Sleep Disorders

Type 2 Diabetes - 3 Tips to Help You Manage Your Blood Sugar Without Drugs

Type 2 Diabetes - 3 Tips to Help You Manage Your Blood Sugar Without Drugs
By Beverleigh H Piepers

According to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) National Diabetes Statistics Report 2017, over 100 million people in America have Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. The report also states at least two in every five adult Americans will have Type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. With such startling statistics, it comes as no surprise a vast number of people are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes every year. The most shocking news for many people, however, is they may have to be on medications for the rest of their life.

However, today we have good news. You can manage your blood sugar levels with simple lifestyle changes and no drugs; yes no drugs! Here are three tips to help you out...

1. Manage your weight. When you have Type 2 diabetes, being overweight can increase the symptoms, and you are more likely to suffer from high blood sugar levels. It may seem like managing or losing weight is difficult, but it doesn't have to be. You can start small by doing easy things and move on to more complex methods.

Managing your food portions is the best place to start. You can do this by eating snacks between meals and reducing the amount of food you eat in one sitting. You may also look into eating more organic and low-carb foods as opposed to foods with processed sugars and fats.

It would also help if you considered incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

2. Stay physically active. If your weight is okay, you don't need to work out aggressively, but you can take up a physical activity you enjoy. You can start by walking a few blocks every day.

Being physically active not only helps you to keep your weight in check but is also beneficial in keeping your blood pressure, blood sugar and stress levels low. When these levels are at a healthy level, your body is also able to effectively produce and absorb insulin which kicks out the need to use drugs.

3. Embrace proper bedtime practices. People with Type 2 diabetes are more likely to have sleep apnea than those without the disease. Improper sleep is dangerous because it may cause blood sugar spikes. One of the best ways to ensure you sleep soundly is to have good bedtime routines.

Some of the steps you may start to do include...

  • staying away from your electric devices in the 30 minutes before bed,
  • avoiding aggressive physical activities before bed, and
  • embracing deep breathing before bed.

Final thoughts. Receiving news you have Type 2 diabetes can be a significant blow. Being on meds for the rest of your life can be devastating but by starting small with the tips above, you can still live a healthy life free of diabetes medications.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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10 Reasons To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle Now

10 Reasons To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle Now by Arthur W. Weiss

If this article caught your attention, it probably means you are ready to admit to yourself that that extra weight you've been carrying around is starting to bother you. That's great! If you feel that way, this is the perfect time to finally go ahead and do something about it. Before you start getting all depressed about going on impossible diets and painful exercise routines, let me tell you: it's not as hard as you may think. The only real obligation you'll have is to commit to a new start, a new lifestyle with healthier habits.

Don't believe anyone that tries to convince you that you can lose weight and gain muscle with any kind fast methods or miracle pills. That's a complete lie and even a danger to your physical integrity. This is a gradual process of reeducating yourself and your body, by eating right and increasing activity. The basic formula for losing weight is actually pretty simple: Eat less, burn more fat.

This doesn't mean you have to starve yourself. If your body goes into starvation mode, it will preserve the fat -its emergency storage, and eat away the muscle. You'll need a solid nutrition and exercise plan and a strong focus on your goals. You can rely on your personal physician to help you with this or can you can also investigate on your own. The important thing is that you make the decision to go forward and to stick with it. If you have a moment of weakness, don't worry too much about it, just go back on track.

Here are 10 reasons why you should consider changing your life for the better, losing weight and gaining a thinner, more muscular body:

Health - losing body fat will decrease the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint problems, diabetes and many more problems. Your body is your vessel in this world and if you keep in good working condition, you'll have less limitations and more life to enjoy;

Energy - Lighter meals and exercise will give you so much more energy and agility that you won't even recognize yourself on your daily routine. Everything will get done more easily with time to spare;

Good mood - besides improving your physical fitness, exercising decreases the stress hormones and increases the release of endorphins in the brain - the natural anti-depressants produced by the body ;

