue that your children who have motion sickness will suffer from migraines and some of the other symptoms of the migraine syndrome. Some individuals only have motion sickness as a child. Some people will say that they have to ride in the front seat of the car, either drive, or sit in the rider’s seat looking straight ahead. Doing the things appropriate for migraines helps this cause of vertigo. I usually do not recommend medicine specifically for vertigo to treat spontaneous vertigo of short duration. By the time the medicine can work, the vertigo is over and the patient is left with side effects from medication. Vertigo medicine may be helpful for cruise ships and situations where vertigo can be prolonged.

There are several mechanisms of disrupting the brain, nerves, or inner ear and cause vertigo. One of the theories for the cause of vertigo is inflammation of the cranial nerves. Inflammation of the cranial nerves is believed to cause vertigo as well as migraine pain. Inflammation in the cranial nerves may be caused by DNA viruses—Herpes simplex (fever blisters), Varicella-Herpes zoster (chickenpox and shingles), and other viruses that may not even be known at the present time. The inflammation in the eighth cranial nerve can be accurately detected and quantified by noninvasive testing equipment. The eighth cranial nerve connects the inner ear with the brain giving sensory input concerning hearing, body position, motion, and balance. Other names for the eighth cranial nerve are auditory nerve, acoustic nerve, and the vestibulocochlear nerve. Measuring inflammation in the other cranial nerves is not as easy or as accurate at the present time; however, the other cranial nerves are believed to be inflamed by the same virus. An easy but less accurate test you can do yourself is to stand on one foot for at least 15 seconds. If you cannot perform this task or there is a great difference in the length of time you are able to stand on one foot versus the other, then inflammation may be present in the eighth nerve. Antiviral medication would decrease virus activity and thus decrease inflammation. One way to tell if antiviral medication is effective is to measure the inflammation response to the medicine over time with accurate testing of the eighth cranial nerve. There is increasing interest in this area of study. In one unpublished work, approximately 70 % of individuals tested and placed on antiviral medication have achieved pain relief and improvement in function and balance. Future medical research will determine how effective antiviral medications are.

About the Author: J. Wes Tanner, MD is a family practice and headache specialist who has been treating people for about 30 years. He has extensive experience in treating migraines and fibromyalgia with excellent success. In "Doctor, Why Do I Feel This Way?", Dr. Tanner exposes the secrets and myths about fibromyalgia and the migraine syndrome. To find out more, go to http://www.migrainesyndrome.net.

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=68985&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

More Myths Of "Sinus Headache"

More Myths Of "Sinus Headache"

By Wes Tanner

#3) There are many myths about facial pain. “Sinus headaches” are common—myth. All facial pain in the face and forehead is sinus—myth. If an over-the-counter sinus medication gets rid of the headache, then the headache is sinus—myth.

Sinus headaches are an American problem only—true! Europeans do not have “sinus headaches.” This myth all started on the Ed Sullivan Show. His show is famous for introducing The Beatles to America. The Ed Sullivan Show is infamous in my book—literally! His show introduced a seemingly innocent advertisement for Anacin as a cure for “sinus headache.” This advertisement caught the attention of the naive. These unfortunate headache sufferers were horrified by an image of a man’s head being pounded on by a large mallet. To the enlightened, it is obviously a migraineur having a throbbing migraine with sinus congestion and drainage. To the unsuspecting victims of this distorted propaganda, it ensnared them in a web of deception. The evils of too much Anacin (or like products) will be discussed in the next myth.

#4) This daily Anacin (or like product) is the only thing that takes my “sinus headache” away; therefore, it is good for me—myth.

All too often the patient is prescribed or takes too much narcotics and other medications and develops rebound pain. If someone were to take Tylenol, aspirin, Excedrin, Fiorinal, Anacin, narcotics, Ultram, Darvon, Lortab, Percodan, or many other medications, then the person could develop rebound headaches. This perpetuates the pain and prolongs recovery. For example, many simple neck injuries become permanent when over-prescribed inappropriate medicine is taken.

If someone used Afrin Nasal Spray all the time, then the nasal passages would be stopped up unless Afrin was used constantly. Rebound works much the same way. The pain receptors get “confused” and perceive pain unless the rebound medicine is continually used. Relief is only temporary at best. Usually people with migraines transform to chronic head, sinus, and/or neck pain with regular pain medications. Frequently, the episodic pain has changed to a more constant state and often there is less nausea and throbbing.

