Lung Diseases/Respiratory Illnesses

Diabetic Women Exposed To Air Pollution Have Greater Heart Disease Risk



According to a recently published study, diabetes increases heart disease risk in women whom are exposed to air pollution. The findings, released by the American Heart Association serve as a warning that complications related to diabetes pose a very real danger to the well-being of diabetic patients and therefore should never be underestimated.

A research team led by Jaime E. Hart, Sc.D assistant professor at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts made the connection.

The researchers studied 114,537 women (average age 64) who were participating in the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS). During a 17 year follow-up, Hart et al noted incidences of cardiovascular disease (6,767), coronary heart disease (3,878) and strokes (3,295) or 12.1 % of the predominately white, middle to upper socioeconomic NHS participants.

The team found that exposure to air pollution was associated with increased heart disease risk in women with diabetes. In fact, for each 10 micrograms per cubic meter of air, the higher the risk for diabetic women as shown by the following statistics:

  • 44 percent for CVD (66 percent for stroke) for smallest size pollution
  • 17 percent for CVD (18 percent for stroke) for road dust-type larger size pollution
  • 19 percent for CVD (23 percent for stroke) for exposure to both sizes of pollution

Hart et al found that the risk increased with age and region. More specifically, women 70 and older, obese women and women who lived in the northeast or south experienced higher effects from air pollution.

The researchers looked at three types of air pollution, calculating the impact of each.

Combustion from cars, power plants and so forth produce the finest particulate pollutants; these particles are smaller than a speck of dust. Measuring at 2.5 thousandths of a millimeter in diameter (PM2.5), these pollutants are 1/30th diameter of a human hair and invisible to the human eye.

Dust from wind, crushing and grinding produce particulate pollutant larger than PM2.5 but smaller than PM10 (PM2.5-10). Particulate pollutant PM10 includes both PM2.5 and PM2.5-10.

It's important to also note that all participants whom were exposed to air pollution experienced slightly increased risk for heart disease.

Interestingly, the team said that family history or history of smoking made little impact on the association between pollution, stroke and heart disease, and risks were most elevated with exposures in the previous 12 months.

“Although studies have shown that people with diabetes are particularly vulnerable to the cardiovascular effects of acute exposures to air pollution, our study is one of the first to demonstrate high risks of cardiovascular disease among individuals with diabetes with long-term exposures to particulate matter,” said Dr. Hart.


God is as near to us or far from us as our own hearts permit. Accept that God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die on our behalf, and you will come to know the peace of the Holy Spirit, our Friend and the Third Person Who is also God. When that happens, you will never be separated from the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

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Article Reference

American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Newsroom


"Diabetic Women Exposed To Air Pollution Have Greater Heart Disease Risk" copyright © 2015 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.


Important News About A Clinical Trial For People With Pediatric Asthma



I have news which might be very valuable to people with pediatric asthma. Acurian health is seeking pediatric patients with asthma.

Acurian is recruiting patients because current asthma treatments don't work well for all children. Clinical researchers are studying research treatments that may better control asthma in every child.

As a CureClick Ambassador I want to share this information with my readers because it could be helpful for medically treating people who have the debilitating condition.

Asthma affects over 6 million children in the U.S.[1], but the current treatment options are limited and don't necessarily effective for everyone that’s why we need your help. All it takes is one click to share this trial with your friends, family, and community — and that one click could make all the difference in someone's life if they have a child that qualifies for this trial.

Information about the clinical trial and eligibility requirements are listed below:

Pediatric Asthma
Asthma is a common lung condition among children. Your child may already have the symptoms of asthma like coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Current asthma treatments don't work well for every child. Clinical researchers are studying research treatments that may better control asthma in children.
Age Range
12-17 years old

For full background information please visit the sponsor’s trial website .

CureClick ACURIAN_300x250_0013_PEDAsthma3

For those of you whom are not familiar with clinical trials, here's some information that you can use:

What Are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or treatments are safe and effective for humans.

All investigational devices and medicines must undergo several clinical trials, often times these clinical trials require thousands of people.

Why participate in a clinical trial?

People whom are eligible will have access to new investigational treatments that would be available to the general public only upon approval.