Organized life - planning meals and times to work out, will also permit you to get your life more organized. If it helps, you can also keep a diary of your activities so that you can analyze your progress every week ;
Focus - Maintaining focus on your goals and new habits is essential to succeed - in this plan and in other areas of your life;

Personal appearance - You won't dread looking in the mirror anymore. You know you'll begin to see the results of your hard work in no time;

The opposite sex - Yes, your personality will always be more important than your looks, but you'll definitely get more attention from the ladies with your new and improved self;

Self Esteem - Once you realize that, in spite all your doubts, you are achieving results, you will improve the way you see yourself;

Pride - You'll be proud of your achievements and your self confidence will rise ;

Admiration and respect - People will acknowledge your efforts and respect you more. Some of them will even ask you for advice on how to do the same.

Are you inspired yet? Go ahead, put it on paper and sign it. Hang it on the wall and read it as many times has you need. Visualize the new you. Imagine yourself doing things you can't do right now, because you're overweight. Go for it and don't look back.

I was once a seriously skinny guy until I learned a no nonsense muscle building method which changed my life.

Read more about how to build muscle.

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Live Healthier and Longer

Live Healthier and LongerLive Healthier and Longer by by Sandra Prior

Old habits die hard. If you�re accustomed to heaping a spoon of sugar into your coffee six times a day, and can�t wait to leave the office at lunch time for a toasted sarmie, then you�re not going to like this home grown advice that you probably heard from your mom a million times over; eating more fruit and vegetables is good for you.

There are very Tangible Benefits for Swapping Fast Foods for Fresh

Everybody is so different that you can�t make blanket claims that eating more fruit and vegetables will definitely result in better skin, glossier hair or fewer infections. But we are confident that a healthy diet will affect how bloated you are, and if you�re eating foods with a low GI index, you will have more energy. Cutting out caffeine and alcohol, especially if you are caffeine sensitive, is also bound to result in better sleep.

But if that�s not enough for you to give up your daily diet of comfort food, the following information might be more convincing.

Fruit and vegetables are the only foods which collectively have been consistently associated with risk reduction in several diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and age related macular degeneration. In addition, some new data is emerging to support a protective role for fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cataract formation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The reason why fruit and vegetables pack such a powerful healing punch has to do with the phytochemicals they contain. Phytochemicals are active compounds in food that prevent disease. Indoles, found in cabbage and Brussels sprouts, have anti cancer properties. Chlorophyll, in green plants, helps to oxygenate the blood and improve energy. Allicin, in garlic and spring onions, boosts the immune system. These are just three of hundreds of the commonly occurring phytochemicals in nature�s pharmacy.

Although many of these are not classified as essential nutrients, they do impact on the chemistry of the body and on our health as significantly as vitamins and minerals. The superheroes in the fight against disease include; aloe vera, berries, blue-green algae (spirulin), carrots, sweet potatoes, watercress, peas, cruciferous vegetables, essential oils such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, fish, garlic, shiitake and reishi mushrooms, quinoa, seeds and nuts, soya products, watermelon, wheat and barley grass.

The exact mechanism that explains the protective role of fruit and vegetables in cancer is yet to be determined, but is likely to be multi factorial. The results of many studies continue to suggest a more complex role for specific micronutrients and non nutritive substances, an area which is being actively and intensely investigated. It�s important to remember that fruit and vegetable consumption may also be an index that reflects differences between individuals who do or do not eat healthily, rather than having an exclusively protective role against cancer.

Not sure what that means? Well, chances are if you�re eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, you�re also probably the kind of person who doesn�t smoke, drink in excess and exercises regularly. So it could mean that your whole lifestyle offers protection against disease, rather than the fruit and vegetables being solely responsible for your good health.

But until we have evidence to the contrary, it seems we should stick to mom�s advice and eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at

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Cancer and Obesity: Do I Have Cancer?

Cancer and Obesity: Do I Have Cancer?
By Dr. Naresh Parajuli

Cancer and Obesity

Does obesity increase the risk of cancer?


Obesity is measured in terms of body mass index (BMI).

BMI determines whether weight is in healthy range or is overweight or obese.