#5) Sinus surgery is the answer for my “sinus headache.” This unfortunately is usually a myth.

Regrettably, the presentation of migraine as “sinus headache” usually receives a prescription of antibiotics rather than appropriate care. Just as bad, the patient gives up on seeking medical care and resorts to self-medicating which can lead to complications, such as rebound headaches or chronic daily headaches. Proper diagnosis is essential to beginning appropriate care. CT scans of the sinuses can also be confusing. Fifteen percent of patients with primary headaches (not from sinusitis, tumor, or other secondary cause) have a CT abnormality of the sinuses. No wonder many people with migraines have surgery for sinus problems, which unfortunately does not resolve the symptoms completely. I am pleased to report that the efforts of headache experts are starting to be realized. I have found ENT surgeons in my area of the country are now more aware of migraine presentations and are more alert to recommend that their patients receive appropriate care.

About the Author: J. Wes Tanner, MD is a family practice and headache specialist who has been treating people for about 30 years. He has extensive experience in treating migraines and fibromyalgia with excellent success. In "Doctor, Why Do I Feel This Way?", Dr. Tanner exposes the secrets and myths about fibromyalgia and the migraine syndrome. To find out more, go to http://www.migrainesyndrome.net.

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=88915&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

The Myths Of "Sinus Headache"

The Myths Of "Sinus Headache"

By J. Wes Tanner, MD

#1) My nasal stuffiness means I have sinusitis—myth.

Many myths confound the proper treatment of migraines presenting primarily as “sinus headaches.” The nasal congestion caused by migraines fails to distinguish itself from allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and vasomotor rhinitis. Migraine causes inflammation in the nerves and blood vessels in the head. In the typical migraine headache the upper branches of the nerve, which supply the coverings of the brain, are involved and the head pain is the predominant symptom.

In cases of “sinus headaches” the inflammation starts within the nerve, causing sinus pain and nasal discharge and/or stuffiness. The branch that gives touch and pain sensation to the nose causes nasal discharge and the lining of the nasal passages to become swollen. Nasal congestion is very common with migraines. The nasal stuffiness is usually reversible as demonstrated in studies of the nasal passages—congested and swollen during the migraine, however, are normal before and after. The nasal congestion that develops in a migraine is not infection. Slowly, as the migraine goes away, the congestion will disappear.

#2) My nasal discharge means I need antibiotics for my sinusitis—myth.

If the patient has a 102 degree temperature and a thick yellow foul-smelling discharge, there certainly may be infection. It is even possible it could be bacterial. Then antibiotics would be appropriate. Many headache sufferers describe pain or pressure in areas around their sinuses. I was a medical investigator in a national study involving about 3000 patients with sinus pain thinking they had infections. Nearly 90% of the patients actually were having migraines.

Because of the location, many patients presume that their symptoms are caused by problems with their sinuses themselves. It takes infection under pressure to generate pain from bacterial sinusitis. Most patients with chronic bacterial sinusitis do not present themselves at the doctor’s office with high fever or pain. Certainly allergies and sinusitis and changes in the weather or barometric pressure can be triggers for migraine headache. Upper respiratory tract infections, chemicals, or smells can irritate the trigeminal nerve, and this nerve through the migraine mechanism is the source of headache pain. It is not good to make your trigeminal nerve unhappy.

More myths of “sinus headache” will be covered in the next article.

About the Author: J. Wes Tanner, MD is a family practice and headache specialist who has been treating people for about 30 years. He has extensive experience in treating migraines and fibromyalgia with excellent success. In "Doctor, Why Do I Feel This Way?", Dr. Tanner exposes the secrets and myths about fibromyalgia and the migraine syndrome. To find out more, go to http://www.migrainesyndrome.net.

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=88892&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

Migraines And Women

Migraines And Women

By James Mahony

Migraines occur far more frequently in women than in men. In fact, in adult women the rate of frequency is roughly fifteen to seventeen percent, whereas in men it is only about five percent.

Studies have concluded that estrogen withdrawal is a key factor in migraines related to menstrual cycles.

Twenty-five to thirty percent of all women in their 30s experience at least an occasional migraine.

Menstrual migraines generally last longer than non-menstrual migraines and often are much more difficult to treat effectively.

Sixty to seventy percent of women who suffer from migraines have menstrual-related migraine.

Ten to fourteen percent of women with migraines have them only during menstruation. These types of headaches are known as ‘true menstrual migraine’.

