Mental Health

6 Benefits of Cycling You Didn't Know


6 Benefits of Cycling You Didn't Know
By Thom G Watson

More than half of the population in the world is so much into the corporate life that people forget to take care of themselves. It isn't their fault, but the responsibilities that drive them to that extent. Many suffer from various kind of health issues like depression, weight loss or gain, blood pressure and much more. People take appointments from top psychiatrists to check what's wrong with their schedule because everyone has to get going with it.

It's just the lack of physical exercises and fresh oxygen that an individual fails to adapt. Late night office, sleeping till nine or 10, incorrect breakfast timings are all the catalysts to unhealthy conditions leading to problems like depression, weight loss or gain, etc. To prevent such things, it is mandatory to get involved in physical exercises like cycling. The respective sport helps to maintain good health in an efficient way. Below mentioned are some of the perks that pedaling provides. Read on to know more.

It strengthens the Muscles - This activity involves the calf and thigh muscles which help in strengthening them. The core muscles are also benefited over here. It helps in toning the abs while also toughening up the arms.

Improves the cardiovascular system - The sport boosts the heart rate while giving a good cardio workout. People who are prone to cardiovascular diseases like stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attack can be highly benefited by the respective sport. It stimulates and improves the heart, lungs, and blood circulation while reducing the risk of the above-mentioned problems. It helps in strengthening the heart muscles while reducing the blood fat levels. A Danish study conducted over 14 years ago with 30,000 people aged 20 to 93 years found that regular cycling protected them from heart diseases.

Helps to control diabetes - Diabetes is one of the common reasons for heart attacks, kidney failures, and many other disorders. Pedaling helps in controlling diabetes as it converts the glucose in the body to useful energy. A research in Finland proved that individuals who did this exercises for more than 30 minutes per day had a 40 percent lower risk of developing diabetes.

Helps reducing the stress - Mental conditions like depression, stress, and anxiety levels can be reduced by the above activity practiced regularly. It keeps the stress levels in control which will help to keep the negative energy far from the focus.

It helps in weight loss - This physical exercise is a complete calorie-burner! Even one hour of cycling thrice a week will have help in shedding the extra flab and kilos in no time. The more you sweat, the more benefits you'll get. However, it is important to don the right style of men's underwear as sweating in crotch area can result in chafing which makes the wearer uncomfortable during the sport.

Protect from Arthritis - Arthritis is one of the terrible pains that a person can suffer from. Many doctors suggest bike riding as it reduces the arthritis pain. It helps the joints and muscles to get stronger with the workouts. This also keeps the person fitter, as it motivates you to perform better.

Above are some of the perks of this physical activity that might help you.

In a nutshell, It can be seen that paddling protects an individual from serious diseases such as stroke, heart attack, depression, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis. Bike riding is a healthy habit that is applicable for all ages. It is easy to fit the exercise into the daily routine by riding to the shops, park, school,work or the other places.

It is important to don a breathable garments including the underwear. Men's jockstraps are crafted to provide the support and comfort down there during the sports activities. Some might also feel uncomfortable due to the minimum coverage that the attire provides. In such cases, the men's sports trunk can be a good option.The outfit provides the needed support while the fabric helps to fan away the sweat.

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Type 2 Diabetes - Is Diabetes in the Mother Linked to ADHD in Their Children?

Type 2 Diabetes - Is Diabetes in the Mother Linked to ADHD in Their Children?
By Beverleigh H Piepers

A study reported on in October of 2018 in the journal Diabetic Care has linked Type 1 and 2 diabetes along with Gestational or pregnancy-related diabetes in mothers, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in their children. Researchers at Kaiser Permanente Southern California in Pasadena, United States, and the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, United States, found the risk of ADHD to be higher in children whose mothers were treated for diabetes during their pregnancy than in children whose mothers had a healthy pregnancy.

The records of a total of 333,182 infants were reviewed from the time the children were four years of age. Over the following five years 17,415 of the children, or 5.2 percent, were diagnosed with ADHD...