BMI = weight/height squared; For example, for a person weighing 80 kg and 170 m tall, BMI = 27.6

One is underweight if the BMI is less than 18.5

A person is said to have a healthy BMI if it is between 18.5 and 24.9

When BMI is between 25 to 29.9, it is defined as overweight

When the BMI is 30 or higher, the person is said to be obese.

How does obesity increase the risk of cancers?

Obesity increases the risk of cancer in a few ways:

  • Fat tissue in the body produces excess amounts of oestrogen. High levels of oestrogen increases the risk of breast, endometrial, bowel and some other cancers.
  • Obese people have high levels of insulin and insulin-like substances in their blood. These substances may promote the development of certain tumors.
  • Fat cells produce hormones called adipokines that may stimulate growth of certain cancers.
  • Obese people are said to have chronic low-level inflammation which is associated with increased risk of cancer.

What are the cancers associated with obesity?

Obesity is associated with increased risk of cancer of:

  • Esophagus
  • Thyroid
  • Colon and rectum
  • Kidney
  • Pancreas
  • Gallbladder
  • Breast (after menopause)
  • Uterus

What other diseases are associated with obesity?

Besides cancer, obesity is a major risk factor for many diseases including:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Depression
  • Asthma
  • Gallbladder problems

How common is obesity?

Obesity has become an epidemic globally. According to World Health Organization (WHO):

  • Obesity has more than doubled since 1980 worldwide.
  • In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 600 million were obese.
  • 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2014, and 13% were obese.

In the USA, about two-thirds of adults and nearly one-third of children are either overweight or obese.

Australia is today ranked as one of the fattest nations in the developed world. If weight gain continues at current levels, by 2025, close to 80% of all Australian adults and a third of all children will be overweight or obese (MODI).

If the obesity epidemic continues at the present state, despite the new advances in diagnosis and treatment of cancers, the number of cancer cases will increase significantly taking also into account the increasing life expectancy of people all over the world.

According to WHO, one-third of all cancer cases are preventable. The best way to prevent cancer is by adopting healthy lifestyle like eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy body weight, quitting smoking, and reducing/quitting alcohol.

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How Exercise Helps in Better Sleep

How Exercise Helps in Better Sleep

Submitted by: Kya Grace

If you are leading a sedentary lifestyle and wondering why you are not getting enough sleep at night, the reason is pretty simple. Your body is not tired enough to go into sleep mode. Only when your body is subjected to hours of work and effort, it will need rest. Often it is desirable to overcome the need for sleep. To do that, you surely know how the stimulating effect of caffeine in your coffee promotes alertness and keeps you awake. However, there is no such direct solution if your problem is reversed to the point of not having enough sleep despite the need for it. Sleeping pills induce artificial sleep in you and only help in the short term with no proper remedy. The consumption of sleeping pills from day to day can build a vicious cycle of fatigue.

The most common cause of sleep disturbance is too little activity during the day. But in some cases even after the daily physical or mental exertion, you could be agonizingly awake. In extreme cases, it is a kind of insomnia. One side of you tries to sleep; the other keeps you from doing so. Often people affected do not sleep all night and are then particularly uncomfortable the next day. The day could seem very boring and burdensome if you don’t have enough sleep the previous night.

People affected by sleeping disorders are known to have a much higher risk of becoming chronically manic or depressive. Therefore, before it reaches a point when you have no other option but to seek medical help, workouts and exercises can be an easy and homely solution for your sleeping needs. Today exercises mostly follow a holistic approach to body, mind and soul to get in line. Such exercises and workouts combined with phases of deep relaxation, breathing exercises and meditation exercises help you achieve engaging slumber at night.

Exercises let you work on your fitness issues as well as your stress problems. Working out has had soothing and balancing effects on many people, and thus their sleeping disorders have been countered. Only a mind in the right frame and a body in the right shape can enjoy blissful sleep. By exercising, the muscular endurance, flexibility and balance of your body are enhanced.