People whom are eligible for clinical trials will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical staff at research facilities.

Clinical trials offer hope for many people and gives researchers a chance to find better treatment for others in the future.


Disclaimer: I am not participating in this clinical trial. I am providing this information to my readers as a CureClick Ambasssador. Click on the links below to learn about my relationship with Cureclick and why I'm talking about clinical trials.


For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a strong mind. 2 Timothy 1:7


Article Reference

CDC - Asthma Data



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Important News About A Clinical Trial For Patients With Severe to Very Severe COPD



I have news which might be very valuable to people with severe to very severe COPD. Astra Zeneca is recruiting patients with COPD for a clinical trial that is designed to test a drug that could be helpful to patients with the disease.

As a CureClick Ambassador I want to share this information with my readers because it could be helpful for medically treating people who have COPD.

Information about the clinical trial and eligibility requirements are listed below:

Severe to Very Severe COPD
Severe to Very Severe COPD
This research study is testing whether a new investigational drug that targets eosinophils (a type of white blood cell) could help patients with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) control symptoms and reduce exacerbations (flare-ups) that lead to hospitalizations. The new investigational drug will be compared to oral and inhaled corticosteroids, the current standard of care for COPD.
Astra Zeneca
Age Range
40-85 years old

For trial eligibility questionnaire and full trial details, please visit our partner TrialReach .




For those of you whom are not familiar with clinical trials, here's some information that you can use:

What Are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or treatments are safe and effective for humans.

All investigational devices and medicines must undergo several clinical trials, often times these clinical trials require thousands of people.

Why participate in a clinical trial?

People whom are eligible will have access to new investigational treatments that would be available to the general public only upon approval.

People whom are eligible for clinical trials will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical staff at research facilities.

Clinical trials offer hope for many people and gives researchers a chance to find better treatment for others in the future.


Disclaimer: I am not participating in this clinical trial. I am providing this information to my readers as a CureClick Ambasssador. Click on the links below to learn about my relationship with Cureclick and why I'm talking about clinical trials.


Lord, guide us in Your ways and we shall know everlasting peace when we at last are in heaven with You.


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Spicy Foods Might Help You To Live Longer



Most of us know that we need food to live, but a new study published in BMJ has shown that spicy foods might boost one's lifespan. The findings of this study give new meaning to the saying "add a little spice to your life."

Health scientists have long known that spicy foods provide numerous health benefits, but there is very little information about how eating spicy foods on a daily basis affect mortality. Thus,  researchers in China sought to find some answers.

Chinese researchers investigated the association between daily consumption of spicy foods and death. In order to accomplish this task, they recruited 487,375 adult men and women between the ages of 30 - 79 years of age, the recruitment process began in 2004 and ended in 2008.

The research scientists excluded people with a history of cancer, heart disease or stroke because those conditions could put such people at greater risk for early mortality.

Chinese scientists followed the participants for 7.2 years; during that time 8,404 women and 11, 820 men died (from the original 288,082 women and 199,293 study participants).

Scientists looked at the diets of the participants noting that rural residents tended to eat spicy foods on a daily basis whereas non-rural residents ate spicy foods 5 or less times per week.

When the Chinese researchers looked at mortality rates among the participants they found that people who ate spicy foods 6 or 7 times per week had a 14 % relative reduction in total mortality compared to people who consumed spicy foods less frequently, this was consistent for women and men.

Interestingly enough, rural participants who consumed spicy foods on a daily basis were also more prone to smoking and eating red meat. But after adjusting for those and other known risk factors, people who ate lots of spicy foods tended to live longer.

Why is this?

The answer might be found in an ingredient common to spicy foods. The scientists noted that chili peppers (one of the most popular spicy foods) contains capsaicin; many beneficial effects are attributed to this substance including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and glucose homeostasis properties.

In the Chinese study, Liming Li et al said that spicy foods lowered the risk of death from respiratory diseases, cancer, ischemic heart disease, diabetes and stroke. The team pointed out that the cardiovascular system is sensitive to capsaicin, and this could help in regulating cardiovascular function.

Moreover, chili pepper is rich in potassium and vitamins C, A, K, and B6. Thus, people who ate more of this and other spicy foods tended to be healthier.