Premenstrual migraine may in fact be part premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the menstrual related mood disorder. Symptoms of PMS include fatigue, irritability or depression, bloating and, yes, headache.

Two-thirds of women who suffered from pre-menopausal migraines find their condition improve with physiologic menopause. On the other hand, it has been found that surgical menopause worsens migraine conditions in two-thirds of cases.

Migraine attacks usually disappear during pregnancy. At the same time, however, some women report an initial onset of migraines during the first trimester of pregnancy, with the disappearance of their headaches after the third month of pregnancy.

Treatment options for menstrual migraine

Sidenote: Hope you're finding this useful? I have always been curious about this matter. And when I found very little quality information about it, I decided to share a part of what I've learned about it - which is why this article came to be written. Read on.

When choosing to treat menstrual migraines with medication, the drugs used most often are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). The NSAIDS of choice in treating menstrual migraines are:

ketoprofen (Orudis)

ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin)

fenoprofen calcium (Nalfon)

naproxen (Naprosyn)

nabumetone (Relafen)

For best results when using NSAIDs to treat migraines, usage should be started two to three days before menstrual flow actually begins and the therapy should be continued throughout the period. Gastrointestinal side effects are generally not serious enough to be considered because the therapy takes place over such a short period, no pun intended.

For patients who suffer from more severe menstrual migraines or who desire to continue taking oral contraceptives, doctors also recommend taking a NSAID. This therapy should begin l9th day of your cycle and continue through the second day of the next cycle.

Some women have found antinausea medicine and pain relievers like aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen sufficient enough to dull the pain. Others trust in analgesics or serotonin agonists such as Imitrex, Zomig, Amerge or Maxalt. When using medications, it is extremely important to be aware of the dangers of avoiding a repetitive pattern of medication or overuse of medication as this can cause rebound headaches.

You might also consider using an estrogen skin patch. This treatment is utilized in the days leading up to your period and may either delay or actually prevent the onset of a menstrual migraine.

Some studies have found that daily doses of magnesium may help menstrual migraines in certain women. In addition, vitamin and herbal treatments have been found to be effective. The herb feverfew or vitamin B2 when taken on a daily basis may reduce

Either the severity or the frequency of headaches, though research does not point to

menstrual migraines in particular.

Even though two-thirds of women do report improvement in their migraine condition with the onset of natural menopause, two-thirds of women report a worsening with surgical, therefore neither a hysterectomy nor an ovarian removal are recommended.

As always, you should consult your physician for a proper diagnosis before discontinuing or launching on kind of new treatment, including over-the-counter medication treatments.

Every person has a unique health profile that includes aspects specific to their physiology and family history and that may preclude them from taking certain medications.

Some final tips

There enough different migraine triggers to fill a book and keeping track of them can be a full time job. It is highly recommended that you keep a trigger diary that includes a record of foods you eat, weather conditions, medications you have taken, stressful events, menstrual activity, etc.

Also of benefit is developing a plan around your period. Reduce stress as much as possible by planning work and leisure commitments around your cycle so as to cut back on menstrual-related triggers as much as possible.

I hope you've found this information helpful and gained something of value from the article.

In case there is any specific portion that is not clear enough, or that you'd like to know more about, please write to let me know and I'll try and update the article or write another one getting into greater detail.

About the Author: James Mahony is the founder of Migraine Headache Prevention - A site dedicated to preventing and treating migraine headaches Migraine Headache Prevention
Articles for Website Content

Source: www.isnare.com

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Possible Causes Of Headaches After Eating

Possible Causes Of Headaches After Eating
By Ann Marier

Eating is something which many people enjoy immensely. This is
obvious with the increase of overweight people in the world.
Eating is a very social time as well. Family gatherings, church
events, and business meetings often occur around some type of
meal or snack.

These times should not be a time of physical suffering but
often result in pain. Many people complain of suffering
headaches after eating. This can be a very serious health issue
and needs to be addressed to determine the cause of the headache
after eating.

Headaches after eating may be caused by some simple food
allergies or may be caused by something as severe as diabetes.
If a person frequently finds that they get a headache after
eating they need to consult a doctor to determine the cause and
find possible cures.

Headaches Caused by Food

People often eat crazy diets in the current times. With rushed
schedules full of work, family, church, sports and other hobbies
people find that quick meals work best. The problem with these
quick meals is that the foods eaten are often prepared,
processed foods with several chemical additives.