Bodily application comes through the activation of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and blood and lymph vessels to improve blood circulation. The back muscles are strengthened, resulting in improved posture during sleep. However, overloading or incorrectly performed exercises can also be harmful. So only work out as much as you can and as much you need.

Sleep, as we all know, is the best form of repose and relaxation for the human body. The so-called internal biological clock of your body calibrates itself to the day/night cycle and regulates your sleeping needs. So help yourself by following a simple daily 15-20 minute workout regime. The positive effects will be manifested when you rise and shine every morning after a splendid night’s sleep.

About the Author: If you would like to attend a free session at Boot Camp in Bronte, or to go to Bootcamps, visit Sydney Boot Camps.

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Medical Scientists Are Investigating New Treatments For Insomnia



Did you know that one in three people will suffer from insomnia in their lifetime? Lack of sleep is no joke, quality of life and long term health. Sadly, the chances of suffering from insomnia increase with age. In fact, 40% to 60% of people over the age of 60 years old are insomniacs.

People with insomnia tend to experience daytime tiredness, fatigue or sleepiness. This places insomniacs at risk of accidental falls resulting from fatigue.

As a CureClick Ambassador, I wanted to tell you about an exciting new study that seeks to reduce insomnia symptoms in elderly people.

If you or a family member qualify for this clinical trial you may receive:

  • payment up to $1250, depending on the study
  • no cost, study related care from a local doctor
  • no cost study medication

To learn more about this study, please visit the sponsor's website.

CureClick insomnia image



Age Range

at least 55 years of age

For those of you whom are not familiar with clinical trials, here's some information that you can use:


What Are Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials are research studies to determine whether investigational drugs or treatments are safe and effective for humans.

All investigational devices and medicines must undergo several clinical trials, often times these clinical trials require thousands of people.

Why participate in a clinical trial?

People whom are eligible will have access to new investigational treatments that would be available to the general public only upon approval.

People whom are eligible for clinical trials will also receive study-related medical care and attention from clinical staff at research facilities.

Clinical trials offer hope for many people and gives researchers a chance to find better treatment for others in the future.


Disclaimer: I am not participating in this clinical trial. I am providing this information to my readers as a CureClick Ambasssador. Click on the links below to learn about my relationship with Cureclickand why I'm talking about clinical trials.


God made everything.

Early to Bed Adds Up to Good Health


Michelle Stewart

Now when I started this article the other day it was late---too late to chat about sleep deprivation. I just couldn't give advice when I was absolutely doing the opposite. I went to bed. In what seemed like a few minutes I was awakened. It was not the alarm but a phone call at 4 a.m. from a family member locked out of their house!! How ironic is that? I go to bed to get some sleep and end up awake and on the road to take a set of house keys to someone. It was probably sleep deprivation that caused her to forget the keys.

How much sleep do we need?

The amount of sleep varies, but the National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours for most adults. Now zzzs like anything else can vary based on individuals; some people can manage on six hours while others may need ten hours. Sleep needs are also affected by basal sleep, the amount of sleep your body regularly needs for optimum performance and sleep debt which is the accumulated amount of sleep lost due to poor sleep habits, illness or other factors affecting the quality of sleep.

Now you know I'm all about living the well-being lifestyle and cutting back on sleep is not a good thing. Sleeping hours are needed for the body to rest and rejuvenate. Affects of sleep deprivation can include: obesity, heart disease, diabetes, headaches, lack of attention, delayed motor skills.

Obesity: Research indicates that people who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk of becoming obese. The hormones that influence appetite are thrown out of balance; leptin controls hunger and it decreases, which makes you feel hungrier. Ghrelin the hormone produced by fat cells tells the body you need more fat calories, which creates cravings for foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates. This hormonal imbalance sets the stage for late-night binges on snacks that add up to a heavier weight.

People with poor sleep habits are tired and they often magnify the problem when they avoid or eliminate physical exercise. Regular exercise helps reduce stress, burns off calories and increases energy.

Heart Disease

Lack of sleep can increase stress hormones, which long-term are not good for the heart. Elevated stress hormones can damage blood vessels, leading to elevated or high blood pressure and heart disease.