  • children of mothers diagnosed with Gestational diabetes and treated with anti-diabetes medications were 57 percent more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than children from non-diabetic mothers.
  • the children of mothers who were medically treated for Type 1 diabetes had a 43 percent higher risk for developing ADHD, and those
  • children whose mothers needed medication for Type 2 diabetes during their pregnancy had a 26 percent higher risk of developing the condition.

The investigators concluded severe diabetes in pregnant women raised the risk of ADHD in their children.

Earlier studies have found similar results. In September of 2018, the journal Pediatrics reported on a study in which obesity and diabetes in the mother increased their children's risk for not only ADHD but several other disorders...

  • autism spectrum disorder,
  • conduct disorder, and
  • mixed emotional and conduct disorder.

Another article published during the same month, in the Journal of Childhood Psychology and Psychiatry, linked the mother's diet during pregnancy, an essential factor related with Gestational diabetes and blood sugar levels, with ADHD at ages 3 to 8 years.

Researchers at the University of Bordeaux in Bordeaux, France, and several other research facilities in France and Singapore looked at 1,242 mothers and their children. The children of the mothers who ate foods considered unhealthy or Western had more than a 60 percent higher risk for developing ADHD than children whose mothers reported eating healthful foods.

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains and low in highly processed foods, meat, and dairy products, is helpful for preventing or controlling both Type 2 diabetes and Gestational diabetes. It could likely help avoid problems for the children of diabetic mothers as well.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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10 Reasons To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle Now

10 Reasons To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle Now by Arthur W. Weiss

If this article caught your attention, it probably means you are ready to admit to yourself that that extra weight you've been carrying around is starting to bother you. That's great! If you feel that way, this is the perfect time to finally go ahead and do something about it. Before you start getting all depressed about going on impossible diets and painful exercise routines, let me tell you: it's not as hard as you may think. The only real obligation you'll have is to commit to a new start, a new lifestyle with healthier habits.

Don't believe anyone that tries to convince you that you can lose weight and gain muscle with any kind fast methods or miracle pills. That's a complete lie and even a danger to your physical integrity. This is a gradual process of reeducating yourself and your body, by eating right and increasing activity. The basic formula for losing weight is actually pretty simple: Eat less, burn more fat.

This doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. If your body goes into starvation mode, it will preserve the fat -its emergency storage, and eat away the muscle. You'll need a solid nutrition and exercise plan and a strong focus on your goals. You can rely on your personal physician to help you with this or can you can also investigate on your own. The important thing is that you make the decision to go forward and to stick with it. If you have a moment of weakness, don't worry too much about it, just go back on track.

Here are 10 reasons why you should consider changing your life for the better, losing weight and gaining a thinner, more muscular body:

Health - losing body fat will decrease the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint problems, diabetes and many more problems. Your body is your vessel in this world and if you keep in good working condition, you'll have less limitations and more life to enjoy;

Energy - Lighter meals and exercise will give you so much more energy and agility that you won't even recognize yourself on your daily routine. Everything will get done more easily with time to spare;

Good mood - besides improving your physical fitness, exercising decreases the stress hormones and increases the release of endorphins in the brain - the natural anti-depressants produced by the body ;

Organized life - planning meals and times to work out, will also permit you to get your life more organized. If it helps, you can also keep a diary of your activities so that you can analyze your progress every week ;
Focus - Maintaining focus on your goals and new habits is essential to succeed - in this plan and in other areas of your life;

Personal appearance - You won't dread looking in the mirror anymore. You know you'll begin to see the results of your hard work in no time;

The opposite sex - Yes, your personality will always be more important than your looks, but you'll definitely get more attention from the ladies with your new and improved self;

Self Esteem - Once you realize that, in spite all your doubts, you are achieving results, you will improve the way you see yourself;

Pride - You'll be proud of your achievements and your self confidence will rise ;

Admiration and respect - People will acknowledge your efforts and respect you more. Some of them will even ask you for advice on how to do the same.

Are you inspired yet? Go ahead, put it on paper and sign it. Hang it on the wall and read it as many times has you need. Visualize the new you. Imagine yourself doing things you can't do right now, because you're overweight. Go for it and don't look back.

I was once a seriously skinny guy until I learned a no nonsense muscle building method which changed my life.

Read more about how to build muscle.