Finally, the team noted that people who did not drink alcohol often lived longer than people who consumed even moderate amounts of alcohol. They believe that alcohol affects gut bacteria and that alcohol increases energy intake and thereby increasing mortality.

Liming et al acknowledged that disease status could affect spicy foods and alcohol intake thus they excluded people with heart disease, cancer and stroke from their study; they call for more studies to explore the mechanisms and validate their research findings.

Even though the study found an association between spicy foods and lower mortality, the team favors caution saying"[G]iven the observational nature of this study, it is not possible to make a causal inference. Further prospective studies in other populations would be essential to demonstrate generalizability of these findings. More evidence will lead to updated dietary recommendations and development of functional foods, such as herbal supplements."

We should always seek the Lord and be mindful of our thoughts and actions so that we do not grieve the Holy Spirit who dwells within us Christians. Why? Because God is our Friend.

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Article Reference

Lv J, Qi L, Yu C, Yang L, Guo Y, Chen Y, Bian Z, Sun D, Du J, Ge P, Tang Z, Hou W, Li Y, Chen J, Chen Z, Li L, & China Kadoorie Biobank collaborative group (2015). Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 351 PMID: 26242395


"Spicy Foods Might Help You To Live Longer " copyright © 2015 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.


Important News About A Clinical Trial For Patients With Patients with Severe Asthma on Oral Corticosteroids



I have news which might be very valuable to people with severe asthma. Astra Zeneca is recruiting asthmatic patients for a clinical trial that is designed to learn if an investigational drug can effectively reduce corticosteroids use by asthmatic patients.

As a CureClick Ambassador I want to share this information with my readers because it could be helpful in the treatment of the disease.

Information about the clinical trial and eligibility requirements are listed below:


Patients with severe asthma on oral corticosteroids
Severe Asthma
One of the few treatment options for severe asthma patients who are uncontrolled despite standard treatment is the addition of oral corticosteroids. However, regular intake of these oral corticosteroids can decrease the quality of life for such patients. The purpose of this research study is to see whether the investigational drug can reduce the use of oral corticosteroids in patients with severe asthma.
Astra Zeneca
Age Range
18-75 years old

For trial eligibility questionnaire and full trial details, please visit our partner TrialReach .

CureClick Corticosteroids Oral Severe Asthma severe-asthma-corticosteroids-blue


For those of you whom are not familiar with clinical trials, here's some information that you can use:

What Are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or treatments are safe and effective for humans.

All investigational devices and medicines must undergo several clinical trials, often times these clinical trials require thousands of people.

Why participate in a clinical trial?

People whom are eligible will have access to new investigational treatments that would be available to the general public only upon approval.

People whom are eligible for clinical trials will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical staff at research facilities.

Clinical trials offer hope for many people and gives researchers a chance to find better treatment for others in the future.


Disclaimer: I am not participating in this clinical trial. I am providing this information to my readers as a CureClick Ambasssador. Click on My Relationship To CureClick to learn why I'm talking about clinical trials.


Jesus prayed for us all the days of His earthly life. He prayed for us as He suffered on the cross at Calvary. He prays for us even now. Jesus is our Lord and Saviour. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus will always be with all of us who love Him. Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Important News About A Clinical Trial For People With Mild To Moderate Asthma



I have some news which could be of value to people with mild to moderate asthma. Hoffmann-La Roche is conducting a clinical trial for mild to moderate asthmatics who use reliever inhalers. The study drug, if approved, is intended to improve lung function in asthmatic patients.

As a CureClick Ambassador I want to share this information with my readers because it could be helpful in the treatment of the disease.

Information about the clinical trial and eligibility requirements are listed below:



Patients with mild or moderate asthma
mild or moderate asthma
Phase 3
This study is for patients who have mild or moderate asthma and are using a reliever inhaler. If approved, it is hoped that the study drug will improve your lung function and overall symptoms of asthma.
Hoffmann-La Roche
Age Range
18-75 years old

For trial eligibility questionnaire and full trial details, please visit our partner TrialReach.



For those of you whom are not familiar with clinical trials, here's some information that you can use:

What Are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or treatments are safe and effective for humans.

All investigational devices and medicines must undergo several clinical trials, often times these clinical trials require thousands of people.