This too can be a health challenge affected by lack of sleep. Diabetes has long been linked to obesity and being overweight. The fact that people may weigh more than recommended for their body type can be a predictor of the development of Type 2 Diabetes.


This ailment falls into the discomfort that people identify as "feeling bad" when they are sleep deprived. There is also research indicating that lack of sleep can trigger headaches in predisposed individuals.

Cognition and Motor Skills

Less than the recommended amount of sleep affects cognitive processes--impaired attention, alertness, ability to concentrate, solve problems and use good judgment. Sleep deprivation can also impair motor skills and hand-eye coordination. In addition during the night, various sleep cycles play a role in "consolidating" memories in the mind. When you don't get enough sleep, it can affect your ability to remember what you learned and experienced during the day.

In our overscheduled days, we may consider a good night's sleep a luxury; that is a myth. Sleep is essential and in order to stay healthy we have to make it a priority.

Take Away: Sleep is essential for well-being. Turn off the television, mobile gadgets, personal computers and all those things that are too stimulating when it is time to turn out the lights.

Michelle J. Stewart is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator better known as the Nutrition Planner who has been leading the way to a healthier you for more than 25 years. Michelle is a Certified Wellness Coach whose motto is "EAT LESS MOVE MORE". She is a consultant for the food and beverage industry and offers expertise in corporate wellness, weight loss surgery, menu and product development. All opinions expressed are her own. Sign up for Michelle's Free Report 10 Weight Loss Tips for Life when you visit

Omega 3 fish oil EPA and chronic fatigue syndrome the real science

Omega 3 fish oil EPA and chronic fatigue syndrome the real science

Omega 3 fish oil EPA and chronic fatigue syndrome the real science

By: David McEvoy

Since the publication of a book called 'Beat Chronic Fatigue The Natural Way', many people are turning to the natural substance omega 3, and in particular pure ethyl EPA, to help treat the debilitating condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

We all get tired. Many of us have felt depressed at times. But the mysterious chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is not like the normal ups and downs we experience in everyday life. The early sign of this illness is a strong and noticeable fatigue that comes on suddenly and often comes and goes and sometimes, it never stops. You sometimes feel too tired to do normal activities or are easily exhausted with no apparent reason. Unlike the mind fog of a serious hangover, to which researchers have compared CFS, the profound weakness of CFS does not go away with a few good nights of sleep. Instead, it slyly steals your energy and vigour over months and sometimes years.

Who gets chronic fatigue syndrome?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) affects both men and women, and its incidence cuts across wide strata of age as well as racial and socio-economic groups. It was first described in the 1930s; CFS received a flurry of publicity in the mid-1980s when the syndrome was erroneously associated with the Epstein-Barr virus. In the early to mid-1990s it was being described as 'yuppie flu'.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

  • muscle aches and pains, especially after physical exertion
  • feeling depressed and emotional
  • poor sleep, difficulty getting off to sleep, frequent wakings, and not feeling refreshed after sleep
  • nausea and loss of appetite
  • a recurrent sore throat, feeling of enlarged glands in the neck which come and go
  • running a slightly high temperature for no apparent reason
  • feeling of faintness and dizziness

Omega 3 fish oil EPA and chronic Fatigue syndrome

The most recent study that has been performed was published in the journal Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. In the study, doctors from London found that in the brains of people with chronic fatigue syndrome there are high levels of two key chemicals, choline and creatine.

Choline is important for controlling fat levels in brain cells while creatine provides energy.

The doctors said the findings suggested CFS patients had abnormal phospholipid metabolisms. Phospholipids are special types of fats which are an essential component of cells. They are protected by certain types of fatty acids.

The London doctors believed fatty acid supplements could help to restore the chemical imbalance in the brain and alleviate the symptoms of CFS. EPA, which is found in omega 3 fish oil supplements, may be particularly useful.

The leader of the study said: "This study suggests that if patients with CFS take a high-EPA fatty acid supplement, then this should have a beneficial action on the chemical imbalances in the brain which we have identified."