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How To Get Those Six Pack Abs

How To Get Those Six Pack Abs  by John Campbell

Everyone wants to have those sleek, sexy, six pack abs. Rock hard, rippling abdominal muscles are the best way to communicate to others that you are fit, healthy and on top of your game. The key to getting those six pack abs is through rigorous training and eating healthy.

You can do crunches and sit ups until you are blue in the face, but if you don't eat right and watch your weight, you will never have six pack abs. You have to lower your overall body mass if you want the muscles to show through. Chances are you already have a lot more definition than you know, you just can't see it through the layers of fat that rest on top of them. So start with cutting calories and eating a healthier diet. Focus on foods that are high in protein (this is necessary in order to build new muscle) and low in fats. Lean meats are especially important.

The exercises that you do when you are trying to get definition in any muscle group are the most important thing you can do, second only to your diet. Try doing full body lifts like barbell squats and deadlifts. The reason that these work for stomach definition is because you are engaging your entire core when you do them. You have to tense all of the muscles in your abdomen, back and upper leg regions in order to get enough strength to lift the weights.

Start training your abdominal muscles by doing crunches, reverse crunches and hanging leg raises about 3 to 4 days per week. You can see demonstrations of these exercises online if you search for them in the search engines. Proper technique is important if you want toned and defined muscles so make sure that you are doing them properly.

When you are doing abdominal muscle exercises, make sure you are maintaining proper form. Keep your body in a straight line, knees hip width apart and focus on breathing in and out in a rhythmic pattern.

The muscles on the front of your stomach are not the only ones that need attention if you are going to have defined, six pack abs. Your obliques, which are the muscles that run up and down the side of your trunk also need to get a hefty work out. You can do this by performing side bends and oblique crunches. Oblique crunches are best performed on an exercise ball. If you don't have one of these at home, consider purchasing one. It will be well worth the investment in order to get the look you are after.

Cardiovascular exercise is also important for losing the weight in order to see the definition in your abs. Make sure that you are getting this exercise at least 2 days per week. Go for a run or do aerobics to get your heart rate up and keep it going for thirty minutes or more.

Anyone can have six pack abs if you are dedicated to it and train your body properly. If you follow the advice here, you'll be well on your way to the sexy body you are dreaming of.

Learn the essentials of effective, time saving muscle building in my free report here: Muscle Building Action Plan. You are invited to visit Bodybuilding Success Guide. Our mission is to provide useful pearls of wisdom for the enhancement of family life,health and strenght and the elimination of debt. We have e-books, books, articles many of which are FREE.

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The Benefits Of Regular Jogging

The Benefits Of Regular JoggingThe Benefits Of Regular Jogging by by Dennis Clay

Jogging is good for your overall health due to several reasons. It provides your body with a good cardiovascular workout while strengthening and toning your muscles at the same time. Jogging on a regular basis generally puts you in better overall physical condition and provides several benefits for your mental and emotional health as well.

Many people are concerned about the possibility that regular jogging may cause some damage to their joints, especially the knees, ankles, and hips. If this is a concern of yours as well, you can rest assured that the risks posed by regular jogging are minimal, especially if you approach the exercise sensibly and use jogging shoes of good quality. Furthermore, the benefits that you get from jogging certainly outweigh the risks.

As a matter of fact, jogging has been proven to strengthen the muscles in your legs, hips, and back. It also helps increase your bone density. If you notice, runners generally have very strong legs, even if they appear too thin. Their lean appearance is due to the fact that running and jogging do not produce bulky muscles like other workouts do.

Another benefit that you get out of regular jogging is weight loss. This form of exercise helps you burn fat and calories, while increasing your metabolism. This means that when you jog regularly, you will be losing more calories than you consume, thereby shedding that unwanted excess weight. This may be the solution that will finally help you get rid of that stubborn belly fat you have long wanted to burn off.

If you are currently suffering from poor appetite then jogging is also advisable for you. Just like any other form of exercise, jogging increases your body's need to refuel. Therefore, the longer you run, the more your body will require food for refueling. The irony with regular exercise is that you may actually be eating more while losing weight. Jogging can also relieve you of digestive problems, which you may have developed while leading a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise speeds up the digestive process and helps make it run smoothly.