Why participate in a clinical trial?

People whom are eligible will have access to new investigational treatments that would be available to the general public only upon approval.

People whom are eligible for clinical trials will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical staff at research facilities.

Clinical trials offer hope for many people and gives researchers a chance to find better treatment for others in the future.


Disclaimer: I am not participating in this clinical trial. I am providing this information to my readers as a CureClick Ambasssador. Click on My Relationship To CureClick to learn why I'm talking about clinical trials.


23 Jesus replied, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:23-25

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Quit Smoking Is The Way To Good Health

Quit Smoking Is The Way To Good Health

Submitted by: Raymond Geok Seng Lee

Cigarette smoking kills approximately 300,000 in the United States each year, and most of these people are seniors. Lung cancer and emphysema are the best-known miserable outcomes. However, accelerated development of atherosclerosis is the most important problem resulting from smoking. This results in heart attacks and strokes, heart pains, leg pains, and many other problems. Pipe and cigar smoking do not have the pulmonary consequences that cigarette smoking does, but they do predispose to cancer of the lips, and tongue. Nicotine in any form has the same bad effects on the small blood vessels and thus accelerates development of atherosclerosis.

It is never too late to quit. Only two years after stopping cigarette smoking, your risk of heart attack returns to average. It has actually decreased substantially the very next day! After ten years your risk for lung cancer is back to nearly normal. After only two years there is a decrease in lung cancer risk by perhaps one-third. The development of emphysema is arrested for many people when they stop smoking, although this condition does not reverse.

Seniors often feel that it is too late for changes in lifestyle to have beneficial effects on their health. Not so. Most seniors have plenty of time to get major health benefits from quitting smoking. Remember that after age 65 men live an average of 15.4 more years and women 19.2 years. Chances of stroke and heart attack begin to go down immediately after you quit. Moreover, you will notice at once that your environment has become more friendly when you are not a smoker. Many of the daily hassles that impair the quality of your life go away when you stop offending others by this habit.

Many health educators are skeptical about cutting down slowly and stress that you need to stop completely. This may not always be true for seniors. For some people, rationing is a good way to get their smoking down to a much lower level, at which point it may be easier to stop entirely. For example, the simple decision not to smoke in public can both help your health and decrease your daily hassles. To cut down, keep in the cigarette pack only those cigarettes you are going to allow yourself that day. Smoke the cigarettes only halfway down before extinguishing them.

There are many good stop-smoking courses offered through the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, and local hospitals. Most people won’t need these, but they can be of help. Try by yourself first. Then, if you still need help, get it.

Nicotine chewing gum or patches can help some people quit, and your doctor can give you a prescription and advice. Don’t plan on this as a long-term solution, since the nicotine in the gum or patch is just as bad for your arteries as the nicotine in cigarettes.

The challenge to stop smoking is an example of your ability to make your own choices if you are trapped by your addictions, even the lesser ones, you can’t make your own choices. Victory over smoking behaviors improves your mental health, in part because this is a difficult victory. It can open the door to success in other areas.

About the Author: Raymond Lee is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is the Founder of Bodyfixes Group specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. Visit for more information.

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Important News About A Clinical Trial For People With Severe Asthma



I have some news which could be of value to people with severe asthma. AstraZeneca is conducting a clinical trial for people who suffer from severe asthma who have symptoms that are otherwise uncontrolled with current standard therapy.

The trial shall study the effectiveness and safety of the investigational drug administered to patients with severe asthma whose symptoms are otherwise uncontrolled with current standard therapy.

As a CureClick Ambassador I want to share this information with my readers because it could be helpful in the treatment of the disease.

Information about the clinical trial and eligibility requirements are listed below.

Severe Asthma
severe asthma
Phase 3
The purpose of this research study is to assess the safety and effectiveness of the investigational drug when administered in severe asthma patients whose symptoms are otherwise uncontrolled with current standard therapy. Despite standard treatment, up to 50% of asthma patients have symptoms that are not well controlled, with a negative impact on quality of life.
Age Range
12 - 75 years old

For trial eligibility questionnaire and full trial details, please visit our partner TrialReach.