Since this study was published further advances have been made, and the findings released by a leading professor in the United Kingdom state clearly that he considers Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to be a genuine physical illness. The professor describes how he came to conclude that CFS could be successfully treated by supplementation with essential fatty acids, specifically ultra-pure EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and virgin evening primrose oil.

The professor describes the changes in the immune system seen with CFS, as a reduction in natural killer cell activity and a shift from TH1 cell activity toward increased TH2 cell activity, known as a type 2 immune response. He believes that this is best explained by the presence of a pre-existing, long-term, viral infection to which the immune system is reacting.
Using MRI scanning to carry out neurospectroscopy examinations of people with CFS, in order to obtain information about the chemistry of the living brain, the professor demonstrated a clear difference between the brains of people with CFS and 'normal' volunteers; the results indicated a very significant change in the turnover of fatty acids in the cell membranes of CFS sufferers.

Essential fatty acids - linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha linolenic acid (omega-3) - are known as such because they must be acquired from food and cannot be manufactured by the body. The professor explains how viruses can cause the symptoms of CFS by inhibiting a crucial enzyme in the chains that convert these essential fatty acids into other fatty acids required by the body, including GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), EPA and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). This leads to a deficiency in these fatty acids. He believes the resulting lack of EFAs in the body leads to many of the symptoms familiar to CFS sufferers, including tiredness, poor immune response and painful joints.

The professor concluded by saying that by giving patients large amounts of GLA and EPA the effects of the virus can be circumvented and how CFS patients taking high-dose supplements reported improvements in symptoms within 12 weeks. Crucially, the supplement should be DHA-free, which means that the majority of fish oil supplements, which contain both EPA and DHA, are not suitable. The Professor also strongly believes that the type of DHA found in most fish oil supplements inhibits some of the beneficial actions of EPA.


Since both these sets of findings were released, more and more people are turning to high grade ethyl EPA fish oil to help with this debilitating condition. Whether this will lead to a mainstream treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome, and whether it will work for all sufferers, remains to be seen. However, a large majority of people who are trying this as a form of treatment are reporting some very interesting and very good results.


Author Bio

Dave McEvoy: A great resource for high grade ethyl EPA with a concentration strength of 90% and no DHA visit

Article Source: - Free Website Content

A Helpful Tool For People Searching For Clinical Research Trials



Sometimes the search for a good doctor can be quite nerve wracking even under the best of circumstances, but the emotional burden becomes even greater when searching for doctors who are participating in clinical trials.

Trial Reach and CureClick know this; so they developed a tool which makes the search for clinical research trials a bit easier.

Last July CureClick and Trial Reach asked if I would like to help out with this task; since I'm a CureClick Ambassador I was happy to help.

At this very moment you can use the Trial Reach Clinical Trials Search Tool that I embedded in the sidebar of Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM).

The clinical trials search tool is absolutely amazing! The tool is designed so that users can search for any clinical trial for any condition. Then the tool provides relevant results based on the user answering a few questions. Now you can search for clinical trials that best fit your needs.

Although I receive a small one time payment for installing the Trial Reach Clinical Trials Search Tool on Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM), the potential benefit to all of you is what inspired me to install it on this website. So, please take the time to use it. And tell all of your family and friends about it, too!

To learn more about my relationship with CureClick and why I'm talking about clinical trials, please click on this link.


God is the beginning and the end. God is God!


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"A Helpful Tool For People Searching For Clinical Research Trials" copyright © 2016 Living Fit, Healthy and Happy(SM). All Rights Reserved.



Insomnia solution

Insomnia solution

Insomnia solution

An insomnia cure. Hmm... Before we go for a cure it may be a good idea to try and know our enemy. What are our signs and symptons. What type of Insomnia do we have. Perhaps a working definition would be helpful.

The experts seem to agree that something along these lines would suit.

"Insomnia" is any episode of unrefreshing sleep, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, or waking up too early in the morning and not being able to drop back off. Women and the elderly seem to be the most frequent sufferers. We can divide these episodes into three collective groups and label them Short-term Transient or Chronic.