These chemical additives are not necessarily bad as they do act
as preservatives keeping the food fresh and bacteria free. Some
people, though, find that they suffer headaches after eating
these foods. There are even some natural foods that the general
public eats which may cause headaches after eating for some

People find that they have intolerances to foods such as wheat,
other grains, fruits, dairy products and a variety of other
foods. If a person suffers headaches caused by foods it is
important to go through a process of elimination. Food
allergists can assist a person in eliminating probable food
causes one by one from the diet until the guilty foods are

Headaches After Eating Related to Diabetes

Diabetes is a very serious disease which can be treated and
controlled. It is important for a person who gets headaches
after eating to rule out the diagnosis of diabetes. The
headaches after eating in the case of diabetes are a symptom of
high blood sugar. High blood sugar can cause many problems for
an individual, the most severe being death.

High blood sugars left untreated can cause blindness, kidney
failure, heart disease, high cholesterol, and many other
problems. Early intervention in treating diabetes can prevent
these problems. Getting headaches after eating can be an early
sign that diabetes may be a problem.

If a person gets headaches after eating they should consult a
physician to rule out diabetes as a possible cause. If diabetes
is the cause of the headaches, dietary changes and medications
can cure the problem very quickly.

About the Author: Ann Marier writes informative articles about
family life and general health issues, Her lastest are about
headaches. Click on http://www.headache.ultimatehealthinfo.com
to read all her headache articles Click on
http://www.ultimatehealthinfo.com to see the other general
health issues.

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Migraines Play Havoc With Emotions-or Is It The Other Way Around?

Migraines Play Havoc With Emotions-or Is It The Other Way Around?

By J. Wes Tanner, MD

Migraines play havoc with emotions. Migraines are disabling in many ways, but none is worse than feeling like you are an emotional cripple. If migraines are mild, the impairment is mild. Upon reaching the state of transformed migraine (a condition of more unrelenting migraines) a migraineur, one who has migraines, feels as if someone used dynamite on his emotions. If this has happened to you, you feel distraught from letting people down by being unable to fulfill your part in planning and participation in everyday functions. This guilt is depressing and you feel that migraines are ruining your life. You may feel that your relationships with others have changed. You may experience a feeling of isolation believing that no one can understand your pain and you resent other people just going on with everyday life with no problems. Have I described you?

Emotions play havoc with migraines. People who suffer from migraines have a more sensitive body to light, sound, smell, food, and/or stress. Emotional difficulties are stressful and can trigger migraines. Migraines are much more than headaches. The migraine syndrome can manifest itself in many ways: panic attacks, palpitations, temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), neck pain, chest pain, hypoglycemia, vertigo, and even fibromyalgia.

The sensitive body is a set up for panic and emotional upset. The migraineur is stimulated easily, and the body can vigorously overreact. Disorder in medical jargon refers to disturbance or dysfunction in physical or mental health. There are several disorders that can prime the patient to have a panic attack—panic, anxiety, phobia, obsessive-compulsive, bipolar, and post-traumatic stress disorder to name a few. Panic attacks, for example, can present as complication of drug abuse, poisoning, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, migraine syndrome (which would include fibromyalgia), and chronic fatigue syndrome, among others.

A migraineur must understand that he is dealing with a lifelong illness. However, he is certainly not unique in this position. Counseling can be extremely helpful in dealing with the emotional aspects of migraines. There are also self-help groups available for support of family. By communicating your needs to your family you can educate them, thus allowing them to provide additional support. If noise reduction is needed, tell someone. Learn to say “no” or qualify your response with, “If I am able.” Tell your significant other not to rattle off a “to do” list. Rather, give a short written list or only one verbal request at a time. Around the time of migraines, avoid making decisions. Maintain routine. Have your family members be your advocate, coming to your defense when dealing with others. Explain to children your situation, but remember: repetition is the mother of teaching—do not resent teaching. Do not wait until a migraine to decide on sex. Gentle cuddling and massage can be reassuring. Think of how situations would be handled, if someone in the family had anginal chest pain. Stress and excitement would be muted. Care and concern would be directed toward the patient. The patient would treat angina with respect, trying to avoid danger. Treat your migraines as you would any other serious disease.

About the Author: J. Wes Tanner, MD is a family practice and headache specialist who has been treating people for about 30 years. He has extensive experience in treating migraines and fibromyalgia with excellent success. In "Doctor, Why Do I Feel This Way?", Dr. Tanner exposes the secrets and myths about fibromyalgia and the migraine syndrome. To find out more, go to http://www.migrainesyndrome.net.

Source: www.isnare.com

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