Because it provides your body with a good cardiovascular workout, jogging also effectively strengthens your heart. It improves blood circulation as well as the overall condition of your respiratory system. Jogging may also counteract depression, primarily because it helps you sleep better and become more active during the day. A good quantity and quality of sleep is essential for both your physical and mental well-being, and being more active can help open up more opportunities for personal and professional growth.

When done properly, jogging can make you feel less tired after finishing a session than before you started. It is a great way to get away from your usual environment for a short while and is a lot more pleasurable than spending hours at the gym. Just remember that jogging is supposed to give you both physical and mental pleasure, so don't overdo it! Turn it into a refreshing activity rather than an exhausting workout.

Please visit if you would like to read more great writing. Currently, featured articles are about jogging, jogging accessories, and much more.

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Are You Fat on the Inside?

Are You Fat on the Inside?Are You Fat on the Inside? by by Sandra Prior

Crash dieters may be storing high levels of internal fat around vital organs. It�s a health risk, but there�s a solution.

Looking slim makes you feel good but it doesn�t mean you�re healthy. Skinny women, particularly those who have yo-yo dieted and don�t exercise, may actually have unhealthy levels of fat on the inside.

Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, doctors have found dangerous internal fat in slim people, wrapped around the heart, liver, kidney and pancreas, and streaked through underused muscles. Fit but overweight people with high body mass index (BMI) might actually have less dangerous internal fat than their skinny counterparts. These thin-obese or thin-on-the-outside-fat-on-the-inside (TOFIs) can�t see their fat � they usually don�t know they have any. And even their tiny kilojoule intake is testament to the fact that dieting alone won�t shift it.

Crash and Burn

All these people walking around thinking they�re thin and healthy might be wrong. 40% of women have high levels of internal fat. Excess internal fat can lead to coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and many cancers � including breast and colon cancer.

Stored for a Reason

A woman who crash diets is more at risk, because she can end up with more internal fat than someone whose weight doesn�t fluctuate. Only a small amount of fat is lost from internal stores when you diet. But when you put the fat back on, it�s deposited in the abdominal area first. Starving your body can also eat into muscle, and, once you put the fat back on, the body doesn�t replace that muscle but stores surplus kilojoules as fat � unless you exercise.

For women there are two particularly dangerous times for loading on the internal fat; when they yo-yo diet in their teens, 20�s and early 30�s, and post-menopause, when oestrogen levels drop and fat is deposited internally and abdominally. The biggest risk factor seems to be lack of exercise � an apple shaped body is more dangerous than a pear shaped one.

Other Causes

Other lifestyle factors play a part, particularly smoking and alcohol, which lay down fat in the abdominal region. That may be why, as many women have drunk more over the past 50 years, our average waist size has increased by 15cm, compared with an increase of 4cm around the hips and bust. The kind of fat we eat is important, too; two people of the same weight and height can have vastly different levels of visceral fat because one eats high fat processed foods, while the other eats healthier unsaturated fats. Long term stress also plays a part, triggering high levels of cortisol, a hormone that seems to promote fat storage in the abdominal region. All these factors show that almost anyone can be a TOFI. Even those with a healthy BMI can have large quantities of internal fat.

Good Fat

But fat is not all that bad. Fat produces chemicals, hormones and proteins, and affects every single aspect of the body and brain, two thirds which is made up of fat. This includes fertility, mood changes, our ability to think clearly and our immune response, which is why being too thin might actually make you less sharp, as well as unhappy and unhealthy.

Visceral fat is different from the dimpled, subcutaneous fat that lies beneath the skin, called cellulite. All fat is metabolically active, full of blood vessels and secreting hormones and proteins, which form part of the body�s metabolism. But visceral fat is more active than external fat and more dangerous to your health, because of its position in the body. Internal fat seems to affect glucose levels � and that has major health implications, triggering type 2 diabetes and other chronic health problems.

The Big Shift

Thin or overweight, once you�ve got internal fat, is it possible to lose or shift it to a less dangerous site? Yes, with regular exercise. Thirty minutes of daily aerobic exercise is a good start, then build up gradually. The more active you can be each day, the better.

Experts say that combining a healthy diet with increased exercise is the best way to lose or keep off internal fat.

Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at

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Does Midlife Have You Wondering What To Do With The Rest Of Your Life?

Does Midlife Have You Wondering What To Do With The Rest Of Your Life?Does Midlife Have You Wondering What To Do With The Rest Of Your Life? by by Jennifer T. Grainger

Although midlife is generally defined as the years between 40 and 60, just as with any other maturing stage of life, there are those who start sooner and those who start later.

Your birthday age is not what determines your entry into midlife. It is the feeling that something is missing in your life; feeling dissatisfied with your life, but finding it difficult to know what you'd rather have instead. There becomes a strong inner desire to take charge of your own life-to become your own authority.

Did you Know 50% of Women 50 and Older are Single?

The current generation of women, sometimes referred to as Baby Bloomers, are the first group of women that encompass a big percentage who have the financial capacity to be on their own. They often find that their ability to direct their lives without feeling supervised or monitored by "the man of the house" to be very freeing.

Studies show that during a woman's midlife, changes take place in brain chemistry which cause her to view her life very differently. What was OK before is no longer OK . . . just because it isn't! Seeing things in a new way, and wanting to do things in a new way often meets with resistance from family and friends who demand from her reasons as to why she is feeling the way she is. Being unable to rationally defend her feelings sometimes leads to her feeling emotionally distressed.

Some Questions That Pop Up as You are Entering Second Adulthood.

- When is it my turn?
- When do I get to live my life?
- Is this all there is?
- What's the point?
- Why am I here?
- I don't know what I want, but I know what I have isn't it!

I should be happy with how my life is, but I'm NOT?"

I met an 80 year old women in a class I was teaching at the local community college. She had been married her whole adult life, caring for her husband and 8 children. Her husband was ill and she was feeling guilty because she had been wishing her child would move out, and that her husband would die so she could finally have her own life. (It is never necessary for someone to die in order for you to live the life you are meant to live. There is always a way to liberate yourself.)

She raised her hand to ask a question. "Is it really OK for me to think about what I want for myself?" With that question, at age 80, her "midlife" transition had begun.

It's Normal

The good news: whether you are 30 or 80, if you are having these type of thoughts, you are experiencing the kinds of thoughts and feelings that are a normal part of entering the stage of growth that Gail Sheehy, author of New Passages, calls your Second Adulthood.

The bad news: because this generation of women is the first to tackle this transition head on (rather than fade into the background as many of our mothers and grandmothers did) there are not many role models to rely on as you face what feel like sink holes, sheer cliffs, dense fog and intense feelings of confusion that often lead to feeling STUCK!

Help is Available

Because of the huge population of baby boomers entering midlife, there are books, workshops, life coaches, women's groups, etc., focused solely on the midlife woman's transition.

I have recommended the books listed below to my clients:

Navigating Midlife: Women Becoming Themselves, Robyn Vickers-Willis

Inventing the Rest of Our Lives: Women in Second Adulthood, Suzanne Braun Levine

Not Your Mother's Midlife: A Ten-Step Guide to Fearless Aging, Nancy Alspaugh and Marilyn Kentz

Bring it On! Women Embracing Midlife, Christine Carter Schaap

Dance of the Dissident Daughter, Sue Monk Kidd

Awakening at Midlife, Kathleen A. Brehony

If Not Now, When? Reclaiming Ourselves at Midlife, Stephanie Marston

Facing the Challenge of Transition

Although the midlife transition is normal, it is still a challenging chapter in a woman's life. If you have a few close women friends to talk to, and you begin discussing the distressing thoughts and feelings that you are experiencing you will find you are not alone (that is, if your friends are honest!).

A women who faces the midlife transition with an attitude of daring adventure, a confident attitude, and a belief that the best is yet to come may find the journey daunting, yet worth it when she experiences the deep satisfaction of coming into her own Authentic Self.