A quick explanation of these three would be as follows;

Transient, a simple disturbance in sleeping patterns. A short illness, a sudden change in lifestyle, stress, isomething that leads to a short term change

Short-term insomnia is is less fun. It lastsfor about 2-3 weeks. Causes could be something like a new job, divorce, serious illness, financial problems, or a family berevement.

Chronic as the name suggests is the real thing. Chronic insomnia is the rarest and most serious type, with Insomnia lasting longer than a few weeks. I've just been reading a learned article that says Chronic Insomnia is fairly rare. That may be so but if 10 percent of the US population suffers from it thats over 20 Million people leading a life of misery.

While it would be nice to blame insomnia on things outside our control , many cases of insomnia are self inflicted by such things as caffeine, smoking, poor eating habits, alcohol and lack of exercise.

Caffeine is one the most widely blamed causes of insomnia. An ingredient in coffee, tea, colas, chocolate, and some medications, caffeine is a stimulant . We insomniacs DO NOT NEED stimulants. Quite the reverse. Insomnia solution number one - Cut out the caffine.

Alcohol is often reccomended as a nightcap. Forget it. Thats only beacuse your Doctor drinks it. Alcohol actually lightens and fragments sleep, causing you to wake up as your body metabolizes it. You may think you're in a deep sleep, but your not getting the deep sleep that Insomniacs need for a cure. Insomnia solution number two - No Alcohol with a couple or four hours of bedtime.

Eating. Yes, I know I can't ban you from eating but I can jump on the slimmers bandwaggon. Eat a light last meal a couple of hours before going to bed. Avoid spicy and fatty foods that cause indigestion. Lets hear it for MILK. Milk has an amino acid that the body converts to a sleep-enhancing compound in the brain. Calcium is a natural relaxing agent along with several other vitamins such as the B vitamins and magnesium. Have a look at the bottom of the page for details on how to find others. If you get hungry at night, have a light snack before bedtime. Some foods are helpful and actually promote production of melatonin, a hormone associated sleep. Try cheese, soy nuts, chicken, pumpkinseeds, and turkey. High-carbohydrate foods such as bread act upon another hormone, serotonin, which helps to reduce anxiety and contribute toan insomnia solution. Insomnia solution no three. Be careful what you eat.

Nicotine products are universally bad for you. For the Insomniac nicotine has to go. It's a stimulant that increases blood pressure, speeds up the heart rate, and stimulates brain activity. Insomniacs do not need increased blood pressure, a fast heart rate and a stimulant. Insomnia solution number four. No more ciggies!

Regular exercise is good in fact its excellent, (here comes the but) but, not just before bed. If you work out too close to bedtime, the increase in your heart rate and metabolism will make your body too excitable to sleep. Exercise earlier in the day and give the body a chance to produce that warm rosy glow and relax as the body reacts by producing melatonin to take your temperature down to normal. Exercise for an insomnia solution!

Make your bed as comfortable as possible. Experiment with what works best for you. Choose a position conducive to sleep. If your partner is the source of your insomnia consider a change of rooms for a while. Get rid of the alarm clock . It only acts as a stressful reminder that you aren't sleeping.

Control the amount of light in your bedroom. Excessive brightness not only affects your eyes, but it also influences the hormone production that helps to establish a healthy sleep cycle. Wear a sleep mask if necessary. Dark is usually good for an insomnia solution.

When it comes to noise, many people find repetitive sounds easier to sleep through than intermittent and abrupt ones. Ear plugs or a continuous background sound such as a fan can help mask disturbing noise (the next- door neighbors barking dog in my case). Consider is a white noise machine.

Control the thermostat. Temperature extremes, whether too hot or too cold, are no fun for the light sleeper. Cool is usually good for an insomnia solution.

Hope some of these help. Drop us a line and let us know,

Sleep well.


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Author Bio
Philip Jubb
THE Insomnia Solution

Article Source: - Free Website Content