CureClick Severe Asthma Clinical Trial Trial Card TrialCard_TM261BLU


For those of you whom are not familiar with clinical trials, here's some information that you can use:

What Are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or treatments are safe and effective for humans.

All investigational devices and medicines must undergo several clinical trials, often times these clinical trials require thousands of people.

Why participate in a clinical trial?

People whom are eligible will have access to new investigational treatments that would be available to the general public only upon approval. 

People whom are eligible for clinical trials will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical staff at research facilities.

Clinical trials offer hope for many people and gives researchers a chance to find better treatment for others in the future.


Disclaimer: I am not participating in this clinical trial. I am providing this information to my readers as a CureClick Ambasssador. Click on My Relationship To CureClick to learn why I'm talking about clinical trials.



11 the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.  Psalm 147:11

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Flu Vaccine Works Better In Women Than In Men, Researchers Say



Flu vaccines effect men and women diffrently, new research suggests. According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, for reasons not yet understood, scientists have learned that women respond better to influenza vaccine than men.

Lead study author David Furman of Stanford University and colleagues looked at the responses that 53 women and 34 men of varying ages had after receiving flu vaccinations. The scientists observed that women took to the flu vaccine much better than men. Scientists also noted that men with the highest levels of testosterone had the weakest immunity to the flu.

Furman and his colleagues discovered a gene cluster that was activated by testosterone correlated with men being less successful in neutralizing the flu virus than women. They reasoned that testosterone lowered men's antibody response to the influenza vaccine. 

Although the research didn't explain why there is a gender difference in immunity to the flu vaccine, Furman and his colleagues did concluded by saying "These results demonstrate a strong association between androgens and genes involved in lipid metabolism, suggesting that these could be important drivers of the differences in immune responses between males and females."

Should researchers choose to pursue this line of study, it could provide better ways to combat disease in both sexes.


Do not fear anything in this world, God is in control of everything in creation. Nothing can happen or does happen unless He allows it.

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Article Reference

Furman D, Hejblum BP, Simon N, Jojic V, Dekker CL, Thiébaut R, Tibshirani RJ, & Davis MM (2013). Systems analysis of sex differences reveals an immunosuppressive role for testosterone in the response to influenza vaccination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PMID: 24367114


"Flu Vaccine Works Better In Women Than In Men, Researchers Say" copyright © 2013 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.


The Air You Breathe May Give You Cancer

SMOG 220px-SmogNY Wikipedia
(the image "Smog a New York" from wikipedia)



The air we breathe may cause cancer, a scientific panel says. According to a recently published report issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), air contains carcinogenic pollutants that put the public at risk for lung cancer.

The report is based on an analysis of 1000 studies spanning five continents. Scientists with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) carefully reviewed the findings of studies that included millions of people in North America, Europe, South America, and Asia before arriving at the conclusion that air pollution is carcinogenic. 

Scientific evidence points to air pollution as the culprit behind a variety of cancers including blood, digestive, urogenital, respiratory, female and skin cancer.

Interestingly, according to the IARC lung cancer risk increases with greater exposure to carcinogenic air pollutants produced by transportation waste, stationary power generators, industrial and agricultural emissions, as well as heating and cooking sources.

This shouldn't come as a surprise considering that developed nations produce many of the pollutants that have become linked to lung cancer thus giving the results of the WHO study even greater weight.

In speaking on air pollution and cancer, IARC Director Dr Christopher Wild said: “There are effective ways to reduce air pollution and, given the scale of the exposure affecting people worldwide, this report should send a strong signal to the international community to take action without further delay."

 11 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.  Psalm 29:11

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Article References

World Health Organization Press Release 

Raaschou-Nielsen O, Bak H, Sørensen M, Jensen SS, Ketzel M, Hvidberg M, Schnohr P, Tjønneland A, Overvad K, & Loft S (2010). Air pollution from traffic and risk for lung cancer in three Danish cohorts. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 19 (5), 1284-91 PMID: 20447920

Grant WB (2009). Air pollution in relation to U.S. cancer mortality rates: an ecological study; likely role of carbonaceous aerosols and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Anticancer research, 29 (9), 3537-45 PMID: 19667146


"The Air You Breathe May Give You Cancer" copyright © 2013 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.