Jennifer T. Grainger is a self-discovery coach specializing in women's midlife transition. She works with individuals as well as with groups in her 6-month Midlife Women Finding What's Next TeleProgram. Self-discovery is a daunting journey that definitely deserves support. Learn more about Jennifer and her services:=>

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Maintain Your Exercise Routine with Nine Training Tips

Maintain Your Exercise Routine with Nine Training TipsMaintain Your Exercise Routine with Nine Training Tips by by Trina Rowe

A well thought out exercise program and proper nutrition equals being physically sound and healthy. Sounds simple enough, right? But how do I start? And what type of exercise program is really best for me, based on my age, body shape and size, abilities and time constraints? And how do I know if I'm making progress?

While that can be a lot to digest at once, the path to good fitness and health doesn't have to be complicated and difficult to travel. With the proper guidance, exercise plan and the right equipment, anyone can find their own way to fitness and health.

First, there's one key point we'd like to make - the difference between "physical activity" and "exercise." Physical activity is simply any movement that uses energy. Walking up stairs, lifting boxes, folding laundry are all movements that use energy and involve different parts of the body.

Exercise is defined as "physical activity that is structured and done at a specific intensity for a length of time." We engage in exercise for fitness and health benefits, to improve some components of our physical well-being - cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength or endurance, flexibility, body composition, etc.

A proper exercise program combines aerobic activity and strength training with stretching. The American College of Sports Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control recommend 30-40 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise for 30-40 minutes most days, combined with 2 days of resistance/strength training per week.

A fitness program that includes regular exercise and increased physical activity, can add years to your life and life to your years. But proper exercise is most important to fitness and health and a well-balanced body. Many people are looking specifically at changing their eating habits to lose weight and get in shape, but that's only half the battle. In order to get the maximum benefits from a healthier diet, an exercise program needs to be developed and followed as well.

Some of the benefits of both Aerobic and Strength exercise include:

Aerobic Exercise
- Increases the level of oxygen to the lungs and bloodstream.
- Improved fitness and health with decreased blood pressure.
- Increases immunity to disease, by circulating and draining the fluids in the lymphatic system.
- Lessens our body's fat stores because they are being used to fuel our activity level.
- Strengthens and builds up the heart muscle and our bones.
- Improves the endurance level of the cardiovascular system.
- Helps to detoxify the skin due to the promotion of sweating.
- Conditions the lungs so they're better able to handle everyday activity.
- Improves the flexibility and strength of muscles throughout the body.
- Decreases the risk for developing heart disease.
- May help with the alleviation of stress and improve our overall mood.

Strength Training
- Increases our body's bone density and strength.
- Helps to develop tendon and ligament strength.
- Helps to intensify our body's fat weight loss process.
- Increases the body's metabolism and overall fitness and health.
- Boosts our body's stamina, energy and endurance.
- Helps increase the body's coordination and balance.
- Gives our body greater muscle strength, tone and firmness.

As you can see, an exercise program is good for your overall fitness and health in so many ways. And if you're trying to lose weight, exercise raises your metabolism, which allows your body to burn fat instead of storing it. If the activity level is maintained, this will help you keep your weight under control. Getting in at least some form of exercise every day is an important part of everyone's path to fitness and health, and your well-being.

Need help working out an effective exercise plan? Visit us at the Bauerfeind Performance Center in Santa Monica, CA. The new Bauerfeind Performance Center is helping athletes raise their potential throughout the Los Angeles area. Discover more Training Tips at

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Reasons Why People Are Overweight

Reasons Why People Are OverweightReasons Why People Are Overweight by by Jill Smi

Why are we overweight? This question has been asked many times and we all have different answers. The most common is because we eat too much, especially junk food, and exercise less. It is easy to say, I will lose weight and keep it off. Reality is that when we eat more calories than we can use for energy, our bodies store fat. The issue is whether we are seriously committed to change our lifestyle, adopt healthier habits and exercise more. After we gain weight, we find difficulty losing it. There is hope. Increasing our fat burning metabolism will help us lose weight.

Most people have tried many diets, such as quick weight loss diets with the hope of loosing that unwanted fat, yet failed to keep the weight off. Why? Because quick diets are not the answer. Think for a moment, we did not gain all that weight in one week, but gradually, right? Therefore, we can lose that unwanted fat gradually and keep the weight off. This is why it is so hard to lose fat and to stay slim with those quick weight loss diets. Some of these diets are so extreme that leave you feeling hungry, weak, and the end is that instead of promoting a healthy eating habit to lose weight, you end up cheating and eating until you satisfy those cravings. Back to our original question, why are we overweight? People are overweight for different reasons: eating too much, lack of exercise, slow fat burning metabolism, retaining water, eating too late, eating unconsciously while watching TV, eating the wrong foods. We tend to eat for emotional reasons too, as we relate food as calming our nerves. Sound familiar? Sure, we feel fine while eating, but is this the answer to calm our nerves? No. Definitely not. Anxiety can drive us to eat more and see food as an ideal comfort.

How to resolve the overweight issue?

First, we recommend you take a conscious decision of examining your eating habits and consult a physician to check your health before starting any nutritional program and exercise plan.

Second, keep a daily record of what you eat, drink at least 8 glasses of water, have green tea to increase your metabolism, consume lots of vegetables and fresh fruit, avoid junk food and heavy sugary products.

Third, learn to say no when friends or family members offer you second or third servings.

Fourth, keep a firm decision and a positive attitude to lose that unwanted weight, visualize the new you.

Fifth, contact friends who will encourage you to lose weight and motivate you when feeling down. There is always someone ready to keep you motivated.

Whenever you feel eating for anxiety, think twice. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, "am I really hungry or is just an emotional excuse?" Instead of eating impulsively, try to drink water or have a cup of green tea, go out for a walk, or contact one of your friends for motivation.

Remember you are not alone; there are many people trying to lose weight and helping each other is the most valuable tool. Others have lost weight and kept the weight off. I did it, so can you! Believe in yourself, you are special.

Learn about arthritis cures and temporal arthritis at the Health And Nutrition site.

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How To Keep Comfort Eating Under Control

How To Keep Comfort Eating Under ControlHow To Keep Comfort Eating Under Control by by Sandra Prior

We've been fed a lot of research in recent years showing that we eat for all sorts of bad reasons - from boredom, depression and loneliness to anything we consider a celebration. The only good reason to eat, is feeling hungry. However, nutrition experts are acknowledging that emotional eating isn't all that bad. To crave comforting foods when we have negative feelings can help us cope.

It is the norm in our society to mark special occasions with food. Few of us have ever had a slice of cake at a colleague's birthday party because we needed the nourishment. You can give yourself permission to eat just because you're sad or happy, or because it feels good, but you need to do it with restraint.

You don't have to deny yourself comfort food, as long as you don't overindulge. It's easier to exercise this kind of moderation if you are aware of what you're doing and why.

Don't Crumble

If you use food to cheer yourself up, be aware that's what you're doing. Treating yourself to a few chocolate cookies with your coffee after a tough meeting is fine if you realize that it is in fact a treat - and so you can stop before you've eaten so many you feel utterly miserable again.

Unless it's controlled, eating as a way of rewarding yourself quickly becomes a way of punishment yourself - adding self disgust, weight issues and a bloated stomach to the worries you were trying to alleviate. Identifying the underlying emotion can also help by giving you ideas for alternative coping tactics. Do you reach for those chocolate biscuits when you're bored? Lonely? Anxious? Keep a record of the times you eat for comfort and your feelings at the time. Once you uncover your eating patterns, you can control them by finding constructive ways to deal with your problems, such as talking about them. Visit dietitians or psychologists if you need help with the process.

What's Really on your Plate?

Psychologists say emotional eaters often chide themselves for lacking willpower when what they really lack is self awareness. Getting to know what your emotional eating triggers are will help you see that it's more than the sight of a delicious cream cake that weakens your healthy eating resolve. Maybe it's really depression - and dealing with that will increase your chances of sticking to a good diet.

There's a physical reaction, too, that gives those cream cakes a hold over you. When someone is feeling bad for whatever reason, the body reacts by trying to produce more serotonin - the brain's natural feel good hormone. Because carbohydrates increase the level of serotonin, your body craves them as a short cut to restoring your emotional equilibrium.

Hidden Ingredients

Emotional eating habits can usually be traced back to childhood. Parents often use food or sweets as rewards, which conditions people into thinking of them as nurturing, comforting and pleasurable. Children are often given treats to help them get through something unpleasant. Knowing what you're really looking for may stop you expecting it from food.

Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at

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